RADIO's Weekend warriors Box set that will be available in mid january.
the cost will be $20.00 cd's mailed to your door.... If you want MP3
files on cd's instead of standard cd's that will be available as well.
The line-up will include Bitchfest, AdHd, Rsu, and The Last
Production..... Also it will include bits from all your favorite shows
on NHB and calls from all your favorite Listeners... I estimate there
will be about 5 hours of stuff AT least...
Place orders now and don't pay until its ready for delivery. 60% of
all proceeds will be donated to NHB. The other 40% will go to CD's
shipping and server space for the downloading of other later set, CD's
and other stuff you might like.
By doing this I hope to become Staff but if not it will still be worth
the effort to get the funds raised for the shows listed above. Thank
you for all of your donations and enjoy the Shows.
~~Your Editor