
The Benefits Of Marijuana

By Joshua Levine
Health Correspondent - Every 2nd Saturday

Are you sick of hearing your girlfriend
nagging you about letting go of your pot pasttime?
Have you been hearing a lot of
negative things about the use of marijuana lately?
Would you like to know what the real
deal is behind the use of this infamous drug?
Then read on because you're in for a surprise.

One of the saddest things in North America
is the lack of clinical trials on marijuana use.
Many other countries in the world have already
performed such tests in order to destroy myths
about this drug, which has been in use for thousands
of years... mainly for medicinal purposes. More...

clock Jul 14, 2007 11:43 pm US/Eastern

Amputee Gets Beaten
With His Own Prosthetic Leg

Following Beating, Assailants Drive Over Crippled Man

(AP) BUFFALO, N.Y. An amputee was
jumped early Saturday by a group of men who
took his prosthetic leg and then beat him with it.
CBS New York

All I have to say is "Yeah".

Possible New Message From Osama Bin Laden


July 14, 2007 3:37 PMABC News

Rhonda Schwartz and Hoda Osman Report:

A brief clip of an older-looking Osama bin
Laden is contained in a new al Qaeda
videotape praising al Qaeda martyrs
posted on jihadi Web sites early this morning.

Experts who study al Qaeda videos told ABC News
they had not previously seen the clip of bin Laden,
which was released with little fanfare and contains no
date references, but say it is most likely an unreleased
portion of an earlier message.

A Disney classic, becoming a more common
household name than Paris or Britney.

Wave the TV remote
control goodbye and
change channel with
a thumbs-up


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It sounds like the perfect invention for all
those couch potatoes who find even using a
remote control just a little too much like hard work.

Scientists have come up with a box that lets
television viewers change channels, switch on
the DVD player or switch off an irritating
presenter with the wave of a hand.

The controller's built-in camera can
recognise seven simple hand gestures and work
with up to eight different gadgets around the home.

Scroll down for more ...

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~Thats just too cool I want one., Is there any thing those little gooks cant create.
~Sudo X Root
WebMaster SudoX.info
Owner Ghost Llc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GREGGG! I miss you where have you been??? call me!!!

love ya!!!




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