
My Fiance`

My fiance` is crazy.... well women in general are Crazy and I don't understand. My Exibit'Z:

Exibit A;Driving:Any time me and my girl go any were and I drive... the ride goes about like this... Off in the distance 7 to 10 car legnths ahead of us puts on its breaks...

"BABY SLOW DOWN!!!!" says christie...

"That car is a half mile awa...""SLOW DOWN!"I am inturupted before i can finish...

(keep in mind I have never recked a car not even a dent)

we continue along...

"get over" says christie..."baby?.. baby?.. baby?.. are you gonna get over?... do you know where we are going?"

"yes I do but its backed up that way im going around" I Reply

"Why arent you going the right way?" again from Christie

Need I say more I doubt it but I will...

Exibit b; tickleing:

I have a bad back. Fast jerky motions, such as those caused by being tickled, HURT. In fact they hurt an emence amount, hurt like being touched with a hot catle brand. on that note allow me to elaberate...

So at random i get this "Baby im bored."

I reply."Well what do you want me to do about it?"

About 5 minutes later...

poke! right in that shot under your side ribs that tickles on contact. "DAMN IT STOP THAT FUCKING HURTS!"

"Sorry" she reply

About 5 minutes later...
Poke! "What the fuck is wrong with you that hurts dont do that agaon!"

this continues until i get up and move to the easy chair from the couch, at wich point she gets offended.


Exibit c; eating out:

dinner time roles around and as usual we procrastinated on going shopping so we opt to eat out. The conversatin goes like this...

Christie:"im hungery"
ME:"What do you want?"
Christie:"well what do we have(knowing we have nothing dinner like in the house)"
ME:"nothing i went you wanna eat out"
Christie:"sure..."(she kinda looks away and get quiet)
ME:"well?..What do you want?"
Christie:"i don't know"
ME:"well there is .(I list off a bunch of stuff)"
she sits there and just kinda blinks at me...


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