point of view
Differing in point of view.
I see yours I really do
And that's a problem
But it's not mine.
And I just don't know how to tell you
So you differing points of view.
They can be truely too different.
I tried to tell this to someone but they won't listen to me.
And I really don't know what elese to say.
But it just shouldn't. Be. It. As. It. May.
Why can't
It just
Be simple
Not complicated
Just go home
That's all I want to do
But it look
It will be
Extremely hard todo
well. i. survived.
I can't really understand how. I mean it was pretty rough
And I really almost did it. I mean why not just pow.
But I was drunk and pushed a little too far. I started a fight with my self.
And in the morning I was in just that very same mood. Sudo likes the alcohol. He get loose sometimes if I drink too much. And I did. And now Ill just act like it never happened I'll just ignore the obvious hate I generate and I will be truly free.
My suicide will be gorgeous
I beautiful
I beautiful
you see my imaginary friend
wont be surprising me
and no one wants or cares for me
it my fault
i ruined it all
but who really cares
no one will attend my wake
with thw sound of a single 357 round ill sleep
i want
but ill never have mystilynn
i fucked it up
my fault
but now i cry
and soon i die
ill do it on cam it anyone wants to see it
no one will be there after its done though
so bye
sneakig little suspitions
I have one
I think my
Imaginary friend
Is going
Surprise me
My mind
My intelect
Ignored it
Generic insanty
But you
Soothing in waves
On a long enough time line
Maybe arriving
Mustn't believe
Must be wrong
Shouldn't it be?
Really really wrong
Wrong to
Worse then suspition
Knowing I can't be
Or am I?
I should be
But the angel comes
To take me one day
And when that day comes.
I'll be free
An angel on steel wings
Will I ever know
And if I do know
Will it be
Or simply a
Of the damaged
I'll never really
Maybe I'm a figment of
Your psychosis
And if I am would I
a bored
A place for the socialite
The sophisticated conversationalists of the Internet Gather
They post
Rate my this
Check in for a place
Or group
The dance and sing
Talk and play
A place of life
Hook ups
And meetings
Ask a anythings
And openings for the few trolls
Where you can post and be
Hey look a cock
Anons litle anons
Anonog around an around
Then a rate me
Then another
Then more still
Finally a friend
A single anon different from the rest
They talk
And rant and rave
And chat
And giggle
Lula all around
Little anons
Prancing in the tubes
And away we go
Why oh why didn't i take the blue pill
I am honestly not really sure why.
I know Its not necessarily wrong.
But it feels forbidden.
Like even apple.
With golden... Por seimpre
Unique in it's power.
And grace unlike any other
Nearly lethal
A force of nature
Completely untamed.
But I must.
Mustn't I?
But what then
And why?
Ich liebe dich mein goldenen Augen träumen
Sent from my iPod
Sent from my iPod
I know Its not necessarily wrong.
But it feels forbidden.
Like even apple.
With golden... Por seimpre
Unique in it's power.
And grace unlike any other
Nearly lethal
A force of nature
Completely untamed.
But I must.
Mustn't I?
But what then
And why?
Ich liebe dich mein goldenen Augen träumen
Sent from my iPod
Sent from my iPod
I can't decide
I like the pen my blog app for managing the posts and it allows me to edit them. However blogwriter is a clean fast free little app. The post very nice formatted posts.
Idk maybe I'll but a pro app and Get every function I want in one.
Idk maybe I'll but a pro app and Get every function I want in one.
suckers life
Well I can't do it anymore.
I think it sucks and it's stressful. I need to be free from the retardation.
I love the freedom to be me. To be completely free to do and go and be. Be any where you want to be any time you want. Come and go
No more suckers life. No more plumbing issues nomore dumb shit no more.
Water water water if your gonna wanna knock me on the water.
High and dry am I. Time to get wet.
I haven't blogged in about a day and half.
Well I've been dealing with frozen pipes, and clogged drains. Fucking 80 yearold plumbing and castiron drain pipes are pissing me off.
I can't get the cross threaded clean out cap open. You see the last person to work on the pipes is a moron. I mean really fucking stupid. I guess what I'm saying it the Brad is an inbread lemming.
All the drains out of the bathroom back up into the tub and the tub doesn't drain.
I have a snAke. I even tried it through the toilet. No luck. It won't make the bends.
Hmmmmm maybe I'll not get the cap off and have to remove the toilet. Need a wax ring though. And I don't know which size. That also costs alot of time and money.
Tried torching it. No luck there not frozen and still stuck. The 3.5 inch brass cap just won't budge.
Well I'll update with pictures of whAt happens when I open the fucking thing.
524 am
So I'm still awake
So I guess I'll tell you a story.
A stranger
Two strangers meet. A socialite and a willing partisapent.
The socialite, a gentelman he complements her by offering photos.
A face. Then more. The femabnon os wooed. And enjoys her gifts. She returns the favor. First teasers, lingerie.
She offers her self, the slave to the socialites golden tongue.
They dance, mincing words and photos.
She moistens, he hardens; both talking their way to extacy.
An icredable chance meeting. The internconected world...
The socialite nearly a thousand miles from the femanon. But they met, joined, and found momentary fulfillment in the sterile empty waste that is the tubes.
A MSG from sudo
I hate winter.
For well a miriad of reasons.
Plow drivers piss me off alot. You it's not there driving. Or the total lack of fitting down the streets. They are assholes.
They block my driveway with a massive pile of the white stuff. Leaving me to shovel it out.
It snows an unconcievable here. It snows so much people loose garages under it. And when you dig them out the are crushed.
At 7pm it's 2 degrees.
This hurts alot.
The kitchen floor is so cold I cannot walk on it. Makes me miss the bunk house.
For well a miriad of reasons.
Plow drivers piss me off alot. You it's not there driving. Or the total lack of fitting down the streets. They are assholes.
They block my driveway with a massive pile of the white stuff. Leaving me to shovel it out.
It snows an unconcievable here. It snows so much people loose garages under it. And when you dig them out the are crushed.
At 7pm it's 2 degrees.
This hurts alot.
The kitchen floor is so cold I cannot walk on it. Makes me miss the bunk house.
idk but youll laugh hard
Session Start (cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Thu Dec 09 16:10:03 2010 -0800
sudoecks: blak
sudoecks: blah*
cloudpaladin: hell blsckhat
sudoecks: need a fucking hard drive bad I hate living on a live cd
sudoecks: cant modify anything
cloudpaladin: if you get a burner you can edit your live cd
sudoecks: yeah but its a pain in the ass to do a fresh livecd every timeI want to save a change
cloudpaladin: this is why you should upgrade to windowns
cloudpaladin: totally more pro
sudoecks: no I need a hard drive
sudoecks: cause Mine failed
sudoecks: I need a 2.5inch eide uata
cloudpaladin: did you try washing your hard drive with alchohol?
cloudpaladin: this saved my computer one time
cloudpaladin: also (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RjMSWhGWak)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RjMSWhGWak
cloudpaladin: when my ban expires on devmoo i want to make a horse that tastes like raisens and turns into a plane when you tug on it's winky
cloudpaladin: that and really long porno about dragons having sex with cars
sudoecks: nice lol
cloudpaladin: also, if you're wondering why i'm banned, devmoo seems to work a little like early macintosh in that steve jobs(robot) will randomly show up, yell at you, delete your code and ban you
cloudpaladin: but i did make a custom weapon that spawned like 1000 errors
cloudpaladin: so i really don't blame him too much
cloudpaladin: protip:it works better when you compile your code before you run it
cloudpaladin: i facepalmed so hard
sudoecks: umm Duh
cloudpaladin: well see, moocode is weird
sudoecks: lrn2#includeProperly
cloudpaladin: most things have like an active update feature
cloudpaladin: the only thing i've had to compile thus far was weapon messages
sudoecks: lol
cloudpaladin: from what i can tell most normal $objects, $mobs, and $areas don't have to be compiled
cloudpaladin: like, the first christmas present i worked on though not a total success did turn out ok with no compiling
cloudpaladin: the server compiles your code for you when you @spawn a child
cloudpaladin: dude
cloudpaladin: i just had an awesome idea
cloudpaladin: while listening to breakcore songs about dragons
cloudpaladin: i want to make a weapon class where you can tame animals and use them as familiars
cloudpaladin: probably the lowest level would be like a kitten or a stray dog
cloudpaladin: highest would be dual wielding dinosaurs
cloudpaladin: which i must say, totally awesome
sudoecks: rofl
sudoecks: lol some kid killed hom self...
sudoecks: by lighting himself on fire
sudoecks: get this
cloudpaladin: like irl?
sudoecks: yeah IRL
cloudpaladin: thats stupid
cloudpaladin: why did he go and do that?
sudoecks: IDK I'm lookinf for article
sudoecks: (Link: http://www.postandcourier.com/news/2010/dec/09/authorities-release-911-tape-school-fire-incident/)http://www.postandcourier.com/news/2010/dec/09/authorities-release-911-tape-school-fire-incident/
sudoecks: you jelly ?
cloudpaladin: uh
cloudpaladin: why would i be?
sudoecks: idk
cloudpaladin: i'm coding dinosaur famiars
cloudpaladin: familiars even
cloudpaladin: this is why i'm a terrible admin
cloudpaladin: can't splll
sudoecks: lmao
sudoecks: I want 4
cloudpaladin: grow four hands
sudoecks: 2 hor gaurding my house
sudoecks: and 2 for does my bidding
cloudpaladin: if you want minions i suggest going chud
sudoecks: also you cant code anything simple but you canmodify a massiv game
cloudpaladin: or just rolling high cool and getting gangland soldiers
sudoecks: wtf cloud
cloudpaladin: who are p pro
sudoecks: are they boss?
cloudpaladin: i can code a pet rock
cloudpaladin: the thing i got in trouble for coding was like a set of 60 custom weapon messages for a brand new weapon
sudoecks: I can code in 11 languages all of which im just okay at.... its moo code like java ?
cloudpaladin: which was not v simple
cloudpaladin: i don't know java to tell you
cloudpaladin: moocode is like shit
sudoecks: how you lrn 2 code moox
cloudpaladin: it's a dead language thats only function is to annoy you when you try to make cool things in hell
sudoecks: give me exampek code
sudoecks: how did you get dev access?
cloudpaladin: i bothered broseidon
sudoecks: any one can has?
cloudpaladin: and told him an old character of mine that was never banned for being me
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: anyone can has
cloudpaladin: if you can convince broseidon you're reletively trustworthly
cloudpaladin: or whatever
sudoecks: just asking ? and you recieve ?
sudoecks: okay will try to get
sudoecks: I has idea for infinate fun
cloudpaladin: your prize is dev on a server that nobody plays on
cloudpaladin: that only has like 8-10 people ever connected
cloudpaladin: and you get to help admins make christmas presents if you want
cloudpaladin: which is p fun
sudoecks: ah yes but I can creat my doomsday cannon
sudoecks: it devidesby zero and wipes out the server
cloudpaladin: this is a basic verb
cloudpaladin: @program toy:wind if (this.location == player) if (this.wound < this.maximum) this.wound = this.wound + 2; player:tell("You wind up the ", this.name,"."); player.location:announce(player.name, " winds up the ", this.name,"."); if (this.wound >= this.maximum) player:tell("The knob comes to a stop while winding."); endif else player:tell("The ",this.name," is already fully wound."); endif else player:tell("You have to be holding the ", this.name,"."); endif
cloudpaladin: thats off the moo wiki
cloudpaladin: in hell you'd use more properties
sudoecks: ahh
sudoecks: well
sudoecks: its like qbasic
cloudpaladin: it's simple enough to really be any programming language, it's kinda like C++ if you don't mind that you add values off window
sudoecks: with a twist or 2
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: i wish i had an example of hellcode
sudoecks: I hate that kinda code
cloudpaladin: you end up writing a lot of things like this
sudoecks: login and steel one
cloudpaladin: "%DN swings %p %t at %dd splattering it with bubbly semen."
cloudpaladin: i can't login
sudoecks: lol
cloudpaladin: because i'm banned
cloudpaladin: if i could login
cloudpaladin: i'd be making cool things
sudoecks: you would creat a devide by zero loop and break it ?
