
An accepted offer

I'm getting plenty of offers
But have yet to accept any.
I'm completely holding out for one guy
Just one

And when he calls me
Boom that's it.
Show time again

You see it's in my blood
The midway
It's something I love
Truly my beat friend

Spend enough time doing anything and you become

For lack of a better term institutionaliZed.
It's really all I know

I can't
Function in the realworld
When I'm off the road I have awful Internet addiction.
Every second wired in.
Hacking away.
Barely blinking.

When I'm on the road I'm free.
I go places

I meet people.
Interest. Amazing people.
Like you cannot immagine.

So here I sit planning for the bog jump.

Alot of hours on the bus.
Alot of miles.
But when the rides over. It was all well worth it.

I'm once again most likely goin to become hated
By alot of people 10 minimium
Just the ones readily at mind for this.

They will all hate me.
And again I will be okay
More people places And midways
More more

Talking to my ex now
Txting her
My son is doing well
So I'm told
Is this why I run?
I do still love her deeply But well
She is hurt
And probably we will never be

now that hurts

Course you never really know if it's real pain or egosentric bruising

Well I'll probably never know

I'm done working
These people. They are
All so awflul
Here is where happiness goes to die
Cold tban decay
Inner city filth

But out there
Fresh cut grass
Stars fill the sky
Lights and music set the mood
And amazing sight

God I miss the midway

Ashville mountain state fair
Big butler
Canal fest
Strawberry fest
Firemens field days to the max

What an amazing life it is

My new series of blogs titled behind the colored lights will begin in february of this year and continue indefinately

In this series I will be running you through diferent aspects of the day to day life of a ride jock. Everything from work call to teardowns and beyond.

Fitting this season I plan on a camcorder to record what I can.

Not every one will want me to film at all times and more then likly fewer then youde think.

If you are
here now you should return soon to see what happens next

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