For the first time in a long time I am happy, I mean I'm getting divorced, my Ex-wife is pregnant with my kid, I have a really shitty job, and basically my whole family thinks I am out of my freaking mind. But I really don't care about any of that. I guess you would call this the eye in the center of the storm, or a moment of total sight for a blind man, or a temporary enlightenment, maybe even freedom from the confines of the human mind if just for a half of a second. I met Cassandra 3 months ago and I have never been happier in all of my life as I was the moment I made it here and held her for the first time. and this is not something that is going to soon fade, or so it seems for the time being any way.
I guess all in all I am out of my freaking mind I mean I moved 800 miles north in to the frozen ass winters and horrible drivers, in the fucking neighborhood from the Stetford wives, away from my unborn son, away from the unstable psycho in to the arms of someone who really listens when I talk, someone who really thinks of me first, someone who accepts who I am instead of trying to change me into who they want and simply have not found yet.
As always your thoughts, comments, and questions are always welcome.
/.SudoX Root/:>