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: fuck no
cloudpaladin: i haven't wanted to crash the server forever
sudoecks: crashinghell used to be a passtimefor you WTF?
cloudpaladin: i stopped wanting to crash hell after i proved i could do it
cloudpaladin: then i started finding exploits
cloudpaladin: and have probably made the most items go away of any player in hellmoo from being too smart for their codes
cloudpaladin: now i'm bored with that and i want to make awesome things for other people to be too smart for
cloudpaladin: also, once i get better i might actually be able to atleast move along awesome things like landocean and player space travel
cloudpaladin: or atleast make more than one city that players can actually live in
cloudpaladin: maybe actually put mobs in the ocean
cloudpaladin: gasp!
sudoecks: I want to be on moon that was fun
cloudpaladin: you should ask broseidon for dev
cloudpaladin: you might want to play hell enough first that you actually know something about the game though
sudoecks: I thinking about it but I has the flu and dont feel like it now
cloudpaladin: thats usually what i do when i have a lot of free time on my hands
cloudpaladin: obsessively play hellmoo
sudoecks: I know but you has no life... you should get me a hard drive for xmass cause I'm too much ofa jewto ebay one
cloudpaladin: lol
sudoecks: I <3 .RPM
sudoecks: you should
cloudpaladin: you get memory stick in ur stoking
sudoecks: not memory stick I dont hassonycraps
cloudpaladin: technically you can actually run an OS on a big thumbdrive though
sudoecks: I need a 2.5" laptop ide
cloudpaladin: you can't run anything else
cloudpaladin: but you can run an OS
sudoecks: I has a 32gb thumbdrive
cloudpaladin: what u crying about thene?
sudoecks: I could run anything on that fucker...IF ....my laptop had usb bootinf
cloudpaladin: boot frm thumb
cloudpaladin: oh
cloudpaladin: lol
sudoecks: p ghey... thank you HP and your fail bios
cloudpaladin: boot from windows xp disc and write to thumbdrive
cloudpaladin: problem solved
sudoecks: fails
sudoecks: way slow
cloudpaladin: who carez
sudoecks: write speed while reading fromCD isnt there.... both on the north bridge
cloudpaladin: all you need it for is so you can play hellmuuu
cloudpaladin: lots and lots of hellmoooz
cloudpaladin: this is only purpose of compooter
cloudpaladin: hellmooz and pr0n
sudoecks: you are a chode.... lol I want Lenovo thinkpad that costs around 7k
sudoecks: until I get monies, well FAIL
cloudpaladin: wtf
sudoecks: well its got a 6core intel I7
cloudpaladin: the fucking panther 2.0 costs less than that shit
sudoecks: and 32gig of ram
cloudpaladin: which is basicly that
cloudpaladin: and like 4 tb or something
cloudpaladin: stupid power
cloudpaladin: more power than you could possibly need for anything
sudoecks: this is the most powerful laptop in the world
cloudpaladin: name one thing that YOU need a hexcore for?
sudoecks: its god
sudoecks: bow down beforeits godly power
cloudpaladin: i thought about getting one of those, but theres no point
sudoecks: partical quantium theory math calculations for compiling an encryption matrix I'm designing
cloudpaladin: it's more power than you can possibly use for anything
cloudpaladin: i bet you can program a dualcore to do your math for you
cloudpaladin: that would require tiny processing power
sudoecks: differential non lineror equations that would make you hard p explode
cloudpaladin: you can run any game in the world p good with between 4-6 ram and a quad
sudoecks: no actually everything I read tells me to rent a cloud for it, 26 cores or better
cloudpaladin: ok
cloudpaladin: i bet a cloud would be cheaper than a super laptop
sudoecks: believe me just the first hash algorythm I'm designing it fucking huge
cloudpaladin: also p sure hexcore towers are cheaper than laptops
sudoecks: not really 4k a month
sudoecks: they are but I cant take that with me
cloudpaladin: what are you going to do with that?
cloudpaladin: once it's done
sudoecks: sell it for millions
sudoecks: or probably just post itto /b//
sudoecks: and go all OSS fag about it
cloudpaladin: well when u a millionaire you can buy a new hardrive
sudoecks: I need one now fucker
sudoecks: and they are like 75 bucks and I'm cheap
sudoecks: I use the energy star lightbulbs
sudoecks: and bitch that people leave them on
cloudpaladin: how can u afford hexcore laptopz but not 75 bux?
sudoecks: well its for a5year old laptop I bought brand new
sudoecks: but now its old and beaten
sudoecks: so I dont want to put alot into it
sudoecks: just want it to last until I get a good bonus
sudoecks: and BAMN
sudoecks: angelica angelrightj ? \
cloudpaladin: yeh
cloudpaladin: m watching benny lava videoz
sudoecks: okay I'm gonan try to telnet in and hope it works okay
cloudpaladin: benny lava = god
sudoecks: lol look up the WTF collective andWTF collective part 2on you tube
sudoecks: fail
sudoecks: no wotking
cloudpaladin: idea
cloudpaladin: why you not just mudconnect?
sudoecks: switch to another computer
sudoecks: linux has mudconnect ?
cloudpaladin: nigga is webbased
sudoecks: really?
cloudpaladin: does your linux use java?
cloudpaladin: some run it some don't
sudoecks: lol sometime
sudoecks: s
sudoecks: link
sudoecks: ?
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.mudconnect.com/fmud/?host=hellmoo.org&port=7777)http://www.mudconnect.com/fmud/?host=hellmoo.org&port=7777
sudoecks: works thnx
sudoecks: how to use bloodhound mut ?
cloudpaladin: it's passive
sudoecks: oh
cloudpaladin: it boosts other abilities
sudoecks: ok
sudoecks: what muts she has that arent
cloudpaladin: however if you want to know about any mutations she has type 'mutations'
sudoecks: can this character fight hepcats?
cloudpaladin: yes
sudoecks: I need a real whip IDKwhere to get one
sudoecks: antenna good enough
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: get a flame chain from the player mall
cloudpaladin: those rock hepcats
sudoecks: how much
cloudpaladin: between 10k and 20k
sudoecks: I has like 125 dollars lol
cloudpaladin: make some money
sudoecks: lol long time then
sudoecks: thats alot of money
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: it's not
sudoecks: where do I get that from
sudoecks: how ?
cloudpaladin: dude, i can make like 20k on an n flag character
sudoecks: doing wha t?
cloudpaladin: on that one i can make like 100k in no time
sudoecks: doing what ? all I know to do is contracts and Those pay dick
cloudpaladin: sucking cock, scaving items and selling them, trauma mining, killing mobs, killing rednecks and giving moonshine to caredog
cloudpaladin: selling katanas
cloudpaladin: ext
cloudpaladin: ext
cloudpaladin: scamming
sudoecks: where to get katanas?
cloudpaladin: shimoji kikoman drops them
cloudpaladin: he's on kakuri island
sudoecks: yeah I know kakuri
sudoecks: just kill people onkakuri for weapons and sell
sudoecks: sell where ?
cloudpaladin: ammunation
cloudpaladin: you should really start a new character
cloudpaladin: then you can join ENEMA and they can teach you how to playz
sudoecks: lol I should but I'm not cause I dontplaythat much
cloudpaladin: k
cloudpaladin: just you'd probably have an easier time on an unmaxed character
cloudpaladin: i wonder if theres some way i can play and you can watch over my shoulder
sudoecks: wow swiming I am not
cloudpaladin: maybe a screen cap system on ustream
cloudpaladin: you cans not swim to kakuri
sudoecks: screen share skype
cloudpaladin: you can does that?
sudoecks: used to
cloudpaladin: it would be much easier if i could just show you how to make moneys and stuff
cloudpaladin: not sure how you're gonna run skype on linux though
sudoecks: lol nah I get it off to gangland for mining
cloudpaladin: uh ok
cloudpaladin: i know what i'll do
cloudpaladin: i'll just actually follow you around
cloudpaladin: brb as my vpn turns on
sudoecks: lol
cloudpaladin: ok, where are you?
sudoecks: uhh let me see
sudoecks: in front of bradburry
sudoecks: 700 of fourth
sudoecks: turbo ?
cloudpaladin: yus
sudoecks: what no trauma kits?
cloudpaladin: can't find any
sudoecks: normally in Cm?
cloudpaladin: smart
sudoecks: why did I attack you ?
cloudpaladin: no idea
cloudpaladin: why DID you attack me?
sudoecks: I didnt
sudoecks: its just attacked you
cloudpaladin: did my headbutt do most of that damage or where you already down that low?
sudoecks: I was at like 6 hp
cloudpaladin: ah ok
cloudpaladin: that really makes more sense
cloudpaladin: because i shouldn't be able to kill you that easily
cloudpaladin: we're pretty far appart in skill levels
sudoecks: its jst attacked you said something about not taking it any more and BAM
cloudpaladin: oh
cloudpaladin: you got stressed out
sudoecks: why ?
cloudpaladin: you probably wheren't carrying enough
cloudpaladin: and mule stressed you out
cloudpaladin: with mule you get stressed when you aren't carrying enough stuff
sudoecks: so I need to carry stuff ?
