Exestencial Quandary.
~SudoX Blog Master
CEO Ghost Llc.
Webmaster Sudox.info
The "Real Reason" behind Operation Iraqi Freedom
But then again, maybe I'm reading it wrong and they didn't actually know that until 2 years ago. but with the potential hijacking in 2003, how wouldn't they have known earlier? Even your average smart guy could have pieced 2&2 together to tell them that with all the information they had then made public now and laid out in front of me.
Really makes you wonder if national and international security is run by a bunch of dunderheads who only care about their golf swing or their trip to Bermuda that summer.
Thereal Deal
Stating the Obvious (maybe)

More than a year has passed since the release of the Xbox 360 DVD-ROM firmware hack to allow the play of backup games and bootleg copies. Those with hacked firmware had the ability to play copied games, mostly burned onto dual-layer DVD recordable discs, even online Xbox Live. Read more...
Apple iPhone gets FCC approval
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Apple received the required approval Thursday from the Federal Communications Commission for its upcoming iPhone, the company said.
The regulatory green light, a standard certification process that any cellular phone must receive before hitting the U.S. market, means the iPhone's launch can now proceed as planned, Apple spokeswoman Natalie Kerris said. Read More...
The Evil Of America
Enviro-Mentalists Call For Culling Of Human Population
Push for Malthusian social control policies in name of curbing carbon emissions
A disturbing move is afoot by several "green" groups to associate climate change with over population and suggest that the solution is to implement depopulation policies and punishments for those who flout them.
Read more..
Not cool... Stunting population growth as an Idea to control global warming...Whats next killing blind kids at birth?
U.S. may be keeping tactical nukes at Kyrgyz airbase to attack Iran - Kyrgyz expert
The U.S. might be keeping low-yield nuclear weapons at its airbase in Kyrgyzstan's Manas for possible use against Iran's nuclear facilities, a Kyrgyz special service expert told Interfax on condition of anonymity. Read more...
Didn't WE just like 3 years ago raid then for WMD's ? fucking hypocrisies of the "democracy" as they call this mess of a management we have.
U.S. and EU Agree to Harmonize Regulatory Standards
The United States and the European Union have agreed at a Washington summit to launch a new transatlantic economic paartnership. As reported by the BCC earlier this week: "The pact is designed to boost trade and investment by harmonising regulatory standards, laying the basis for a US-EU single market." Read more...
The New World Order is Here... Smells of Illuminati.
~Sudo X
~~Head Editor Of The I.A.M.T.O.M.F.W.A.B. Blog
~~Web master SudoX.info
~~Owner Ghost Llc.
And Today in The News
Verizon is one of the phone companies currently being sued over its alleged disclosure of customer phone records to the NSA. In a response to the court last week, the company asked for the entire consolidated case against it to be thrown out—on free speech grounds. Read more...
What a crock of shit huh... The US. Gov. is alway trying to FUCK its own people.
On to the political/religous
The New Atheists loathe religion far too much to plausibly challenge it.It's an extraordinary publishing phenomenon - atheism sells.... Christians complains about increasing number of books on atheism. Too bad there aren't any books that support Christianity. Some sort of Bible or something like that. Read more...
Wow religious types are so fucking stupid some times... They always seem to forget that simple fact that they have written the single most published and sold book the world has ever seen.Now for the 'Other' News...
'Cocaine' energy drink pulled from shelves amid concerns about its name. Clearly, a popular canned drink and an illicit drug sharing a name would cause the public great harm. Read more...
Damn that was a good drink too. Stupid three letter government organizations.
And our dumbass of the week award goes to....
Four Wisconsin men, a couch, a pickup truck, and a cow pasture. What could possibly go wrong? ELLSWORTH, Wis. (AP) - It probably sounded like a good idea in those early-morning hours - sit on a couch with two buddies while another friend in a pickup truck tows the couch through a cow pasture. Read more...
In what world I would like to know WAS that a good idea.... Or was it fun till some body got hurt.
~Sudo X
Lead editor of the I.A.I.T.O.M.F.W.A.B. Blog
Web Master SudoX.info
Owner Ghost Llc.
Internet Radio Equality Act.
The future of Internet radio is in immediate danger. Royalty rates for webcasters have been drastically increased by a recent ruling and are due to go into effect on July 15 (retroactive to Jan 1, 2006!). If the increased rates remain unchanged, the majority of webcasters will go bankrupt and silent on this date. Internet radio needs your help! H.R. 2060, The Internet Radio Equality Act was introduced by Representatives Jay Inslee (D-WA) and Donald Manzullo (R-IL ) to save the Internet radio industry. Please call your congressperson to ask them to co-sponsor H.R. 2060 by clicking below. ~A quote from Savenetradio.org
This is something that you all should feel VERY strongly about. Internet radio gives exposure to independent artists, that would other wise have no chance to be discovered. Small internet radio stations have a normal count of around 150-500 listeners, some less than that, and most survive solely on donations made by the listeners. I impair you call your congressmen and tell them to save the music, Sign the petition, or write letters to news papers. What ever you do how ever you do it, Please do it fast time is running out and the fees they are imposing will exceed the gross yearly earnings of any internet radio station by more then 10 time.
~Sudo X
Editor of I.A.I.T.O.M.F.W.A.B Blog
web master Sudox.info
Owner Ghost Llc.