to begin with is never a good idea. I had the displeasure of
encountering this directly today. You see, the local grocery store
Kroger, has switched over to mostly those check your self out machines
(most new Wal-marts and home Depot's have them).
Well the lady checking herself out in front of me, let me tell you she
was a real winner. She couldn't figure out how to use the already
crappy, hard to use machine. It started to freak out, I mean seriously
how hard is it to not break a machine designed to be idiot proof. Well
she did it freaked out and started beeping and flashing ERROR # (some
number) across the screen. The whole store customer team started
heading over to it( when I say whole I mean like 10 guys ). They
couldn't get it to stop finally calling a guy in a suit who pressed a
few buttons and about 3 seconds after he did it was fixed.
1) Why didn't they call the guy in the suit to begin with¿⁄?
2) How do you break a fucking idiot proof machine designed for the
general public to use on a daily basis¿⁄?
and finally 3) why wasn't this woman SHOT immediately after she broke
the supposedly idiot proof machine¿⁄?