
point of view

Differing in point of view. I see yours I really do BUTYOU JUST DONT GET IT And that's a problem But it's not mine. And I just don't know how to tell you But. So you differing points of view. They can be truely too different. I tried to tell this to someone but they won't listen to me. And I really don't know what elese to say. But it just shouldn't. Be. It. As. It. May. Why can't It just Be simple Not complicated Easy Just go home That's all I want to do But it look Like It will be Extremely hard todo tHAT

well. i. survived.

I can't really understand how. I mean it was pretty rough And I really almost did it. I mean why not just pow. But I was drunk and pushed a little too far. I started a fight with my self. And in the morning I was in just that very same mood. Sudo likes the alcohol. He get loose sometimes if I drink too much. And I did. And now Ill just act like it never happened I'll just ignore the obvious hate I generate and I will be truly free.


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