
Shock and Aw

So This Fucking Sucks Ass Hole ~

So... The Events of today have changed my life on a fundamental level... You see, a few months back at the end of July I moved to Cali on a chance. I took this chance to be with someone who professed her love for me after all the years we have known each other. So I packed my stuff in my car, quit my job, and drove half way across the country.

Now, all of a sudden she breaks up with me, and tells me I have a week to move out. I'll be fine thanks for asking I'm a soldier, these shoulders hold up so much they wont budge, even if my collar bones are crushed and crumble I will never stumble.

I'm going to be traveling again.. I'm going to Florida, my mother said I can stay with her until I ship out to boot camp!

This still leaves me with the question. Why? She gave me a laundry list of reasons, but none of them had the ring of the full truth to them... they are were valid in some way, I guess. When you know someone for 8 years you become able to read there eyes, and her eyes said there is more to it then just that which was said.

I think the monkey on her back has not left yet. I think she is holding on to something. Something from the past, but I think I will never truly know about this...

After the rant I leave you with this.... when Life gives you lemons have lemonade, but when life gives you limes have tequila. I think I need a drink.

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