cloudpaladin: yes
sudoecks: well I has nothing
cloudpaladin: i p much had to take mule to be able to do any sort of armor stacking
cloudpaladin: i got your things
cloudpaladin: after i headbutted you in the face
sudoecks: nice
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: Angelica attacks you! Angelica lashes a deadly strike at TurBo. You rush aggressively at Angelica. TurBo aims a careful swing at Angelica with its sagebrush stick. [party] Angelica joined the party. head [|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*] [ -1 29/30 ] ow. Your arm! [A'T][ 96%] Angelica catches TurBo's arm with her antenna whip. [ Stopped attack. ] TurBo grabs Angelica's shoulders and leans back, tensing its neck... TurBo SLAMs its forehead into Angelica's! Angelica looks stunned. power [ Stopped attack. ] TurBo rears back and winds up for a power sagebrush stick attack. tac [TurBo***************] player [ 96% ] horny cold (powerattacking) [Angelica************] player [ 18% ] stress horny thirst (stunned) [ UAC ]: dayna has connected. Angelica shakes her head, returning to her senses. Angelica lashes a deadly strike at TurBo. [T# A][ 0%] Angelica goes limp as droplets of acid splash onto her arm from TurBo's sagebrush stick, melting flesh. [ UAC ]: TurBo killed Angelica in Slagtown. [ You earned 1 XP! ] Angelica crumples to the ground, gasps out her last breath, and dies.
cloudpaladin: our fight is literally like 15 lines
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: nice
cloudpaladin: i just stunlocked you
sudoecks: where are you ?
cloudpaladin: infront of the orphanage=
sudoecks: yeah I suck
sudoecks: no more hell
sudoecks: too much thinking tonight
cloudpaladin: you wouldn't suck if you would just make a new character and play the tutorial
sudoecks: I suck at hell its too much thinking foragame
sudoecks: I like games where I just chill andplay
cloudpaladin: it really is mostly muscle memory and knowing what mutations actually do
cloudpaladin: but ok
cloudpaladin: under 24 hours till i get to write codez again
cloudpaladin: sweet sweet codez
cloudpaladin: thinking i want to build a gunsmithing engine that lets you put together the weapon you want from parts
cloudpaladin: like the one now except instead of assembling a schematic for one set model you can mix and match to make the gun of ur dreamz
cloudpaladin: vaugely stolen from Boarderlands
sudoecks: yeah I dont have the patience to leran to hell Session Close (sudoecks): Thu Dec 09 20:32:49 2010 -0800 Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Tue Dec 14 13:03:20 2010 -0800
cloudpaladin: with my freeze ray i will stop!!
cloudpaladin: the world
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfaXt1rC2G0)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfaXt1rC2G0
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCxuEq8KcJI)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCxuEq8KcJI
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Dec 14 13:08:53 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Dec 14 13:29:08 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Dec 14 17:25:01 2010.
cloudpaladin: jail nigga, you gay
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Dec 14 19:14:03 2010.
sudoecks: Rofl
sudoecks: I was looking at my phone bill
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Dec 14 19:30:32 2010.
cloudpaladin: what?
cloudpaladin: your phone bill?
cloudpaladin: phones are for lames
cloudpaladin: hack the internet to let you talk to people
sudoecks: My aim is being retarded
cloudpaladin: your aim isn't the problem
sudoecks: Did i really call you at like 3am??
cloudpaladin: i don't know
cloudpaladin: i wasn't awake at 3 am
cloudpaladin: but it sounds like the kind of thing you'd do
cloudpaladin: fag
sudoecks: Lol im not a fag i was drunk proly
cloudpaladin: drunken fagc
cloudpaladin: i'm just feeling randomly insulting today
cloudpaladin: can you tell?
sudoecks: Lmao
cloudpaladin: name one band kvitrafn was in?
sudoecks: Yes you hellfag
cloudpaladin: and don't google it
sudoecks: Idk i like evil cloun makeup
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: thought so
cloudpaladin: he's one of the many drummers of gorgoroth
sudoecks: I saw it on yes tube and googled it
cloudpaladin: i didn't figure you for liking black metal
cloudpaladin: which isn't a diss or anything, i just don't remember you ever mentioning liking anything super heavy
sudoecks: Not that i dont like it i just dont alot music any more i saw him on youtube and googled him found that
cloudpaladin: cool
cloudpaladin: yeah, thats a pretty well known pic
cloudpaladin: i love the lightningish corpse paint
sudoecks: I like different music mostly industrial
cloudpaladin: i'm <3ing trance metal at the moment
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgNhicM3MdA)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgNhicM3MdA
sudoecks: Lol on phone
cloudpaladin: oh ok
cloudpaladin: cool
cloudpaladin: i haven't really noticed a lot of good new death/black metal outfits lately. most of the cool newer stuff seems to be electronical
cloudpaladin: industrial is still a weird genre though
cloudpaladin: nobody really knows what makes a band industrail
cloudpaladin: i've heard KMFDM,Marilyn Manson,NIN, Ministry and Rammstein all called industrial
sudoecks: I know ebm d&b that type
cloudpaladin: i <3 dnb
cloudpaladin: but the only enb i know is Extreame Black Metal
cloudpaladin: which i don't think is what you mean
sudoecks: You have to be a kraut kmfdm ministry ramm and nin are manson is just a faggot
cloudpaladin: what makes ministry and rammstein both industrial?
cloudpaladin: they sound really nothing like eachother
cloudpaladin: same with kmfdm and nin
sudoecks: Krayts
sudoecks: Krauts *
sudoecks: And trent resner is just evil
cloudpaladin: the best i've heard so far is tthat theres a german hardness subgenre thats bands like rammstein, megaherz, deathstars, hanzel und gretyl ext
cloudpaladin: ext
cloudpaladin: theres a million of those bands
cloudpaladin: then theres all the rest of industrial
sudoecks: Lol its kraut techno
cloudpaladin: kraut techno is scooter
cloudpaladin: it's kraut metal
sudoecks: Itd kraut ebm
cloudpaladin: like how death metal in japan is really more like metalcore, and all american metal sucks except for a couple bands
cloudpaladin: and everything from finland is awesome
cloudpaladin: everything
cloudpaladin: ever
sudoecks: Lmao
sudoecks: Krautness makes industrial rock
cloudpaladin: whats kraut about ministry?
cloudpaladin: maybe it's just everything with electronic drums is industrial
cloudpaladin: which would include breakcore like drumcorps and prince ov darkness. and some grindcore bandz
cloudpaladin: the locust, berzerker
cloudpaladin: stuff liek that
cloudpaladin: is mindless self indulgence industrial?
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Dec 14 20:48:06 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Wed Dec 15 00:32:48 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Wed Dec 15 02:52:21 2010. Session Close (sudoecks): Wed Dec 15 03:12:07 2010 -0800 Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Fri Dec 17 18:06:28 2010 -0800
cloudpaladin: i'd just like to say
cloudpaladin: holy shit you have a father?
cloudpaladin: i guess i just always assumed satan took a shit into your mothers womb and you were the unholy shitbaby
sudoecks: Im going to rape you
cloudpaladin: oh baby
cloudpaladin: forcefully suck my cock
cloudpaladin: [tradenet] Sakuya_Izayoi asks, "Anyone install mods?" [tradenet] Dover says, "yes" [tradenet] Dover says, "i can" From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'AP?' You text 'omw' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'YOu're going to rip me off, are you?' From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'I've had people do it to me before, it sucks' You text 'i'm sorry' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. You text 'hellmoo is full of assholes' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, '4 mods, two fine katanas' You text 'you got it' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. Sakuya_Izayoi draws her fine katana from its sheath. You're not sure you feel qualified to be using this. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a fine katana. Latch starts massaging Sakuya_Izayoi. Mm. Latch strokes slowly down Sakuya_Izayoi's slit. From the east, you hear a distant door latch. Sakuya_Izayoi draws her fine katana from its sheath. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a fine katana. Latch cups Sakuya_Izayoi's face, massaging her cheeks and upper neck. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her sharpening kit. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a sharpening kit. Latch finishes massaging Sakuya_Izayoi. Latch pets Sakuya_Izayoi. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her sharpening kit. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a sharpening kit. Latch starts massaging Sakuya_Izayoi. Sakuya_Izayoi says, "yay~" Latch says, "To massages" Latch's hand vibrates quickly against Sakuya_Izayoi's clit. Mmm. Latch says, "Two**" Latch pinches slowly up Sakuya_Izayoi's arm, and past her shoulder. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her balanced grip. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a balanced grip. Latch finishes massaging Sakuya_Izayoi. Latch kisses Sakuya_Izayoi. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her balanced grip. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a balanced grip. Latch exits the bar east, out to the street. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her monowire serrator. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a monowire serrator mod kit. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her monowire serrator. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a monowire serrator mod kit. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her EMP generator. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover an EMP generator. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her EMP generator. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover an EMP generator. say oh shiz Dover says, "oh shiz" say gotta go get soda Dover says, "gotta go get soda" From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'thats it' Dover says, "brb" From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'uh, did you just walk away wih 40k worth of shit?' You text 'gotta get soda' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. You text 'didn't you see me say?' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'oh' From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'sorry' -pause for thought- From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'don't they sell soda right outside AP?' You text 'i had to get special soda' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'Are you coming back? You text 'of course, i just had to walk all the way to maas' to Sakuya_Izayoi You text 'i need Hepcat Thunderjunk they only sell it in the bar under maas' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'oh' From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'I am on edge, been griefed to fuck today' You text 'oh really? that sucks' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. *note she's still waiting...*
sudoecks: Error while sending IM: Refused by client
sudoecks: Moar like rape you with a cactus
cloudpaladin: a milky cactus
cloudpaladin: From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'uh, did you just walk away wih 40k worth of shit?'
cloudpaladin: hellmoo players are retarded
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed off at Fri Dec 17 22:23:41 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Dec 18 11:13:16 2010.
sudoecks: ahoy fuckwad
cloudpaladin: ahoy shitfuck
sudoecks: whst that online based moo clien ? >
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.mudconnector.com)www.mudconnector.com
cloudpaladin: search for hell
sudoecks: ok
cloudpaladin: i still say you should make a new character
cloudpaladin: then you wouldn't be wandering around lost
sudoecks: lol I figured it out
sudoecks: I recomember now
cloudpaladin: ok
sudoecks: off to slagtown for parts mining... 1 Q where do I sell parts
cloudpaladin: SU
cloudpaladin: make sure you're always carrying something heavy
cloudpaladin: or you'll get stressed
sudoecks: I just has a ton of randopm shit now gonna steel a tv
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: beat you up
cloudpaladin: with my minutes old char
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: I know
sudoecks: I has no fists
cloudpaladin: protip
cloudpaladin: carry a whip
cloudpaladin: any whip
sudoecks: I need money to buy one
sudoecks: cender block enough weight
sudoecks: ???
