

Are drawn to me
They always have been

They like me
Find me interesting

A practiced conversationist
A blackbelt of spoken word

I am charming and polite
You will like me


You'll begin to notice something
I'm just not right

But you aren't
Sure what it is

I Amaze and amuse
I am carismaric and energetic

But you still
Wonder what's amiss

I wear a mask
Anonymously not who is seen

A troll beneith it all
Sudo lives under my bridge

He haunts me
Stalks me

Sometimes I do what he wants
Sometimes the evil comes out

Soon you see what
I a.m.

So what if I am
Oh how would it matter

Could you still care for me
I don't know if I would care

Oh god I hope he's not
Pleas tell me I'm wrong

A monster lurking
Tactical and intelligent

How could he be that?

Do YOU know what I am ... Comment if you think you do

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