
You Know What

This is bull shit !

Ok.. so... There is some bullshit that has gone on over myspace, you know the normal minor grade drama. Involving me and someone else, that's all.
You see though, someone decided to put my shit all out there like that. You see I thought my shit on here was private, you know between ME and THE PEOPLE ON MY PAGE, no one else? or at least I thought. You know that shit offends me badly, I mean for real ? you did that, like that ? that's a deep cut./

You know this just really makes me question the validity of my trust. Have I miss placed it ? Am I wrong to trust the people I regard so closely to me ? Has my faith in certain things and people been utterly misplaced? Tell Me Your Thoughts Please



Chef poisoned after eating 'fugu'


A young cook licensed to prepare the deadly fugu, or blowfish, fell seriously ill last week after eating potentially lethal liver he cooked himself, believing it was safe, Tokyo officials said Wednesday.

The cook, aged in his 30s, has been certified for five years and works at a restaurant in Tokyo's Shibuya Ward.

He lost consciousness for about two days after taking a bite of steamed liver he had prepared during a practice session on Oct. 11, metropolitan government officials said.

Liver, ovaries and other fugu organs contain the deadly chemical tetrodotoxin.

The cook regained consciousness and is recovering, the officials said, adding he was unlikely to be disciplined, as an ordinance on handling fugu does not cover cases in which cooks prepare the fish for themselves.

"If we could have our way, we would like to revoke his license for such stupidity," a metropolitan official said.(IHT/Asahi: October 17,2008)


Faith a Sermon From The Priest

Reason is the souls right hand, and Faith her right

~John Donne

Wise words from a wise author. Taking meaning in this is easy if you just simply take it at face value, but there is something deeper here. You see faith is taking the first step even if you cannot see the rest of the stair case!

I ask that all of you have that faith. Not in god, not in your nation, not in your government. No not in any of that... I ask that you have faith in your fellow man.

It is said that in all men is a glimmer of good, no matter how evil they may seem. I my self being a priest, I am taught and teach that all men are good, even if they do evil things. The only truly evil thing is the indifference of good men!

I have, as of late, had my own faith tested in a major may... Beyond my issues with my Exwife, I have been having doubts about humans. I almost allowed my self to become indifferent, and in doing so I nearly became evil. I try constantly to keep the faith and hold my head above the ever deepening ocean of life. At time I nearly find my self drowning, but I remain strong.

Now I ask that you all try to do the same!.. I believe we together can change the world one smile, one held door, one polite gesture at a time. It's contagious, if you are simply a good polite person people will notice and start to act the same.

This sermon is coming about because someone special to me is having an enormous amount of faith in me. She is believing that I will succeed in my ventures, and in my life in general. I got to thinking about this today and realized that no one has ever had faith in me before, and I will wager a bet that most of you have felt the same... that is that you have felt like no one is there to have faith in you... well I'm here to tell you that I have faith in you all !

All of you that read this please comment ! Express your faith in the human race to triumph over the indifference ~!


Quitting Time

I believe that I am unable to continue working towards what I have been working towards!

I have tried and tried

Now I no longer have the constitution to continue in a vigilant stride to the prize

The ends no longer justify the means

I really don't know what I'm trying to say exactly but something has gotta give

I am for once in my life like no other time beaten, bruised, and down to the pulp

For those of you who know my situation well you know what I mean

After it all the one person who should be making me feel better isn't

I try to explain my self to no avail

I work like a dog at a job, busting my ass and they didn't even pay me on time

I just have to be done
Well for all of you that will read this send me some support, I really need it ~ !


Musings maybe ? or rather those accept one that effect frustrations !

Life really isn't a box of chocolates, that is if you are paying attention you should be able to tell what you are going to get./ However sometimes even when you know its gonna a coconut cream, you end up with a cherry toffee./ ..

What is it that makes people just straight to the worst possable conclusion? I mean what ever happened to the benifit of the doubt? I myself am even guilty of no assuming good intentions all of the time, even when I don't know for sure./ This is a flaw in humanity, and it is one that is inherently there./ No matter who I dare say that we are all guilty of this act at one time or another./ But never the less, I still find myself completely blow away by this act when I fall victim to either assuming the worst, or having the worst assumed of me./ ..

In the end aren't we all really intitled to have the benifit of the doubt? And if not Why? Human nature is not to be evil, or bad in any true way, yet when good intentions are there, it is often over looked and assumed to be negative./ For me this poses a huge problem. I myself, am a priest, a man of the cloth, I am tought to believe in the good that resides with in all humans, yet I find myself deeply troubled with the lack of good, and ricousness that is actually there./ Those we care about often hurt us the most, and those we do not even know at all often help us the most./ Could it be that love, and good intentions do not go hand in hand as they should? Or is it that people might actually not be truely good by nature and are infact distructive creatures, that have no real abilities to care for another with out allowing there intentions to become jaded and turned into something far less then pu..re ?