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: or atleast it should
sudoecks: ok 9kg
cloudpaladin: i'm just gonna say one more time, if you make a new character you can join ENEMA which is a tutorial corp, they can teach you everything about how to play and be an ubersperglord
cloudpaladin: having a strong character doesn't help you if you don't know how to play
sudoecks: I know how I remembers now
cloudpaladin: ok
cloudpaladin: just letting you know slagtown is a horrible place to scav, where you won't get much of any real value
sudoecks: well I'm just getting enough for a whip then off to moonshinve
sudoecks: slap town has cops ?
cloudpaladin: they added some fcpd cams to the more griefhappy places
cloudpaladin: but mostly you'll just get killed on the crossstreet south of brad by whatever griefer is camping it this week
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed off at Sat Dec 18 12:14:22 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 19 13:09:19 2010.
cloudpaladin: yougay
sudoecks: smoke a cock fuck wad
cloudpaladin: nigga you gay
sudoecks: lol dusche bag
cloudpaladin: yag uoy
sudoecks: lollrn2troll
cloudpaladin: ulrnfrmmefaghat
cloudpaladin: i=kngtroll
sudoecks: lol usofaqingwetadded
cloudpaladin: nigupoptarded
sudoecks: poptarted lmao really ?>
sudoecks: I mean thats just fucked ./
cloudpaladin: yapoptardedFACE!!
cloudpaladin: trollsohardyoulookpoptarded
sudoecks: /.what a fucking moron/.
cloudpaladin: urfaecisamorn
sudoecks: brb need moar eggnog
cloudpaladin: christmas
cloudpaladin: lol,i just got to 20k xp just from doing jobs
cloudpaladin: XP // 20,345 total // 4,163 effective // 3,033 to spend
cloudpaladin: prosauce
sudoecks: lol prowould be if you actually ever become an admin
sudoecks: else fail
cloudpaladin: maybe, i'm not really in a coding mood
cloudpaladin: so i haven't fucked with it recently
cloudpaladin: i'm just making myself a new abom char
sudoecks: giefmicodeingaccount for great justing
cloudpaladin: so i can sip pinacolata on stormfront
sudoecks: 1. code something epic
sudoecks: 2. test it
sudoecks: 3 prey serverdoesnt crash
sudoecks: 4???????
sudoecks: 5. profit
cloudpaladin: i was doing that dude
cloudpaladin: i coded ponies
cloudpaladin: that you could ride
cloudpaladin: and jump over things
cloudpaladin: fun times
cloudpaladin: and i wrote that massive dragon car porn i sent to you
cloudpaladin: and assigned it a custom fetish
sudoecks: I was thinking more like the futurama santa
cloudpaladin: we already have a futurama santa
cloudpaladin: robot
sudoecks: maybe then we need2
sudoecks: on crack
sudoecks: with harrypotter sized mountain troll minions
sudoecks: that shoot aferican killer bees from their noses
cloudpaladin: nigudonevnplay
cloudpaladin: stfu
sudoecks: or better yet Tron motorcycles
sudoecks: that devide by zero
cloudpaladin: i did actually want to code tron bike races
sudoecks: and glow funky colors
cloudpaladin: the problem is getting them in a format you can see
cloudpaladin: that updates
cloudpaladin: otherwise it would be broken and gay
sudoecks: not races
sudoecks: just the bikes
cloudpaladin: nigulaem
sudoecks: and sell them at AMor something for like 100000
cloudpaladin: justriedwarthogufag
cloudpaladin: it'safukkenmotorcycle
cloudpaladin: whatmoaryouneed?
cloudpaladin: ibetyoucouldgetanadmintorenameitforyouifyouhadthemoneys
sudoecks: tron speed andlights
cloudpaladin: cantseelightsintextgame
cloudpaladin: upoptard
sudoecks: should still me in description
sudoecks: be* M
cloudpaladin: want to try a diff char?
cloudpaladin: while we're on the hellmoo thing
sudoecks: not really.not on the compthat can do hellmux
cloudpaladin: k
cloudpaladin: i'd give you that one i played with when i was showing you around
cloudpaladin: clubs/headbutt combo
cloudpaladin: not done, but good corp, midlev stats
sudoecks: I want a character
sudoecks: but IDK how I wantto build it yet
sudoecks: I thinking
sudoecks: fists, claws with amob and something elsse
cloudpaladin: i'm building like 3 aboms
cloudpaladin: 4 but i forgot ones name
sudoecks: dont you need a fresh email addy for every characrter?
cloudpaladin: after my job is done next week i'll probably start multitasking and really uberbuild
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: they changed taht
cloudpaladin: you can have as many as you want on one email
cloudpaladin: just it makes it easier for them to catch you for alt abuze
sudoecks: lol speakingof hell
sudoecks: lol I talked to cassandra on aim the other day
cloudpaladin: how'dthatworkout?
sudoecks: divorced a second time lol
cloudpaladin: manhelmoisfullofbrokenpeople
sudoecks: with some guy she met... get this, on runescape lol
cloudpaladin: ....
sudoecks: thats exactly what I said
cloudpaladin: notreallyanybetterthanhel
cloudpaladin: justfunnythatthisistheonlywayshecanmeetdudes
cloudpaladin: mmorpgs
cloudpaladin: you should join RIP
cloudpaladin: it's all SSU blidys
cloudpaladin: blindys
cloudpaladin: with different names
cloudpaladin: they jump dudes six deep
cloudpaladin: and still kinda suck
sudoecks: lol blinky coro :?
sudoecks: fun easier to rob
sudoecks: they never see it coming lol
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://j.imagehost.org/view/0156/Worldmap.png)http://j.imagehost.org/view/0156/Worldmap.png
cloudpaladin: i'm in the Helluminate again
sudoecks: Im in jail lol
sudoecks: like 50 stars
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: unoob
sudoecks: i didnt know there were cams in slag
cloudpaladin: Sister Temperance 38 stars Benaron 28 stars Oderus_Urungus 26 stars fuzzy orangutan 10 stars Heath 8 stars Mother Justice 7 stars omgdex 7 stars striker 4 stars rockerfella 4 stars slug 4 stars Jenny 3 stars Gass 1 stars
cloudpaladin: notseeingyou
sudoecks: well I logged out in jail
sudoecks: I'll get out after a bit
cloudpaladin: dude, you have like -8 to hit on that char
cloudpaladin: why didn't you just walk away from the cops?
sudoecks: i did
sudoecks: and they eventually sent robocop
sudoecks: or what ever a those are
cloudpaladin: c350?
sudoecks: yeah
cloudpaladin: you can walk away from those too
sudoecks: and I walked from those too
sudoecks: and they sent more and moreandmore and more and more until 6 were attacking me
cloudpaladin: why didn't you just stop breaking the low?
sudoecks: i only killed like 4 people but in slagtown
sudoecks: rm when I asked about cams... thats why
cloudpaladin: niggayoudum
cloudpaladin: maekabom
cloudpaladin: then you don't have to wryaboutcopz
cloudpaladin: just spawns back in necro
cloudpaladin: also, you can take the ENEMA tutorial
cloudpaladin: and not be such a horrible scrub
sudoecks: so I sell katanas from kakuri ?
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: 4 1k each
cloudpaladin: to walker
cloudpaladin: walter
sudoecks: how do you get to kakuri if you cant swim there
cloudpaladin: take the huey
sudoecks: you used to be able to
cloudpaladin: you can still swim
cloudpaladin: theres just an ocean in the way
cloudpaladin: i swam to kakuri the other day
cloudpaladin: then stormfront
cloudpaladin: i was chillin like a villin
sudoecks: lol what are the islands to thefar north
sudoecks: way way off cost
sudoecks: ne
cloudpaladin: the ones that say floor 1 and floor 2 are the refinery map
cloudpaladin: the ones way north are stormfront and to the northwest of that is tortuga
cloudpaladin: the little red thing north of mountain pass is the exxon valdez
cloudpaladin: it's where bucko and alexis land
sudoecks: oh lol
cloudpaladin: and the white thing all the way to the nw is blue sky tower
cloudpaladin: not v much there
cloudpaladin: but it's on the huey list
cloudpaladin: p much the only use i found for it is if you fly there you can p-chute out within a couple squares of stormfront when the hele flies past
sudoecks: oh lol
sudoecks: hate mule
cloudpaladin: yeah
cloudpaladin: i kinda fucked that char up
sudoecks: no sheey
cloudpaladin: not gonna lie
cloudpaladin: want a dif char?
cloudpaladin: you can be gay in UAC
sudoecks: no faggotry
cloudpaladin: just a figure of speech
sudoecks: lol k w//e
cloudpaladin: turbo robot
cloudpaladin: free clubs are easier to get than free whips
sudoecks: lol
cloudpaladin: also, UAC is a better corp than love
sudoecks: also turbo robot not working
sudoecks: connect turbo robot
sudoecks: **
cloudpaladin: oh
cloudpaladin: it's turbo bunny
sudoecks: lol okay
cloudpaladin: i forgot he was a robot rabbit
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: x
cloudpaladin: gotta keep my chars straight
sudoecks: LOL
cloudpaladin: it's tough with like 20 chars
cloudpaladin: thats why i have an easy pass convention
sudoecks: I believe it
cloudpaladin: charname whatcharis
sudoecks: when did bb get somany floors
cloudpaladin: when hell got somany players
cloudpaladin: we have over 100 connected most of the time
sudoecks: nice
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: off to womp zomboids
sudoecks: wow nice clubbing
cloudpaladin: type 'head' while fighting to headbutt mobs
cloudpaladin: it scales damage based on your brawn
sudoecks: nice
sudoecks: is sagebrush stick some special club?
cloudpaladin: sagebrush sticks are acid based club
cloudpaladin: also, they're free
sudoecks: from where?
cloudpaladin: furnace in orphanage
cloudpaladin: turn it off and scav
sudoecks: search
sudoecks: good armor pants?
cloudpaladin: i usually just layered crappy pants
cloudpaladin: or wore junk sets because they were free
cloudpaladin: or lotus full for the same reason
sudoecks: is gg galeria mall
cloudpaladin: galeria is right across street from brad
cloudpaladin: if thats gg than yes
sudoecks: oh lol
sudoecks: where are celebrity zombies?>
cloudpaladin: in the mall
cloudpaladin: and in new clearwater
sudoecks: south
sudoecks: like over thewall
cloudpaladin: what?
sudoecks: what is boomer
cloudpaladin: they blow up when you kil them
cloudpaladin: they also grab you
sudoecks: damn damn mdanm
sudoecks: LOL
sudoecks: forgot armor
cloudpaladin: i carry a towel from EO
cloudpaladin: and wipe myself down when i get bile on me
sudoecks: dumped everything in house now off to die
cloudpaladin: this doesn't save you all the time
cloudpaladin: but it helps
sudoecks: I thinkletting a zombie looseinorph will be funny
sudoecks: will be funny
cloudpaladin: think they made zombie rot an STD
cloudpaladin: fuck orphans
sudoecks: how to removetheir clother
sudoecks: ?
cloudpaladin: wrestle check
cloudpaladin: you should have decent wrestle
cloudpaladin: grab strip clothingname from mobname
sudoecks: what command
sudoecks: cherrypopper award lol
cloudpaladin: grab mob/player
cloudpaladin: strip clothingname from player/mobname
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: well I deff wanthyper immune
sudoecks: how yto get to nc
sudoecks: cant find it
sudoecks: oh I got it
cloudpaladin: nc?
sudoecks: /I like this char
sudoecks: newclearwater
cloudpaladin: cool
cloudpaladin: careful for rads
sudoecks: I figured it out
sudoecks: I got radq pills
sudoecks: I gotrot again... fyi its an STD now
cloudpaladin: uh
cloudpaladin: i told you that
cloudpaladin: dumdum
sudoecks: you said you thought it is...well it is deff std
sudoecks: is 11k xp still a white cocoon?
sudoecks: or I need other one
cloudpaladin: you can use em ok till 20k
cloudpaladin: ish
cloudpaladin: then you start dropping things
sudoecks: win
sudoecks: sell I got white for now then
sudoecks: thats okay
cloudpaladin: lol, i'm talking to 3 people, and updating the DRS wiki all while playing hellmoo
cloudpaladin: pro
sudoecks: rofl drs wiki?
sudoecks: link?
