Bed time now
for w∑rk and well yeah i needs those zzzzzzzzzzzz's. see in my world i
w∑rk too hard for too little but its all i can do to survive. hopefully
tomorrow brings better times and cash cant for get teh cash. also i
read online that millions of american children say a preyer before bed
that disturbs be.... it is as follows... Now i lay me down to sleep....
ect. ect. ect. Wtf i don't get why you makes your little brats prey
that they die in their sleep and "god" saves them... Bullshit there is
no god heaven or hell there is only this time place and life so in
short and summation Life's too short for all the troubles of the world,
live fast and die young..... and maybe by some chance of luck you will
survive to see tomorrow.
Found It!
apartment 13 not 31 and i corrected it with FedEx (gotta love
technology) and they are gonna deliver it tomorrow maybe ill actually
get it this time wish me Luck !!
¿⁄?Sudo`X`Root €»»»
Ebay grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
apartment building but not the apt# and was returned the first time. i
emailed the seller and was like wtf? it was supposedly shipped again a
second time on this past thursday (from ft worth tx about 25mi.) with a
corrected address it is now monday and i still have not gotten it
nhbradio started this on ryeseroniU and im continueing it
this some stuff I wrote in to a radio show I listen to and well yeah its
true as fuck!!
Sudo`X`Root says: (11:56:36 PM)
i really hate people that show up at my door at 8 am on saturday so
much. they are wastes of life and need to be youthenized (did i spell
that right) by means of ass raping with a barrel cactus.
Sudo`X`Rootsays: (11:57:14 PM)
JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES believe in Almighty God, Jehovah, Creator of the heavens and
the earth. The very existence of the intricately designed wonders in
the universe surrounding us reasonably argues that a supremely
intelligent and powerful Creator produced it all. Just as the works of
men and women reflect their qualities, so do those of Jehovah God. The
Bible tells us that "his invisible qualities
Sudo`X`Rootsays: (11:58:27 PM)
this means that they are just jews with S.P.E.D. views of how religion
should be spread!!!!!