
And Today in The News

Geek Stuff First (Slightly political too I guess. )
Verizon is one of the phone companies currently being sued over its alleged disclosure of customer phone records to the NSA. In a response to the court last week, the company asked for the entire consolidated case against it to be thrown out—on free speech grounds. Read more...

What a crock of shit huh... The US. Gov. is alway trying to FUCK its own people.

On to the political/religous

The New Atheists loathe religion far too much to plausibly challenge it.It's an extraordinary publishing phenomenon - atheism sells.... Christians complains about increasing number of books on atheism. Too bad there aren't any books that support Christianity. Some sort of Bible or something like that. Read more...

Wow religious types are so fucking stupid some times... They always seem to forget that simple fact that they have written the single most published and sold book the world has ever seen.

Now for the 'Other' News...

'Cocaine' energy drink pulled from shelves amid concerns about its name. Clearly, a popular canned drink and an illicit drug sharing a name would cause the public great harm. Read more...

Damn that was a good drink too. Stupid three letter government organizations.

And our dumbass of the week award goes to....

Four Wisconsin men, a couch, a pickup truck, and a cow pasture. What could possibly go wrong? ELLSWORTH, Wis. (AP) - It probably sounded like a good idea in those early-morning hours - sit on a couch with two buddies while another friend in a pickup truck tows the couch through a cow pasture. Read more...

In what world I would like to know WAS that a good idea.... Or was it fun till some body got hurt.

~Sudo X
Lead editor of the I.A.I.T.O.M.F.W.A.B. Blog
Web Master SudoX.info
Owner Ghost Llc.

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