--- Kern --- called in to start cock block Liam so Jammin Jerry Could Get Laid on NHB. Joy the Blind Midget (4' 6" , 95 Lbs) lead Liam around on a dog leash until Kern called in and Busted Liam talking about their encounters, effectivly cock blocking Liam, and allowing Jammin jerry to Fuck a blind Girl Half his Size (litterally).
((( Interesting fact; Joy Talked to Jj While taking a Shit one time. Called Jerry a " Good hearted man " Jerry is a women beater... )))(Yeah RIgh t)
Miriha - is the Official Nhb SluT. Was At one point having phone Sex with Jammin Jerry 4 times a day.Lieks To Be cAllEd CuNt and was Sloans Girl at the time, While shE Spanks JeRrY Over Teh phone. Offered To BlOw EvERy MembEr Of ThE NhB StaFF and Said " I WilL Swallow"
Liam - Jerru Phone RaPed LiAm And Trieed To Play WiTh LiaM's Crazy StRAw !TrIEd To Seduce Lliam With A Mc FluRy and Wanted His Flavor Of Teh DAy, And Wanted it "HIs WaY '
Damon - Called JerRy OuT F0r tryIng To Cock BlOck Dam0n by sayiNG He Was HavIng PHoNe Sex Wit h Other GIrls Then KiM.
~Sudo X
Web Master www.SudoX.info