
Friday, July 13, 2007
(Some Guy) PSA Paraskevidekatriaphobics will be calling in sick today (24)
CBS Austin Followup First, men talk more than women. Now women spend more on electronics. What next?? (52)
News.com.au Obvious Employers say that Gen Y's are stupid, demanding, impatient, disloyal, socially inept tosspots. Get off my payroll (148)
(Some Guy) Interesting Top five signs you're about to get dumped (52)
SLTrib Unlikely Court orders Mormon church to disclose secret financial information, answers to life's questions (32)
(Cincinnati.com) Amusing Defendant to judge: "F*** you". Judge to defendant: "F*** you too" (31)
(Some Guy) Interesting Lawmaker thinks there are too many lawyer so he tries to eliminate all the funding for the state law school. "We don't need more ambulance chasers. We don't need frivolous lawsuits" (26)
News.com.au Dumbass Teenager arrested for defacing statue of soccer legend Pele. GAOLLLL (43)
(WHDH) Dumbass Father Of The Year candidate hits daily double at the mall by losing his son, then getting busted for shoplifting (with mugshot) (11)
(The Pittsburgh Channel - WTAE) Asinine "When the police would arrive, right away they would put out a wiener and a marshmallow and they would say it was for recreational purposes" (20)
Canoe Interesting Put down your Cheezies or take some time from your joe job as we rhyme off a few Canadianisms, eh? Your dog wants a butter tart (93)
Asia Times Strange If, like most people, you've considered employing 30 thousand people to control the weather, China beat you to it (21)
Yahoo Obvious Cell phone culture has created a generation incapable of memorizing even simple . . . umm (40)
(WBNS) Dumbass When announcing the name to your water park, be sure to register the domain name beforehand (49)
Telegraph Hero You will (124)
Charlotte Strange Police baffled by two vehicles that were found covered in delicious, creamy butter (33)
(Metro.Co.UK) Stupid UK Drug Girls: “We were framed”. The rest of the world: “You are pinheads” (38)
(Some Guy) Dumbass Suspect dismayed to discover that police dog doesn't stop biting him just because he's falling off a cliff(12)


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