
DalNet Irc's Rock

this is from an irc i hang out in..... oh yeah my nick is ritalin-m

^^shelly^: ritalin: is it hot in dallas today?

^^shelly^: pretty warm here, maybe 85
A_Rough_T: R there any Real Pretty and Sexy Arabic Ladies?????
^^shelly^: i am west of philadelphia
Ritalin-m: no about 83
^^shelly^: lol that's hot for us in oct
^^shelly^: normally 60-65

Ritalin-m: well thats cold to me so i guess its all relative
^^shelly^: yes
Ritalin-m is listening to listening to Fort Minor - Fort Minor - High Road from The Rising Tied :. .: 3:15@128kbps 2.9MB :. /ctcp Ritalin-m mp3 get
^^shelly^: actually, my relatives kinds suck

Ritalin-m: my inlaws...well..... need to... i wish it wasnt ilegal in tx to shoot them
Ritalin-m: i really do
*** Signoff: verycool21 (Ping timeout)
^^shelly^: hehe
Igoroo: Ritalin-m - you ever find a state where it's OK to shoot relatives, let me know. I'm moving there last week :)
Ritalin-m: me too
blaccooc: any girls intersted in a hot black guy
Ritalin-m: russia i think
Ritalin-m: bad nigger no biscut
Ritalin-m: lmao
^^shelly^: sure blaccooc: do you know one?
hot_me: hello

Ritalin-m: thats wrong
Ritalin-m: i likeit

*** Signoff: darthvad3r (Quit: )
effie_28: back
Ritalin-m is away [AcidJazz - Log ON]
effie_28: :)
*** You have been marked as being away
*** Signoff: LandZart (Read error: Operation timed out)
A_Rough_T: WB Effie_28

Tomas-19: any bisex or gays here? Im horny
effie_28: cheers

[tRinitY]: Oxx : hellow..

OxxBow: hello triune chick
Ritalin-m has returned [AcidJazz - Log OFF]
*** You are no longer marked as being away
cyen24mkc: how to know if a girl is virgin or not ? || just curious ..

OxxBow: cyen24mkch you can always ask her
Ritalin-m: hey oxxbow how goes it ?
*** Signoff: hot_me (Quit: )
OxxBow: just peachy, drugged out dude

OxxBow: PuppyGurl22, do you like *doin it* doggy style?
[tRinitY]: cyen24mkch : Fuck her and you'll see.

effie_28: lol trin
cyen24mkc: is there any way to see it ?
Ritalin-m: no
cyen24mkc: ;p

Ritalin-m: ask her or fuck her
OxxBow: buffalogal, do you like doin it buffalo style?
Ritalin-m: tha..s bout it
Hedon_Guy: And even then, there's no guarantee.
effie_28: if her eyes are bigger than normal then she must be a virgin
cyen24mkc: k .. cheersw

[tRinitY]: lmao,effie !
Hedon_Guy: heh

cyen24mkc: haha .. really ?
effie_28: :)

effie_28: yessssssssssssssss
effie_28: look closely
*** Hedon_Guy-away is now known as Hedon_Guy
Ritalin-m: lmao @ effie
effie_28: u can tell straight away

effie_28: one sec
cyen24mkc: ish ..

Ritalin-m wonders it cyen is buying this crap!

[tRinitY]: cyen24mkch : Ask Hedon_Guy. He knows all the answers.
^^shelly^: he does?
[tRinitY]: lol

effie_28: he must be ritalin otherwise he wouldnt ask stupid questions
[tRinitY] whispers to shelly, I'm just messing with him .
Hedon_Guy: I may not know all, but I'm trying to learn as much as I can anyways.
Ritalin-m is trying not to fall over from laughter
cyen24mkc: any clues or tips then ..
OxxBow: So, while a man might assume that a woman who bleeds after sex is a virgin, the only way for him to know for sure is if she tells him.
cyen24mkc: just with bare eyes ..
Ritalin-m: no
Hedon_Guy: No cyen, there is not.
Ritalin-m: just stick it in if it bleeds(her pussy) then she is if not shes not
OxxBow: dude...check out the following link: http://magazines.ivillage.com/cosmopolitan/experts/carnal/qas/0,,638358_657272,00.html
effie_28: hehe
Hedon_Guy: Not always rit.
*** Signoff: youngstarguy (Quit: )
Ritalin-m: no but mostly
*** Signoff: sluggishgirl (Quit: )
*** Signoff: ^^shelly^ (Quit: Leaving)
*** Signoff: luv2fuc (Quit: )

effie_28: if she gives u a blowjob straight away then she is definetely a virgin
Ritalin-m: and any ways hes gotta be a virgin if hes asking this of us so y not fuck with him alittle
Ritalin-m: lmoa
*** OxxBow has set the topic on channel to (effie_28): if she gives u a blowjob straight away then she is definetely a virgin
Hedon_Guy: Heh heh.
effie_28: hehehehheheeh
[tRinitY]: Wohoo !!.
[tRinitY]: Effie made it to topic !
effie_28: :)
effie_28: its right
Ritalin-m: yeah git-r-dun
OxxBow: damn...i've been with alotta virgins
[tRinitY]: lmao,Oxx.
Ritalin-m: right
effie_28: haha
effie_28: wow
effie_28: good for u oxxbow
Ritalin-m: this is great i think the last 20 minutes are going up on my blog


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