The funny chat log from last night durring ADHD RADIO and The Last Production
6:47 PM: *** thelisteners is now known as IVAN
6:48 PM: JSquaredRobot: Entry message set.
6:48 PM: *** IVAN is now known as cloudpaladin
6:48 PM: Naraku: liunx rock if liunx play my windows games play i would go over
6:48 PM: Q_: :D
6:49 PM: Q_: Naraku: wine
6:49 PM: Q_: :)
6:49 PM: -#nhbradio- ivan is a faggot sped gay queer too bit duche bag with a maggot filled butthole
6:49 PM: cloudpaladin: !writein i haven't spammed them since i found out about the restraining order
6:49 PM: JSquaredRobot: cloudpaladin Message sent.
6:49 PM: Naraku: don't work that well in Wow ete..
6:49 PM: Sudo`X`Root: right
6:50 PM: Sudo`X`Root: Naraku: yeah it doexs
6:50 PM: Q_: cloudpaladin: rejoin the channel, i bet that entry triggers on you
6:50 PM: Q_: xD
6:50 PM: cloudpaladin: no, IVAN is just easy to fuck with
6:50 PM: Sudo`X`Root: its C== coded
6:51 PM: cloudpaladin: !writein they must have never seen goatse before
6:51 PM: JSquaredRobot: cloudpaladin Message sent.
6:51 PM: Naraku: wow and ragnarok rocks o well xp of next year or so
6:51 PM: Q_ runs knoppix with a dedicated hd as local proxy here xD xD
6:51 PM: Naraku: :P
6:51 PM: Sudo`X`Root: you just decompile the .exe and recompile it as a ...ah .something i cant
think of cause i been drinking
6:51 PM: Sudo`X`Root: Q_ is well hidden
6:52 PM: Sudo`X`Root: i looked one time
6:52 PM: Sudo`X`Root: i couldnt find him
6:52 PM: Q_: nah, my network is wiiide open as a fuckhole
6:52 PM: Sudo`X`Root is quite good at finding peopel
6:52 PM: cloudpaladin: vamp doesn't know what goatse is
6:52 PM: cloudpaladin: somebody should show him sometime
6:53 PM: Sudo`X`Root: no i mean wherre you are localy as in like global position
6:53 PM: Sudo`X`Root: i tried to gps you and the proxie is hiding you quite well
6:53 PM: cloudpaladin: i'm in madison wisconsin
6:53 PM: Naraku: and my shitted video card suck on liunx
6:53 PM: Q_: Sudo`X`Root: well, that's because my hostname ends in .net
6:53 PM: cloudpaladin: you don't need to look me up
6:53 PM: Q_: i'm in Norway actually
6:53 PM: Q_: and the town i'm in is in my hostname
6:53 PM: Q_: xD
6:54 PM: Sudo`X`Root: i knew that but you were the easiest ip to dsn
6:54 PM: Sudo`X`Root: dns*\
6:54 PM: Sudo`X`Root: halden
6:54 PM: Sudo`X`Root: norway
6:54 PM: Sudo`X`Root: lmao quite funny
6:54 PM: Q_: Sudo`X`Root you can't dns my hostname here, since the first part in my
hostname is crypted by the irc-server
6:55 PM: Sudo`X`Root: sure you can
6:55 PM: Sudo`X`Root: just gotta know how
6:55 PM: Q_: you can't trace it
6:55 PM: Sudo`X`Root: really
6:55 PM: cloudpaladin: anybody gonna listen to tioli tonight?
6:55 PM: Q_: unless you can see my whole hostname
6:55 PM: Sudo`X`Root: you truely think that
6:56 PM: Q_: feel free to tell me my full host and ip
6:56 PM: Q_: :)
6:56 PM: Sudo`X`Root: i can see what i feel the need to hunt down with the proper time and effort
6:56 PM: Q_: i'm not doubting you can, tho
6:56 PM: Q_: :p
6:56 PM: Sudo`X`Root: idk anymore was atleast like 3 weeks ago
6:58 PM: cloudpaladin: lol, it's notlike it matters where he lives if he's in norway anyway
6:59 PM: Q_: :D
6:59 PM: Q_: hehehe
6:59 PM: Sudo`X`Root: right but i was doing it to find out if i could
6:59 PM: Q_: i allready told you where i live, so what does it matter now, right
6:59 PM: Q_: xD
6:59 PM: Sudo`X`Root: i chose someone that wouldnt goafter me for it
6:59 PM: cloudpaladin: sending anything to your house would cost more than buying a sexslave
6:59 PM: Q_: hey, i wouldn't go after you
6:59 PM: Q_: i ain't no stalker or whatever
7:00 PM: Q_: xD
7:00 PM: Sudo`X`Root: right thats why i chose you
7:00 PM: cloudpaladin: leave that to mental john
7:00 PM: Q_: you traced me?
