i really just dont know... i posted a bulletin asking for supporters to sign a pattition(i dont even know if this is the right word for it) to help stop child abuse all people had to do was highlight ctrl+c click post new bulletin hit ctrl+V and sign it and repost it... 15 fucking secconds on a 28.8 dial up line... but no... not a fucking one of the people on my list did it so FUCK YOU LIST OF (so called) FRIENDS... you know you think you know people (some of them for 10 years) but... you dont fuck`em all i left it 1 more time a last chance thing to get it out there this ime ill delete my list and all of them from my life if it doesnt get reposted
i was beaten as a young child up in till i was 15 and had the balls to swing a bat and put an end to it... all of my oldest friends know what an abusive fuck my dad was but they aparently dont care bout me or that never did wish ide have known that ~hmph~ oh well...
i guess the old saying goes "YOU THINK YOU KNOW SOMEONE"
§ insomnia it is a drain
§ the lack of rest im going insane
§ maby soon ill fall asleep
§ maby just once it will be deep
§ and not so light
§ that i easily wake
§ i feel my mind is going to break
§ lack of sleep is going insane
§ insomnia it will drain
§ the lack of rest im going insane
§ maby soon ill fall asleep
§ maby just once it will be deep
§ and not so light
§ that i easily wake
§ i feel my mind is going to break
§ lack of sleep is going insane
§ insomnia it will drain
so there is like 50,000 of them and the boxes they are in fall over constantly cause the edge that they are to be sat on is 3..4 of an inch wide. What The FUKC?¿?¿
now its also Halloween set time that means Ive got about a million little unmarked boxes comming every nite (morning)For "seasonal" but they really go all over the store.
so now I think i have expressed my distain for the holiday season in retail to a point that even the dumbest of you out there get it and dont get jobs at super-stores cause it might just kill you!!!! OH AND THIS IS JUST The BEGinning there is much much more of this sheit shit shat to come so you will be hearing about it.
~oh and the was looking for you, did they find you??
~~who? you ask?
My Fiance`
My fiance` is crazy.... well women in general are Crazy and I don't understand. My Exibit'Z:
Exibit A;Driving:Any time me and my girl go any were and I drive... the ride goes about like this... Off in the distance 7 to 10 car legnths ahead of us puts on its breaks...
"BABY SLOW DOWN!!!!" says christie...
"That car is a half mile awa...""SLOW DOWN!"I am inturupted before i can finish...
(keep in mind I have never recked a car not even a dent)
we continue along...
"get over" says christie..."baby?.. baby?.. baby?.. are you gonna get over?... do you know where we are going?"
"yes I do but its backed up that way im going around" I Reply
"Why arent you going the right way?" again from Christie
Need I say more I doubt it but I will...
Exibit b; tickleing:
I have a bad back. Fast jerky motions, such as those caused by being tickled, HURT. In fact they hurt an emence amount, hurt like being touched with a hot catle brand. on that note allow me to elaberate...
So at random i get this "Baby im bored."
I reply."Well what do you want me to do about it?"
About 5 minutes later...
poke! right in that shot under your side ribs that tickles on contact. "DAMN IT STOP THAT FUCKING HURTS!"
"Sorry" she reply
About 5 minutes later...
Poke! "What the fuck is wrong with you that hurts dont do that agaon!"
this continues until i get up and move to the easy chair from the couch, at wich point she gets offended.
Exibit c; eating out:
dinner time roles around and as usual we procrastinated on going shopping so we opt to eat out. The conversatin goes like this...
Christie:"im hungery"
ME:"What do you want?"
Christie:"well what do we have(knowing we have nothing dinner like in the house)"
ME:"nothing i went you wanna eat out"
Christie:"sure..."(she kinda looks away and get quiet)
ME:"well?..What do you want?"
Christie:"i don't know"
ME:"well there is .(I list off a bunch of stuff)"
she sits there and just kinda blinks at me...
Exibit A;Driving:Any time me and my girl go any were and I drive... the ride goes about like this... Off in the distance 7 to 10 car legnths ahead of us puts on its breaks...
"BABY SLOW DOWN!!!!" says christie...
"That car is a half mile awa...""SLOW DOWN!"I am inturupted before i can finish...
(keep in mind I have never recked a car not even a dent)
we continue along...
"get over" says christie..."baby?.. baby?.. baby?.. are you gonna get over?... do you know where we are going?"
"yes I do but its backed up that way im going around" I Reply
"Why arent you going the right way?" again from Christie
Need I say more I doubt it but I will...
Exibit b; tickleing:
I have a bad back. Fast jerky motions, such as those caused by being tickled, HURT. In fact they hurt an emence amount, hurt like being touched with a hot catle brand. on that note allow me to elaberate...
So at random i get this "Baby im bored."
I reply."Well what do you want me to do about it?"
About 5 minutes later...
poke! right in that shot under your side ribs that tickles on contact. "DAMN IT STOP THAT FUCKING HURTS!"
"Sorry" she reply
About 5 minutes later...
Poke! "What the fuck is wrong with you that hurts dont do that agaon!"
this continues until i get up and move to the easy chair from the couch, at wich point she gets offended.
Exibit c; eating out:
dinner time roles around and as usual we procrastinated on going shopping so we opt to eat out. The conversatin goes like this...
Christie:"im hungery"
ME:"What do you want?"
Christie:"well what do we have(knowing we have nothing dinner like in the house)"
ME:"nothing i went you wanna eat out"
Christie:"sure..."(she kinda looks away and get quiet)
ME:"well?..What do you want?"
Christie:"i don't know"
ME:"well there is .(I list off a bunch of stuff)"
she sits there and just kinda blinks at me...
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