
My book...

I am rewriting an OLD book from the 80's well it's a cook book of
sorts. The research I am having to do for this book could cause the
proverbial "THEY" to react in a bad way so before they do i am offering
copies to anyone that wants them just email me. It is the correct
chemical formula's and recipe's of a The Cook Book by Jolly Rodger
ammended in 1996 by RFlag, and corrected and ammended by Sudo`X`Root.

So you see if "They" do decide I am a threat it will be out there. All
the information I have gathered is also somewhere else... Hidden...
Stored... And foremost ready to be gone public with if I don't check in
every day.

This post is a message to the proverbial "They", that if they want me
it will come at a grave price. The information I have gathered names
specifics and specific people in connection with certain public
murders... KC and JL as well as classified information on Cambodia
during Vietnam ... But Im getting off track "They " know what I know
and what could happen if I am trifled with, The point of this is to get
The Cook Book out there.

If you want a copy Email me well goto Hushmail.com and get a email
account. Email ghostllc@gmail.com from it and i will contact you over
this encrypted email service.....

7:03 p.m. CST. Oct 27, 2006


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