Just when I think the whole world is crashing down around me, and everything is working against me a glimmer of light! I might FINALLY get my divorce finalized. that is if that women actually holds true to her word for a change./
The Other Stuff...
Turns out I like it here ALOT ! the weather is fucking awesome !! !
More things about the last thing I wrote about.
Well there are still some people lying to be and plotting something they think might harm my life in some way. I really don't know what the fuc or why but they can go fucking kill them selfs for all I care... really I wish they both would. They know exactly who they are and I hope they know how much they suck at life and should just go DIE !
More on that but a change from my prior edit to it.
So the person I added stuff about in my last post, the one that hurt be badly with some stuff that happened and I can't really go into it a lot cause I'm just not gonna. Yeah, it's all good... well for now at least I'm still a little sore over it but I'm not so bad.... all was talked about, and all is being handled discretely and politely rather then what I would have liked to have done in a moment of anger.
Another Rant About Politics
Seriously folks I'm joining the army and if you faggots get obama's nigger, muslim, liberal ass elected I might not only be out of a job, but he might just cause a second depression in the econemy so vast that it might actually end the union .!
Did any of you see the debate? any onE? I didn't think so///// Let me tell you Obama made him self look really stupid and proceeded to agree with just about everything McCain said proving that McCain is Definately the better man for the JOB!@@@@!@!
I'll end with this from my favorite Author::::Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
~ Douglas Adams
Well that's it folks I'll write you all again Soon
~The Priest ~