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.digital-signal.net/drs//index.php?title=Main_Page)http://www.digital-signal.net/drs//index.php?title=Main_Page
sudoecks: im surfing b for lolis
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj0YwaMmM7Y)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj0YwaMmM7Y
sudoecks: gthnx
cloudpaladin: can't match my macro sucka
sudoecks: lol
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY0xgRA_Sk0&NR=1&feature=fvwp)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY0xgRA_Sk0&NR=1&feature=fvwp
sudoecks: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm noggy goodness
sudoecks: also what is best club
cloudpaladin: combustor hammer
sudoecks: eng gme weapon?
cloudpaladin: yeah
cloudpaladin: basicly
sudoecks: what is good atainable club
cloudpaladin: crime stick
sudoecks: where from
sudoecks: do I need kill c350 for one ?
cloudpaladin: kill miner gaurds in the cave
cloudpaladin: they drop them
sudoecks: where iscave
cloudpaladin: north of mountain pass
sudoecks: oh where you get claws
sudoecks: yeah scary shit in there
cloudpaladin: yeah
cloudpaladin: shock batons are good too
cloudpaladin: especially if you shock mod them
sudoecks: srsly?
cloudpaladin: and sagebrush sticks are good for grind
sudoecks: 7.55 raw now
sudoecks: onehittingcelebrity zombies
cloudpaladin: you can't grind weapon skils past 6
cloudpaladin: but it's good for xp grind
sudoecks: ill look
cloudpaladin: because most mobs don't acid soak
sudoecks: exscuse me
sudoecks: raw 7 clubs
sudoecks: 21 total with +2 for acid
cloudpaladin: the +2 is from fighting aggressive
cloudpaladin: also you can buff by getting horny
cloudpaladin: How do I make money? The easiest way to make money if you are good at combat are through contracts. You will need to buy a contract from city hall, or various other vendors (i.e.: zombie hunters ZH in slagtown), and get a manager to sign it. The enforcer contract is a good way to make some cash as dogs will get stars as soon as they initiate combat and the payout is $410 for the easiest and most common mob in the game. Check who is online with corpwho Go to the Mall in Gangland and scavenge, set a trigger to junk books and toasters, everything else there sells for around $100-$200 Go to the crack mansion, kill propecia for nanites and open the cardboard box to the south to get free trauma kits. attack crackheads till they get down to 75% then grab them and push them(or run away from them), look their direction then come in when they don't show as aggroing you anymore. then use trauma and nanites on mob. Another way to do this is to follow around a buddy thats grinding and heal mobs while he's fighting them. pay chart Crackheads,Scumbags- up to 250 Spammers- up to 450(and they never seem to run out of money) Tankboys- up to 1000 Suck cock get on nice clothes,unwield your weapon, and wear some bling. use 'scam mobname'. you'll make decent bank. Avram in Salvage unlimited, (SU on the map, south of AP on the east side of the road) will buy most anything you can pick up from anywhere between a few bucks and more than a hundred. Use the butchering alias to clear out rooms full of dead bodies then pick up anything that looks like it might sell. Walk out to Crater rim and kill Rednecks for their Moonshine(give it to care dog for $200 each and quest xp) Bust ghosts, the payout is unreasonably high especially for old ones(which you can farm at birchwood heights). For more peaceful players, you can search passed out NPCs in NPC apartments at night and steal their junk to sell. You can also Fish for junkiefish or bulletfish, which sell very well for the effort involved in catching them.
cloudpaladin: from the DRS wiki
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Dec 20 12:59:14 2010.
cloudpaladin: working sucks
sudoecks: it does
sudoecks: inlike 600 xp will you take me to hyper imune
sudoecks: also if I'm robot how comes I get rott ?
cloudpaladin: because you're a human that has custom nudes
cloudpaladin: dummy
cloudpaladin: also, no probably not today
sudoecks: lol how to get custom nudes lol
sudoecks: thats funn
cloudpaladin: i got like 2 hours last night
cloudpaladin: so i'm all like sleepyed
cloudpaladin: @nude bodypart is
sudoecks: well I had a tooth pulled today and painppills rock
cloudpaladin: tech @nude bodypart is desc
sudoecks: look
sudoecks: when I get more xp will you take me to Hyper Immune
sudoecks: not necessarilly tonight butwill you ?
cloudpaladin: if i'm awake
cloudpaladin: ya
sudoecks: also turbo is becoming a bad ass
sudoecks: Kthnx brb
cloudpaladin: i bet if you ask real pretty on corpchat one of those awesome dudes will get you hyperimmune
cloudpaladin: just sayin
sudoecks: I might I didnt get the XP yet been scavanging
cloudpaladin: how much are you short?
cloudpaladin: you could p do jobs if it's not v much
cloudpaladin: i can run about a k or two jobbing
sudoecks: its like 575 or something
cloudpaladin: type 'jobs'
sudoecks: lol I'm grinding search
cloudpaladin: k
sudoecks: but I will do jobs tom
sudoecks: bed time working tom
sudoecks: cya
cloudpaladin: k
cloudpaladin: l9r
sudoecks: what the fuck is to the far far south east of the planet on hell?
cloudpaladin: glowstiller
sudoecks: is there hard shit there?
cloudpaladin: yes
sudoecks: like what ?
cloudpaladin: bootleggers
sudoecks: and the far far south west ?
cloudpaladin: necropolis
sudoecks: dinos?
cloudpaladin: freaks
sudoecks: is there stores there?
cloudpaladin: yes
sudoecks: what they sell?
cloudpaladin: new contracts mostly
cloudpaladin: food i think
sudoecks: also I trolled someone out of 100000 tonight
sudoecks: hes in my corp
sudoecks: and hes prolly going to IRL goto jail cause of me
cloudpaladin: who?
sudoecks: I'm not telling
cloudpaladin: long as it isn't stabs
cloudpaladin: stabs is a cool bro
sudoecks: nope not stabs
cloudpaladin: cool
cloudpaladin: don't care then
sudoecks: damn IDK to send images on kopete
sudoecks: I'llshow what I emailedhim though
cloudpaladin: dun much care
sudoecks: well this is epic
sudoecks: its something. well youll see lol
sudoecks: (Link: http://d.imagehost.org/view/0225/1291081961358)http://d.imagehost.org/view/0225/1291081961358
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: and it really scans
sudoecks: and it will do what itsays
sudoecks: accept EasyV didn't create
cloudpaladin: [S##s][ 0%] The surviving bureaucrat goes limp; Spawn hammers his fist into his arm with a crunch. You earned the 'executed a terrified bureaucrat' XP award! [ You earned 24 XP! ] [ Your clone has been updated! All skills and experience saved. ] [ You earned 5 XP! ] The surviving bureaucrat crumples to the ground, gasps out his last breath, and dies. Ugh! Some blood splashed on you. Jutturna comes down the street from the west. 11Steve heads east down the street. Jutturna says, "you" Jutturna says, "cunt"
cloudpaladin: fun fact, terrified bureaucrats aren't FCPD protected
cloudpaladin: i killed him two squares from city hall
sudoecks: lmao really?
cloudpaladin: ya
sudoecks: also how do you become mayor of FC
cloudpaladin: general election
sudoecks: srly? how do you apply
cloudpaladin: and you have to get most of teh playerbase to love you
cloudpaladin: you pretty much just have to get all your friends to spam the nets wit yourname for mayor long enough
cloudpaladin: and have your friends be most of the players in the game
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: ill just paypal everyone 500 helbux to say it in chatnet
sudoecks: and I'll donate monies to hell to get helbux
sudoecks: woot
sudoecks: ok peace
cloudpaladin: admins don't give you hellbux for IRL money
cloudpaladin: players might though
sudoecks: lol or IRL Coopans lmao
cloudpaladin: the only perk to giving money to hell is that admins like you a little more
cloudpaladin: fyndir donated 150 and all he ever got was a paper crown
cloudpaladin: because he's the king of hellmoo
sudoecks: rofl
cloudpaladin: i'd be willing to bet players would sell you hellmoo money for IRL money
cloudpaladin: but you'd have to make sure you didn't get trolled
cloudpaladin: it would suck to lose out real money for hellbux
cloudpaladin: that the dude doesn'thave
cloudpaladin: hell, i'll sell you hellmoo money for real money
cloudpaladin: add 000 to dollar value
cloudpaladin: one dollar = 100, one hundred for 100,000
cloudpaladin: one =1000
cloudpaladin: actually thats a little high
cloudpaladin: just make me an offer yo
cloudpaladin: i'm good at getting stupidly rich
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGwludVZ4jo)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGwludVZ4jo
sudoecks: sunset 415pm here
cloudpaladin: it's already dark out
cloudpaladin: ugay
cloudpaladin: winter=gets dark quick
sudoecks: wow that sucked
sudoecks: stoned dream killed me
sudoecks: cause a zombie at me
sudoecks: and knocked meout
sudoecks: while a boomer had me
sudoecks: it was pretty bad
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: pwnt
sudoecks: yeah well I just onehittedaboomer
sudoecks: spiked shock shock balanced baton
sudoecks: galleria mall 10K
cloudpaladin: you should buy it
sudoecks: I have it
cloudpaladin: cool
cloudpaladin: good stats on taht?
sudoecks: thus the one hittingboomers
sudoecks: also is 7 the best a waepon can be trained to ?
cloudpaladin: no
sudoecks: or can I grind it more
cloudpaladin: you can be trained to 15
cloudpaladin: you can grind to 6
sudoecks: how doI trainanother level
cloudpaladin: ask on tradenet
cloudpaladin: want to learn clubs to number
cloudpaladin: some nice player teacher will teach you the level if you have enough unspent xp
sudoecks: really
cloudpaladin: you'll know if you have enough because the xp next to the stat will be green
sudoecks: I need 19 lol
sudoecks: XP // 12,441 total // 3,761 effective // 4,329 to spend
sudoecks: lol
cloudpaladin: is it sad that i can just spam directions to get where i'm going by memory?