7:00 PM: Sudo`X`Root: cloudpaladin: you your a crazy fuck that would try to kill me
7:00 PM: Q_: where did you state that? :p
7:00 PM: cloudpaladin: lol
7:00 PM: cloudpaladin: i won't deny it
7:00 PM: Sudo`X`Root: Sudo`X`Root: i chose someone that wouldnt goafter me for it
7:00 PM: Sudo`X`Root: cloudpaladin: sending anything to your house would cost more than buying a
7:01 PM: Sudo`X`Root: there*
7:01 PM: cloudpaladin: at least you live in the same country as me
7:01 PM: Sudo`X`Root: right
7:01 PM: cloudpaladin: unless you count texas as a country of its own
7:02 PM: Sudo`X`Root: no i count is a planet of its own
7:02 PM: Sudo`X`Root: its like redneckia
7:02 PM: Q_: hehe
7:02 PM: Q_: xD
7:03 PM: Sudo`X`Root: or planet spick
7:03 PM: Sudo`X`Root: or some shit idk
7:03 PM: Sudo`X`Root: w/e
7:03 PM: Sudo`X`Root: BLOGG THAT
7:04 PM: cloudpaladin: planet spick is south cali
7:04 PM: Fernii: !whatson
7:04 PM: *** Mode change "+v Fernii" on #nhbradio by JSquaredRobot
7:04 PM: JSquaredRobot: Currently Playing: Automation: - http://localhost:9123/
7:04 PM: Sudo`X`Root: i got the logger to werk so now i mark stuff with blogg that and just tell
word to "find blogg that"
7:04 PM: Sudo`X`Root: yeah it is
7:04 PM: Sudo`X`Root: cali is also planet QMO
7:05 PM: Sudo`X`Root lmao @south cali "fucking Queers"
7:05 PM: *** Sudo`X`Root is now known as maf15
7:05 PM: *** link Unknown command
7:05 PM: -*NickServ*- You cannot link a nickname to itself.
7:07 PM: cloudpaladin: no NORTH cali is the queers
7:07 PM: Q_: QMO?! o_O
7:07 PM: cloudpaladin: south cali is spicks and dramma queen celebs
7:07 PM: cloudpaladin: and oithedrama
7:10 PM: Q_: oil of oi
7:10 PM: Q_: xD xD
7:11 PM: cloudpaladin: lol
7:11 PM: cloudpaladin: bens home away from home is probably the gay area
7:17 PM: maf15: the rest of my heineken has arived!!!!
7:17 PM: cloudpaladin: lol
7:17 PM: maf15 pops a beer and sets the speed dial to NHB
7:17 PM: cloudpaladin: did you get abeer delivery or somthing?
7:17 PM: maf15: !writein wanna play
7:17 PM: JSquaredRobot: maf15 Message sent.
7:17 PM: xfubar: I eat shit
7:17 PM: *** Mode change "+v xfubar" on #nhbradio by JSquaredRobot
7:17 PM: maf15: fiance`
7:17 PM: xfubar: hey guys
7:18 PM: cloudpaladin: hows it taste?
7:18 PM: xfubar: like shit
7:18 PM: xfubar: oddly enough
7:18 PM: *** nitice Unknown command
7:18 PM: -#nhbradio- Xfubar is a shit eating wheasel
7:18 PM: cloudpaladin: thats not very suprising for some reason
7:18 PM: xfubar: sweet
7:19 PM: maf15: !writein are you a 16 yearold male congressional page???
7:19 PM: JSquaredRobot: maf15 Message sent.
7:19 PM: xfubar: who the hell is maf15?
7:19 PM: cloudpaladin: you spelled weasel wrong
7:19 PM: xfubar: yeah i was gonna say
7:19 PM: *** Mode change "-v Fernii" on #nhbradio by JSquaredRobot
7:19 PM: maf15: they dont understand the nick awwwwwww its lost on them
7:19 PM: maf15: i know i been drinkin
7:19 PM: xfubar: had a bad day?
7:20 PM: xfubar: or weelk
7:20 PM: cloudpaladin: maf15?
7:20 PM: xfubar: week*
7:20 PM: *** cloudpaladin is now known as thelisteners
7:20 PM: thelisteners: !writein are you live?
7:20 PM: JSquaredRobot: thelisteners Message sent.
7:20 PM: xfubar: lol cloud
7:21 PM: thelisteners: i'm gonna give tioli about 5 more minutes to get on the fucking air
7:21 PM: maf15: i wanna knoiw if they are these guys kinda suck just alittle
7:21 PM: *** maf15 is now known as MarkFoley
7:22 PM: MarkFoley: !writein are you live
7:22 PM: JSquaredRobot: MarkFoley Message sent.
7:22 PM: thelisteners: suposedly they're trying to log into haxradio right now
7:22 PM: MarkFoley: !writein is Take it live ???
7:22 PM: JSquaredRobot: MarkFoley Message sent.
7:22 PM: thelisteners: hax just sucks lemmingass
7:22 PM: xfubar: !nick oithedrama
7:22 PM: xfubar: FUCk
7:22 PM: thelisteners: not on nhb
7:22 PM: MarkFoley: !writein oh and i learned how to get the young ones from micheal jackson
7:22 PM: JSquaredRobot: MarkFoley Message sent.