10:15pm Nearly Night Night Time

Wow I woke up sick as fuck today.... I have a full blown sinus infection ! It sucks... the other guy in my department called off work today too So I was kinda SKREWED ~!!! but I managed to make it through It was rough though ! ! !

Lets see what else... oh yes, then there is everything else... Well I am in fact joined the army. That is I will be swearing in soon, like this week hopefully ! then soon after I will leave for boot camp and I'll be a soldier !

Other Stuff
life is GOOD ~ !!! Hello WOrLD !

Also I am for a change very content with my own existence, to spite the fact that my ex-wife is being horribly difficult I am content !

well I guess that is all
No Matter the Denomination, or lack there of You are all in my prayers
~The Priest ~


Comments Welcome

Wow I woke up sick as fuck today.... I have a full blown sinus infection ! It sucks... the other guy in my department called off work today too So I was kinda SKREWED ~!!! but I managed to make it through It was rough though ! ! !

Lets see what else... oh yes, then there is everything else... Well I am in fact joined the army. That is I will be swearing in soon, like this week hopefully ! then soon after I will leave for boot camp and I'll be a soldier !

Other Stuff
life is GOOD ~ !!! Hello WOrLD !

Also I am for a change very content with my own existence, to spite the fact that my ex-wife is being horribly difficult I am content !

well I guess that is all
No Matter the Denomination, or lack there of You are all in my prayers
~The Priest ~


A Wonderful Change

Well... Where do I begin?

I guess I'll start with the Ex Wife thing just so that over with and I can get to the happy stuff.
I have managed to make peace with that in my own head... that is I refuse to allow her to effect my life any further. Barring the fact that she is the mother of my son and all that , I really think I'm going to have very little to do with her in the future. I was very angry with her, but I realized that hate and anger were eating me alive. I didn't like who I was becoming because of it, and so I'm letting it all go./

Well now for the better news....

I was having some other problems with a person I love very very much, but that is all behind us 100%. I truly feel that I have managed to return to a happy state in my life, and I believe that my Baby has managed to do the same .

We really went through a rough patch there where I acted like an over baring, jealous, and even mean douche. We were both at fault for the issues that arose, BUT I exasperated the issue because I didn't let sleeping dogs lye. All that aside we had this intimate, deep talk the last couple of nights, and so it looks like we are going to be okay ! I'm so happy I have known this give for almost 10 years of my life, and I have been in love with her since the first time we kissed all those years ago.

Reconnecting with Alicia was the best thing I have ever done, and I am finally content with my life. I know there will be rough times and there will be good times, but after what has happened recently I believe our relationship can withstand any thing !

Well... Its time for a game where I shoot at my friends so I'll have to talk to all of you laters Peace, you are all, no matter the denomination or lack there of, in my prayers!

~With Blessings
~~The Priest ~


Life The Universe And Everything


Just when I think the whole world is crashing down around me, and everything is working against me a glimmer of light! I might FINALLY get my divorce finalized. that is if that women actually holds true to her word for a change./

The Other Stuff...
Turns out I like it here ALOT ! the weather is fucking awesome !! !

More things about the last thing I wrote about.
Well there are still some people lying to be and plotting something they think might harm my life in some way. I really don't know what the fuc or why but they can go fucking kill them selfs for all I care... really I wish they both would. They know exactly who they are and I hope they know how much they suck at life and should just go DIE !

More on that but a change from my prior edit to it.
So the person I added stuff about in my last post, the one that hurt be badly with some stuff that happened and I can't really go into it a lot cause I'm just not gonna. Yeah, it's all good... well for now at least I'm still a little sore over it but I'm not so bad.... all was talked about, and all is being handled discretely and politely rather then what I would have liked to have done in a moment of anger.

Another Rant About Politics

Seriously folks I'm joining the army and if you faggots get obama's nigger, muslim, liberal ass elected I might not only be out of a job, but he might just cause a second depression in the econemy so vast that it might actually end the union .!

Did any of you see the debate? any onE? I didn't think so///// Let me tell you Obama made him self look really stupid and proceeded to agree with just about everything McCain said proving that McCain is Definately the better man for the JOB!@@@@!@!

I'll end with this from my favorite Author::::Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
~ Douglas Adams

Well that's it folks I'll write you all again Soon
~The Priest ~


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