
Oh. My Freak'n Head

Ok so I drank a few beers last night with my turkey and now my head
hurts but i still gotta go out and get my new boots today... Don't want
to risk them being sold out when i get there in a day or too so I'm
going to fight the crowd in the mall for fashion. I know I'm a whore to
nice shoes but oh well.

My family... or rather, The inlaws were different... My mother inlaw
was like half fucked up from turkey and pills... My brother in law and
his girl were lock in his room hiding from the kids.... My sister inlaw
was(6 months ago) 120 lbs. and now she is out of jail and around 200.
Her and her babies's daddy were feuding and it was a thing to see. But
every one was nice to Christie so i didn't have to kill people but
still it was a thing for like ifilms or you tube.... Wish i had brought
my camera...

Any way I'm off to take an asprin and eat so i can go to the Mall....



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