cloudpaladin: you get anyone to teach you clubs?
sudoecks: I need more xp
sudoecks: not alot
sudoecks: like 40
cloudpaladin: cool
cloudpaladin: smalltalk someone
sudoecks: is there nNPC teach for that
cloudpaladin: one of my aboms has like 16k more xp than his effective just from jobbing
sudoecks: lol jobs get you xp ?
cloudpaladin: yes
sudoecks: how to do jobs
cloudpaladin: the list on my current abom
cloudpaladin: Job XP Progress Earned Again in... corpse grinder 60 - 3/5 Now deliveryboy 100 0/3 2/10 1 day dexter 200 0/3 1/6 6 days mangler 75 4/10 0/10 Now medic 130 2/5 2/15 Now orphan exterminator 50 0/6 3/10 Now pusherman 250 1/10 0/10 Now socializer 50 - 3/30 Now You've completed 14/96 jobs, for 1140/9700 XP.
sudoecks: do job ""
sudoecks: how to do jobs?
cloudpaladin: corpsegrinder you process something with the rdcd unit, deliveryboy you deliver three packages for ratzo, dexter you kill three shadowy figures in gangland, mangler you get ten fatalities, medic you get a trauma kit and heal five patients at the hospital, orphan exterminateor is obvious, pusherman you get sell ten crack rocks to crackheads socializer you buy rounds or smalltalk
cloudpaladin: theres like 20 more jobs
cloudpaladin: but those are some of the easy ones
cloudpaladin: whats your gear?
sudoecks: good
sudoecks: orphan exterminator huh
cloudpaladin: Weapon Raw Hit Spd Par DType base effec crit% eDPS bone claw 3-6 23 4.9 slsh 3-7 3-14 30% + stab 0-6 0-6 30% 3.68
sudoecks: soundsfun
cloudpaladin: for a day or so old i'm hearting my claws
cloudpaladin: note am making like 4 aboms at once, and this is the scrubiest
cloudpaladin: but it's still nice to get characters to decent stats
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: spiked shock baton 4-6 22 6.1 * beat 3-8 3-12 10%
sudoecks: + elec 4-9 4-9 15%
cloudpaladin: lol, my hit is better than yours
sudoecks: + stab 1-2 1-2 10% 3.29
sudoecks: edps 3.29
cloudpaladin: there you go
cloudpaladin: cupid can teech you
sudoecks: where is JS
cloudpaladin: corpclave
sudoecks: ok thankss
sudoecks: JS doesnt show on gmapin CC
cloudpaladin: from the gate it's n n n e e e e n n n
sudoecks: ok
sudoecks: thanks you damn ninja
sudoecks: 8.00 +2 [22] brw,ref 5040xp Home-run skull cracker
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjemyqWPRbs)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjemyqWPRbs
sudoecks: clubs woot
cloudpaladin: you pro
sudoecks: damn big money to update cloan
cloudpaladin: teaching updates you
sudoecks: does it nice
cloudpaladin: if a player teaches you it autoupdates you
sudoecks: nice
sudoecks: off to do jobbing
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: you there
cloudpaladin: i am now
cloudpaladin: i do that sleeping off and on thing
cloudpaladin: after work
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: damn it man
sudoecks: CLOUD
sudoecks: dan
sudoecks: dan
cloudpaladin: what
cloudpaladin: gdit
cloudpaladin: i can totally see you
cloudpaladin: watcha want?
cloudpaladin: sudo
cloudpaladin: do you have iron liver?+
cloudpaladin: i=spawn
cloudpaladin: ya twat
sudoecks: I cant even get fucking hyper immune
sudoecks: fuck it
sudoecks: deleteing clone
cloudpaladin: oh you
cloudpaladin: just make a new character
cloudpaladin: you cutnt
cloudpaladin: i'm not giving you any more characters if you start deleting them
sudoecks: I'm not
sudoecks: I'm just pissed
cloudpaladin: nigga you think you're pissed
sudoecks: I typeated mut
cloudpaladin: i gave up a tripplestack of lotus armor
cloudpaladin: so you could NOT mutate hyperimmune
cloudpaladin: oh well
cloudpaladin: shits free
sudoecks: I typed what you said
sudoecks: and is didnt work
cloudpaladin: the mutation thing says, type 'mutate hyperimmune'
cloudpaladin: you didn't see the giant green letters?
sudoecks: it didnt pop up
cloudpaladin: oh well
cloudpaladin: just don't fight zombies
cloudpaladin: fight something that doesn't give you rot
cloudpaladin: theres plenty of mobs that are good xp that don't rot you
sudoecks: nothing gives me money and not rot
cloudpaladin: uh
cloudpaladin: you know angelica
cloudpaladin: my 15 raw char
cloudpaladin: with 80k
cloudpaladin: never fought zombies
cloudpaladin: ever
cloudpaladin: they're pointless
cloudpaladin: they give low money and low xp compared to other things their level
sudoecks: how to make money they dont buy good cons and scavanging in gang mallhas zombies too
cloudpaladin: uh
cloudpaladin: buy your own con
cloudpaladin: you can sign
cloudpaladin: sucka
cloudpaladin: anyone can
sudoecks: used to be only managers
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: now you can set it
cloudpaladin: and anyone can
cloudpaladin: in this corp atleast
sudoecks: where can I buy good cons and what are they
cloudpaladin: city hall
cloudpaladin: buy sewer
sudoecks: oaky
cloudpaladin: kill chobos
sudoecks: w.e
cloudpaladin: they are worth more and give better xp
sudoecks: where is city hall ?
cloudpaladin: next door to the fcpd office
cloudpaladin: i'll just buy you one
sudoecks: okay thanks
cloudpaladin: brb
cloudpaladin: oh nvm
cloudpaladin: i keep forgetting a have a laptop
cloudpaladin: i can poo and play moos
sudoecks: thank you
cloudpaladin: np
cloudpaladin: getting you more sagebrush stix
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: advise for me you has??
cloudpaladin: practice makes perfect
cloudpaladin: simple stuff, do jobs, do quests, make new character and play in ENEMA for a little while so you can learn the game
cloudpaladin: or did you want advise for you about nonhell?
cloudpaladin: also, bassnectar is the shit
sudoecks: Auto-response from
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGzUHTUn-5Y&NR=1)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGzUHTUn-5Y&NR=1 Session Close (sudoecks): Wed Dec 22 22:25:25 2010 -0800 Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Thu Dec 23 12:38:24 2010 -0800
cloudpaladin: FREEEEDUMB!!!
sudoecks: Auto-response from
cloudpaladin: is cassandra the same one?
cloudpaladin: whats your total xp?
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Thu Dec 23 20:45:36 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Dec 24 08:15:09 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Dec 24 08:26:07 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Dec 24 13:33:51 2010.
cloudpaladin: merry christmas eve
sudoecks: Auto-response from
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed off at Fri Dec 24 20:00:41 2010.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Dec 24 20:15:56 2010.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed off at Fri Dec 24 20:17:39 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Dec 25 08:01:46 2010.
sudoecks: Happy holiday of heracy
cloudpaladin: merry mythosmas
sudoecks: Rofl get anything worth mention
cloudpaladin: family didn't even celebrate christmas
cloudpaladin: we wheren't feeling it this year
cloudpaladin: any of us
cloudpaladin: so we just sent out cards and took the day off
sudoecks: Srsly that's awesome I love it.
sudoecks: You have succeeded in properly celebrating this day. Good job
sudoecks: That's exactly what its all about
cloudpaladin: saying fuckit and not doing anything?
sudoecks: Yes you're doing it right
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Dec 25 11:33:14 2010.
cloudpaladin: just missed u
cloudpaladin: want ur shocky baton back?
sudoecks: Yeah later. I jumped in just to check
cloudpaladin: cool
sudoecks: Blah I hate holidays... You should papal me so I can buy you a gift.
cloudpaladin: i would send you money for the holiday and shit
cloudpaladin: but i lost my debit cand
cloudpaladin: and had to get the bank to do the old cancel/resend thing
cloudpaladin: i hate some holidays
cloudpaladin: halloween is awesome
cloudpaladin: and easter(aka cadbury egg day)
sudoecks: Me too... Lol well you should come here for 1111
cloudpaladin: 1111?
cloudpaladin: oh yeah, new year
cloudpaladin: actually this year we'll have 111111 as well
sudoecks: Yeah and 1112 too cause it will be awesome
sudoecks: Win
cloudpaladin: what happens on 1112?
sudoecks: The end of the myan calendar
cloudpaladin: oh really?
cloudpaladin: yeah
cloudpaladin: i guess that is the end of the world
cloudpaladin: and stuff
cloudpaladin: which isn't going to happen
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Dec 25 15:03:55 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Dec 25 17:34:06 2010.
sudoecks: No but if it ends that day I wasn't to party a lot
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 26 09:13:08 2010.
cloudpaladin: bitches ain't shit, but hoes and tricks
cloudpaladin: for shizzle in my nizzle
sudoecks: Ahhhhh bud up home beef skillett
cloudpaladin: doing some drunken adventuring
cloudpaladin: exploring the wasteland with only a crate of sham adams
sudoecks: Rofl
cloudpaladin: you gotta get iron liver bro
cloudpaladin: this is p awesome
cloudpaladin: midfight i'm grabbing beers from my massive crate o beer and chugging them to heal
cloudpaladin: /be invin
sudoecks: Rofl lol okay p pro
cloudpaladin: working on my brobom still
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 26 13:25:11 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 26 16:53:18 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 26 19:25:28 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 26 19:37:43 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 26 19:54:26 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 26 20:30:19 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Dec 27 10:28:32 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Dec 27 11:30:17 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Dec 27 19:28:56 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Dec 27 20:58:53 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Dec 28 09:45:24 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected. Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Fri Dec 31 12:19:33 2010 -0800
sudoecks: bored needhard drive damn shitcunt fuck grrr
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed off at Fri Dec 31 12:21:09 2010.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Dec 31 12:26:54 2010.
cloudpaladin: what?
cloudpaladin: l
cloudpaladin: mis
cloudpaladin: still plaing hell
cloudpaladin: this is why i don't do drugs
cloudpaladin: addictive personality
cloudpaladin: do you know if theres a cloner in luskentyre?
sudoecks: Auto-response from
cloudpaladin: oh mis
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Jan 01 09:43:23 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Jan 01 10:56:44 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Jan 01 13:12:02 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Jan 01 15:48:40 2011.