7:22 PM: *** thelisteners is now known as oithedrama
7:23 PM: MarkFoley: /nick
7:23 PM: oithedrama: i know it works
7:23 PM: oithedrama: i did it before
7:23 PM: JSquaredRobot: Quote # 170 [18:18:18] [+Deathpaladin] !8ball is myspace the coolest thing since sliced bread?[18:18:19] [@JSquaredRobot] Deathpaladin: Your fucking retarded. submitted by MG on 10/31/2006 7:21:14 PM
7:23 PM: xfubar: doh i did /name
7:23 PM: oithedrama: wrong one
7:23 PM: oithedrama: !quote 165
7:23 PM: *** xfubar is now known as damon
7:24 PM: damon: !writein :. . .. :.:
7:24 PM: JSquaredRobot: damon Message sent.
7:24 PM: *** damon is now known as xfubar
7:24 PM: *** oithedrama is now known as reverendstrife
7:24 PM: reverendstrife: hahaha
7:24 PM: reverendstrife: thats great
7:24 PM: xfubar: :D
7:24 PM: *** MarkFoley is now known as ReverendStrifesATOOL
7:24 PM: reverendstrife: !writein i touch little kids
7:24 PM: JSquaredRobot: reverendstrife Message sent.
7:24 PM: ReverendStrifesATOOL: go away SPED
7:25 PM: *** reverendstrife is now known as Sloan
7:25 PM: *** ReverendStrifesATOOL is now known as Sudo`X`Root
7:25 PM: Sudo`X`Root: !writein just wat till i get to the drinking a little bit more
7:25 PM: JSquaredRobot: Sudo`X`Root Message sent.
7:26 PM: Sudo`X`Root: !writein ill ask vamp the 20
7:26 PM: *** Mode change "-v Q_" on #nhbradio by JSquaredRobot
7:26 PM: JSquaredRobot: Sudo`X`Root Message sent.
7:26 PM: Sudo`X`Root: !writein nvamp do you like it in the ass ????
7:26 PM: JSquaredRobot: Sudo`X`Root Message sent.
7:26 PM: Sloan: !writein i've been drinking and i tried to take a vinegar suppository,
because i'm the host of the goddamn show
7:26 PM: JSquaredRobot: Sloan Message sent.
7:26 PM: Sudo`X`Root: and there's shit in your microwave
7:26 PM: Sloan: yes
7:26 PM: Sudo`X`Root: BLOGG THIS
7:27 PM: Sudo`X`Root: ALL OF THIS !!!
7:27 PM: Sudo`X`Root: GOOD SHEIT
7:27 PM: Sloan: there's shit..... in my microwave
7:27 PM: *** Sudo`X`Root is now known as MicrowaveFullOfShit
7:27 PM: xfubar: why didn't sloan go the next step and throw a fetus in the microwave
7:27 PM: *** Sloan is now known as recklessdave
7:27 PM: MicrowaveFullOfShit: CLEAN ME!!!
7:27 PM: recklessdave: !writein someone mastrubate to my name
7:27 PM: JSquaredRobot: recklessdave Message sent.
7:28 PM: *** MicrowaveFullOfShit is now known as videovamp
7:28 PM: *** recklessdave is now known as Rico_MD
7:28 PM: Rico_MD: not even gonna do that
7:28 PM: videovamp: !writein uhhhh thats not me on the phone
7:28 PM: JSquaredRobot: videovamp Message sent.
7:28 PM: videovamp: badddddddd idea man
7:28 PM: *** Rico_MD is now known as ryeseronie
7:28 PM: videovamp: he'll take you out for that
7:28 PM: xfubar: yup
7:28 PM: ryeseronie: !writein HEllo boys
7:28 PM: JSquaredRobot: ryeseronie Message sent.
7:29 PM: videovamp: !writein me and rye are playing tonight wanna watch ??
7:29 PM: JSquaredRobot: videovamp Message sent.
7:29 PM: xfubar: they know it's not the real rye...they are personal friends of ryes
7:29 PM: videovamp: lets fuck with them
7:29 PM: videovamp: i knnnnnow
7:29 PM: *** ryeseronie is now known as loveseatingmuff
7:29 PM: videovamp: but its gonna be a goot isolation bit
7:29 PM: *** xfubar is now known as Damon
7:29 PM: *** videovamp is now known as Xfubar
7:30 PM: loveseatingmuff: !writein i would go on the air but a i caught the avian flu
7:30 PM: Xfubar: BURN
7:30 PM: JSquaredRobot: loveseatingmuff Message sent.
7:30 PM: *** Damon is now known as cloudpaladin
7:30 PM: -*NickServ*- You cannot link a nickname to itself.
7:30 PM: *** cloudpaladin is now known as reverendstrife
7:30 PM: -*NickServ*- The nickname xfubar is in use by someone else.
7:31 PM: *** Xfubar is now known as Sudo`X`Root
7:31 PM: -*NickServ*- Nickname xfubar has been linked to Ritalin^Needed.
7:31 PM: *** reverendstrife is now known as xfubar
7:31 PM: *** loveseatingmuff is now known as TIOLI_Andrew