I guess I'll start with the Ex Wife thing just so that over with and I can get to the happy stuff.
I have managed to make peace with that in my own head... that is I refuse to allow her to effect my life any further. Barring the fact that she is the mother of my son and all that , I really think I'm going to have very little to do with her in the future. I was very angry with her, but I realized that hate and anger were eating me alive. I didn't like who I was becoming because of it, and so I'm letting it all go./
Well now for the better news....
I was having some other problems with a person I love very very much, but that is all behind us 100%. I truly feel that I have managed to return to a happy state in my life, and I believe that my Baby has managed to do the same
We really went through a rough patch there where I acted like an over baring, jealous, and even mean douche. We were both at fault for the issues that arose, BUT I exasperated the issue because I didn't let sleeping dogs lye. All that aside we had this intimate, deep talk the last couple of nights, and so it looks like we are going to be okay ! I'm so happy I have known this give for almost 10 years of my life, and I have been in love with her since the first time we kissed all those years ago.
Reconnecting with Alicia was the best thing I have ever done, and I am finally content with my life. I know there will be rough times and there will be good times, but after what has happened recently I believe our relationship can withstand any thing !
Well... Its time for a game where I shoot at my friends so I'll have to talk to all of you laters Peace, you are all, no matter the denomination or lack there of, in my prayers!
~With Blessings
~~The Priest ~
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