cloudpaladin: hola mein
sudoecks: Auto-response from
cloudpaladin: hola meing
cloudpaladin: como ustau usted? Session Close (sudoecks): Sat Jan 01 20:39:46 2011 -0800 Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Sun Jan 02 13:38:20 2011 -0800
sudoecks: What is awesome Linus distro for live cd use I love sax but its lacking features
cloudpaladin: sup homie
cloudpaladin: backtrack
cloudpaladin: backtrack is actually the best live cd i've used
cloudpaladin: you wouldn't think it would be, but since it's designed to be a live cd not a installed operating system it comes preinstalled with all the fun web media shit
cloudpaladin: also it's mp3 player isn't garbage
cloudpaladin: and you never have to worry about wifi hotspots
cloudpaladin: because you can just hack someones wifi
cloudpaladin: backtrack ftw
sudoecks: It is feature rich
sudoecks: And its got a shit ton of favoring shit
cloudpaladin: but?
cloudpaladin: You read through the newspaper titled "STABS ELECTED MAYOR- CITIZENS MOSTLY INDIFFERENT". In a landslide victory, local citizen and self-appointed FCPD detective Stabs has been elected to mayordom, causing absolutely no impact amongst the city's people. Local nobody Durendal was quoted as saying "Stabs was thoughtless enough to give it all up for this position, and I love him very much for it." Baldr, who considers himself to be the head of public relations, had only this to say: "I'm bald." Cheeba, who is also some person nobody knows, informed us that he enjoys feral dogs, and hopes that this recent happening will bring more into town looking for mayoral scraps and salvage. The mayor's first action was to blackmail the gods into raining hooded rain ponchos upon the city, as a gift for the less ponchoed. "He blackmailed us," said Dagon. "It was pretty terrible. I cried." From here on in, the city can only get better.
cloudpaladin: i lol'd
sudoecks: No but I think ill burn one... Lol I hacked wii to burn ads on external burner
cloudpaladin: we have a new player mayor of freedom city
cloudpaladin: he was elected during the christmas new years thing
cloudpaladin: and he hasn't really done anything
cloudpaladin: besides make it rain ponchos
cloudpaladin: but it makes hellmoo more interesting
cloudpaladin: somehowe
cloudpaladin: just letting you know
cloudpaladin: because you don't play and shit
sudoecks: I do I just been hella busy I <3 turbo he's a pimp
cloudpaladin: well, if you do end up playing again i'll recruit you into my current corp
cloudpaladin: which isn't gay like UAC
cloudpaladin: also, i ground fists all the way to 15 raw
cloudpaladin: then rerolled
cloudpaladin: and now i'm a crafter
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Jan 02 22:50:34 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Jan 03 01:52:46 2011. Session Close (sudoecks): Mon Jan 03 01:54:08 2011 -0800 Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Fri Jan 07 18:20:58 2011 -0800
sudoecks: you know
sudoecks: I hate the cold
sudoecks: I hate it all
cloudpaladin: i do to
cloudpaladin: cold sucks a fat cock
sudoecks: infactthe only reason I haven't gone and shot up a random public place is my son
sudoecks: also I'm drunkand have a loaded AK$&
cloudpaladin: doesn't your sun live in a place that isn't as cold?
cloudpaladin: just sayin
cloudpaladin: this is also the reason that the only gun i own fires bbs
cloudpaladin: because i can't help shooting it
cloudpaladin: all the time
cloudpaladin: and i'd rather not put holes in my wall
sudoecks: I dont even get to see him and Heswhy I wont just go kill a random people in public for the fuck of it
cloudpaladin: because then i'll be colder
cloudpaladin: why don't you get to see him?
sudoecks: but then again
sudoecks: Why shouldnt i? got email... I want to show you my new toy
cloudpaladin: not that i'm downing killing random people in public
cloudpaladin: but if you want to see your kid whats stopping you?
sudoecks: well? ???
cloudpaladin: my email is the same as it ever was
cloudpaladin: Drichwalski@gmail.com
sudoecks: reply I see you typing
cloudpaladin: i am not
cloudpaladin: i am typing other thangs
cloudpaladin: in other places
cloudpaladin: god damn, i'm retarded
cloudpaladin: the army doesn't want me if i don't have 15 college credits, so i'm actually thinking about going to college THEN going into the army
sudoecks: god damn it dan? reply
cloudpaladin: ain't i fucking dumb?
cloudpaladin: oh i got counterstrike working
cloudpaladin: so i can pwnt ur faec if you get on at some point
cloudpaladin: and get a hardrive
cloudpaladin: step up in the party like my name was mr.T
cloudpaladin: all these hatin naggers ain't got nothin on me
sudoecks: well?
cloudpaladin: well what?
sudoecks: well fucker??
cloudpaladin: well what mother fucker?
sudoecks: didnt you get mass of drucken txts
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: not one
sudoecks: earlier???
cloudpaladin: just you going 'well?' 'well??' 'well?"
cloudpaladin: thats it
sudoecks: on aim???
cloudpaladin: yes
sudoecks: ghey ill resend later
cloudpaladin: you gay
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Jan 07 23:16:11 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected. Session Close (sudoecks): Sat Jan 08 00:58:42 2011 -0800 Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Sun Jan 09 08:06:11 2011 -0800
cloudpaladin: nigga you gay
sudoecks: damn it gmailis slow for metoday
sudoecks: mexican must have dug up my internets again
sudoecks: lmao
cloudpaladin: dirty wetback
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: (Link: https://www.fushigiball.com/default.aspx?mid=742426)https://www.fushigiball.com/default.aspx?mid=742426
sudoecks: holy shit thats cool
sudoecks: I gotta have it
sudoecks: lol
cloudpaladin: omg
cloudpaladin: that looks
cloudpaladin: RETARDED
cloudpaladin: i want to throw that ball at your face
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Jan 10 12:32:01 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Jan 10 16:27:02 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Jan 10 22:25:17 2011.
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AyVh1_vWYQ&feature=channel)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AyVh1_vWYQ&feature=channel
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Jan 11 12:31:47 2011.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed off at Tue Jan 11 13:27:53 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected. Session Close (sudoecks): Thu Jan 13 03:16:20 2011 -0800 Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Thu Jan 13 12:35:13 2011 -0800
sudoecks: Nigga
sudoecks: Yo
sudoecks: Dan you around you should find me a mud client for iPhone lol
cloudpaladin: uh
cloudpaladin: i can't really do that because i don't really use cellphones
cloudpaladin: so i have no idea what they require
cloudpaladin: you could probably make mudconnector work on cellphone interwebs
sudoecks: I love my iPod touch it's so p pro
cloudpaladin: how many gigs does that hold?
sudoecks: 16 is the one I bought
cloudpaladin: meh
cloudpaladin: i only want my mp3 player to play mp3s
cloudpaladin: my classic has 160 gig
cloudpaladin: on the other hand i buy electronics like an old person
sudoecks: But I wanted it for apps and Internet... My nano is 64
cloudpaladin: i accept that i just shouldn't be on the internet all the time
cloudpaladin: i spend entirely too much time online as it is
sudoecks: Lol I love 24/8 internets cause well woot!!!!!!!
cloudpaladin: 24/8?
cloudpaladin: where did that other day come from?
sudoecks: Yup24/8
cloudpaladin: or does that mean you internet on leap years?
sudoecks: My ass hole and l
cloudpaladin: ???
sudoecks: Internet is not bound by liniar time
cloudpaladin: fair enough
cloudpaladin: you're gonna be fucked when the internet explodes in 2012
sudoecks: Loll
sudoecks: Maybe
cloudpaladin: oh, i have CS:S working now
cloudpaladin: just in time for you to have a computer with no hard drives
sudoecks: Lol css is on the window 7 laptop
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: same for me
cloudpaladin: i play css in bed
cloudpaladin: my aim is still shitty though
cloudpaladin: this is what happens when you don't play for like a year
sudoecks: But do you play while taking a shit that's p pro
cloudpaladin: i play hellmoo in the bathroom
cloudpaladin: but not css
cloudpaladin: i can't steady my shooting hand
sudoecks: Lol shooting hand
cloudpaladin: a steady hand is important
cloudpaladin: it makes my aim less shitty
sudoecks: Lol or messy depending on the usage lmao
cloudpaladin: this reminds me
cloudpaladin: i forgot to turn mouse smoothing off
sudoecks: Lol how did you get smoothing?? V
cloudpaladin: it's called 'pointer accuracy' in windows 7
cloudpaladin: but it's the same thing
sudoecks: Oh lol I figured
cloudpaladin: however if you turn it off it makes your mouse work a little bit better in css
cloudpaladin: i still gotta set up my triggers
cloudpaladin: not that i'll really need them right now
cloudpaladin: because i'm just playing gungame
sudoecks: Lol
cloudpaladin: the only weapons i'm still decent with are the scout and the knife
cloudpaladin: and thats just because of practicing
cloudpaladin: and shiz
cloudpaladin: when i played all the time
sudoecks: Lmao I'm dual pistols world champion I dual fist an ass whooping
cloudpaladin: thats good
cloudpaladin: i still need to get the award for killing something with dualies while you also have dualies
cloudpaladin: css with awards is fun
sudoecks: Iol
sudoecks: I need to start playing again cause I'm lazy and don't
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: you're so lazy you don't play video games
cloudpaladin: ?
cloudpaladin: that doesn't really sound like a problem
sudoecks: Yup
sudoecks: I wonder if this will work hmmmm
cloudpaladin: wut?
sudoecks: Nope nixd
cloudpaladin: wut/
cloudpaladin: ?
sudoecks: I was trying to picture send but the option isn't there
cloudpaladin: pictures are for people that like pictures anyway
sudoecks: Woot
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Jan 14 00:54:16 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Jan 14 07:55:01 2011.
cloudpaladin: hey you
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Jan 14 16:33:58 2011.
sudoecks: Fuckered
cloudpaladin: fuckered your mothered
sudoecks: Fucktard damn iPod auto correct
sudoecks: Also you're a cunt chunk
sudoecks: And IDE sell your ass for soup
sudoecks: But the niggera don't even want it
cloudpaladin: what?
cloudpaladin: ipod?
cloudpaladin: nigeria?
sudoecks: Idk niggers
cloudpaladin: not all niggers come from nigeria you know
sudoecks: And yes I'm talking to you on my iPod
cloudpaladin: technology is awesome
cloudpaladin: speaking of selling my ass, want to be a reference?
sudoecks: And I also know that... But they all belong in cotton fields
sudoecks: Ka
cloudpaladin: you've known me for like 6 years or some shit
sudoecks: Okay
sudoecks: 8126707438
cloudpaladin: whats your middle name?
sudoecks: I'll tell them your mom is hot
cloudpaladin: these faggots love middle names
cloudpaladin: you should
sudoecks: And I do t
cloudpaladin: tell the FBI that you love my mother
sudoecks: Don't have one
sudoecks: I will
sudoecks: And thAt your dad gives awesome head lol
cloudpaladin: my dad is dead
sudoecks: Reference for what???
