The future of Internet radio is in immediate danger. Royalty rates for webcasters have been drastically increased by a recent ruling and are due to go into effect on July 15 (retroactive to Jan 1, 2006!). If the increased rates remain unchanged, the majority of webcasters will go bankrupt and silent on this date. Internet radio needs your help! H.R. 2060, The Internet Radio Equality Act was introduced by Representatives Jay Inslee (D-WA) and Donald Manzullo (R-IL ) to save the Internet radio industry. Please call your congressperson to ask them to co-sponsor H.R. 2060 by clicking below. ~A quote from
This is something that you all should feel VERY strongly about. Internet radio gives exposure to independent artists, that would other wise have no chance to be discovered. Small internet radio stations have a normal count of around 150-500 listeners, some less than that, and most survive solely on donations made by the listeners. I impair you call your congressmen and tell them to save the music, Sign the petition, or write letters to news papers. What ever you do how ever you do it, Please do it fast time is running out and the fees they are imposing will exceed the gross yearly earnings of any internet radio station by more then 10 time.
~Sudo X
Editor of I.A.I.T.O.M.F.W.A.B Blog
web master
Owner Ghost Llc.
1 comment:
guys, Legislation is already in the works to repeal this law. It is IMPERATIVE(very important for the less grammar inclined) that you write your senator and congressmen and/or woman and tell them that you don't want internet radio to go away, which is what the previous bill imposed by the music industry lobbyists will do.
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