cloudpaladin: i'm joining the army
cloudpaladin: like a fag
sudoecks: Lol no he isn't
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: he is
cloudpaladin: he died last month
sudoecks: Ummm what?
sudoecks: No way
cloudpaladin: ya way
cloudpaladin: my dad had cancer
cloudpaladin: thats why i went back to wisconsin in the first place
sudoecks: I did not know that
cloudpaladin: it's cool
sudoecks: Well ummm yeah. In' nomede patri et felli spiritus sancti
cloudpaladin: lol
sudoecks: Lol@ what
cloudpaladin: your priesthood
sudoecks: How the fuck did you not tell me that
sudoecks: This makes the holidays not hapoenlll
cloudpaladin: hapoenlll?
sudoecks: happening makes sence
cloudpaladin: i don't really like to share actual personal details with other people if they're depressing
cloudpaladin: i didn't tell you because i didn't want to bum you out just in time for christmas
sudoecks: Or rather that they didn't ... Damn it man you're like a little brother to me
cloudpaladin: brother from another mother
sudoecks: I'm not bummed but I do offer my condolinces... Hell yes you are
cloudpaladin: i appreciate it
cloudpaladin: also
cloudpaladin: whats your address?
cloudpaladin: the fbi wants to know
sudoecks: Okay well no one knows this, but I was diagnosed with parkinsons
sudoecks: 111duerstein st buffleheads
cloudpaladin: buffleheads?
sudoecks: Buffalo * ny 14210
sudoecks: iPod spell corrector
sudoecks: And you can't turn it off
sudoecks: I know they
sudoecks: Th
sudoecks: Ghey
cloudpaladin: it can't be that good a spellchecker
sudoecks: ***sometimes it werx great
cloudpaladin: it let ghey through
cloudpaladin: sometimes isn't very good
sudoecks: I had to add it
cloudpaladin: it should work or not work
cloudpaladin: working sometimes is just annoying
sudoecks: I know other times you get bufflhead from buffalo
cloudpaladin: why do you get bufflhead?
cloudpaladin: buffalo is a real word
cloudpaladin: bufflhead is uh, i don't think it's a real word
sudoecks: Cause it auto changed buffalo to buffleheads
cloudpaladin: what?
sudoecks: It's made by apple remember this
cloudpaladin: lawl
cloudpaladin: thats the most hilarious shit
cloudpaladin: nobody ever uses buffleheads in a sentence
sudoecks: It learns though the more I use it the better it works
cloudpaladin: apple should know that nobody uses bufflehead in senences
sudoecks: It is pretty fucking hilarious
cloudpaladin: i lol'd
sudoecks: Lol I think it's done with Funky mayhr
sudoecks: Math*
cloudpaladin: google is smarter
cloudpaladin: it thinks i want buffalo wild wings
cloudpaladin: which is closer
sudoecks: He'
cloudpaladin: i don't think telling people you live at buffalo wild wings would be that much better though
sudoecks: Hell yeah I love wings woot
sudoecks: I want a steak subwirxhll
sudoecks: Subwitxh
cloudpaladin: what?
sudoecks: Subwitch
cloudpaladin: lol
sudoecks: god damns you apple
cloudpaladin: subwirxhll
sudoecks: But it knows apple
cloudpaladin: it should be aplxl
sudoecks: It can spell apple
sudoecks: Aplxl
sudoecks: YeH it knows that too
cloudpaladin: it adds x's to everything
cloudpaladin: putting the x in 'sudo x'
sudoecks: I think so
sudoecks: Audi
sudoecks: Lol
sudoecks: Aud
sudoecks: Sudox goes to Audi
cloudpaladin: Australlxlia
sudoecks: Ghey I had to add sudo
sudoecks: It's fucking Linux based and I had to add sudo
sudoecks: How fail is Steve nao
sudoecks: Glad I didn't pay retail
cloudpaladin: steve joblxls?
sudoecks: Lxls
sudoecks: Lmao
cloudpaladin: for spelling like that i hope you stole it at gunpoilxnt
sudoecks: Lmao I should have
sudoecks: I want a different. Model any way.... This is 3rs gen I want 4th with 2. Cameras
cloudpaladin: two cameras?
cloudpaladin: what do you do with more than one camera?
sudoecks: HD iSights both of them. Front and back for pictures and video chat
cloudpaladin: oh
sudoecks: So you can see the screen and video
sudoecks: Or see self and photo or see shot and photo like a regular camera
sudoecks: Good features
sudoecks: Also a 3 ghz intel atom
cloudpaladin: so you can take a real picture and a myspace angle shot at the same timxlise
sudoecks: YeS
sudoecks: Also you can. Camwhore with better idea of lighting between your ass cheeks
sudoecks: Lmao
sudoecks: Okay brb
sudoecks: Ho
sudoecks: Army whore
sudoecks: Lol
cloudpaladin: eventually
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Jan 15 02:45:35 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Jan 16 02:38:18 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Jan 17 02:58:32 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Jan 17 08:55:38 2011.
sudoecks: Ahoy
sudoecks: Nigga
cloudpaladin: nigga plox
cloudpaladin: i'll slap the black off yo ass
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Jan 18 03:39:55 2011.
sudoecks: get on skype skype me
sudoecks: I need to explain a nifty attack idea
sudoecks: or vent nhb
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Jan 18 09:21:04 2011.
cloudpaladin: two things
cloudpaladin: no mic
cloudpaladin: and that requires a whole lot more caring than i have for NHB
cloudpaladin: they don't like even do shows anymore
sudoecks: Fuck u skype me and have a mic damn it
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: i'll get a mic
cloudpaladin: eventually
cloudpaladin: but why you want to attack NHB i have no idea
cloudpaladin: damon isn't even on the station anymore
sudoecks: Who said attack nhb,?
cloudpaladin: uh you
cloudpaladin: didn't you?
cloudpaladin: or did you
cloudpaladin: i scrolled up
cloudpaladin: i thought you said get in skype so i can tell you how to attack nhb vent
cloudpaladin: but you actually just said get in skype or nhb vent
cloudpaladin: i'm dum
cloudpaladin: i think my laptop has an internal mic
sudoecks: Just a little
sudoecks: Wedcam
sudoecks: ?
cloudpaladin: oh, i think i do have a webcam
cloudpaladin: but i don't want you to watch me jacking off to your voi..... i don't want you to see me
sudoecks: Cause if there's a cam there is aix
sudoecks: Mic
cloudpaladin: my last laptop had an internal mic but no webcam
sudoecks: Uck shir apple
cloudpaladin: i think tehy come standard
sudoecks: God damn b
sudoecks: B
sudoecks: Kb
sudoecks: Fuck shit cunt cock damn hell fixed y
sudoecks: Gay
sudoecks: Ghey
sudoecks: Fuxk damn better
cloudpaladin: ok, im in nhb vent
cloudpaladin: which is ded
cloudpaladin: so ded
sudoecks: Okay I think I got it
sudoecks: As soon as it installs
cloudpaladin: i'm so gangsta you can find me baking cookies at night!!
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEC7kz4hu6c)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEC7kz4hu6c
sudoecks: Server and port
cloudpaladin: just go to the website
cloudpaladin: like i did
sudoecks: Lol idk I'll look
cloudpaladin: chat.nhbradio.com port 4440
sudoecks: Thabkyoy
sudoecks: Gah I got the munchies
cloudpaladin: munchie this limp meatflute
sudoecks: Cunt
cloudpaladin: ok, i'm back
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Jan 18 04:56:52 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Jan 18 18:00:53 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Jan 18 10:34:09 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Jan 18 12:17:29 2011.
sudoecks: I want to join acarnival
sudoecks: I hate the real world
cloudpaladin: you should
cloudpaladin: join a carnival
cloudpaladin: see the world
sudoecks: Iam thinking so
cloudpaladin: meet new people
cloudpaladin: yell at them to buy your shitty popcorn
sudoecks: Nigga Im a ride jock
cloudpaladin: whateva nig
cloudpaladin: times are tough
cloudpaladin: you'll be in charge of the lucky ducks
sudoecks: Do you have the feintest concept of what I do ?
cloudpaladin: you give people those chinese fingercuffs after they get the duck with the star on the bottom
sudoecks: I move faris wheels ....big ones like fucking huge
cloudpaladin: thats silly
cloudpaladin: ferris wheels already move
sudoecks: I know how to take several models completely apart and put them back together
cloudpaladin: like legos?
cloudpaladin: can you make a giant robot out of ferris wheel parts?+
sudoecks: I move BIG equiptment lol google image search reithoffer Dutch wheel
sudoecks: Probaby
cloudpaladin: you must be really strong mithter
cloudpaladin: if you can pick up a ferris wheel
sudoecks: lol faggot
sudoecks: Top being an sashay
sudoecks: Asshat
sudoecks: Damn auto correctionc
cloudpaladin: but for serial, if i can join the army you can join the carnival
cloudpaladin: well
cloudpaladin: maybe i can join the army
cloudpaladin: they might not let me in with my AIDS
sudoecks: I can get you a carnival job if you can't
sudoecks: Lolaida
cloudpaladin: lol <3
sudoecks: Aids**
cloudpaladin: i'd kiss you but i don't want to share my AIDS
sudoecks: You aids fag
sudoecks: You are cancer
cloudpaladin: thats not funny
cloudpaladin: cancer kills people
cloudpaladin: AIDS help them work out
sudoecks: Uh huh
sudoecks: Come be a ride jock it rocks
sudoecks: Also no hell moo
cloudpaladin: i'm pretty bored of hellmoo
cloudpaladin: at this point
cloudpaladin: yo
cloudpaladin: i've like made every character
sudoecks: I know that's why I think you should join the carnival
cloudpaladin: i will if i fail the eye exam for the army too horribly tomorrow
sudoecks: Lol
cloudpaladin: it shouldn't matter
cloudpaladin: it's not like it's my shooting eye
sudoecks: Mmmmnmmmmmmmm crab Rangoon
sudoecks: Well it matters
cloudpaladin: might
cloudpaladin: the army will like give dudes glasses
sudoecks: They care
cloudpaladin: meh
cloudpaladin: i doubt it will matter much
cloudpaladin: i'll either be able to cheat through it
cloudpaladin: or they won't care
cloudpaladin: between the two it should turn out ok
sudoecks: Join the carnival to get mad pussy
cloudpaladin: my polarity is the opposite of pussy
cloudpaladin: i'm the opposite of a pussy magnet
cloudpaladin: girls run away from me
cloudpaladin: nerdjohk
sudoecks: Lol not gay though
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: not gay
cloudpaladin: just secure enough in my sexuality to joke about being gay
cloudpaladin: sucking cock
cloudpaladin: having aids
cloudpaladin: ext
cloudpaladin: am really a furry though
sudoecks: Well I'm the king of getting laid
cloudpaladin: touch my fuzzy beaver nipples
sudoecks: I can get any one laid
cloudpaladin: is this like how you're the king of haxing?
cloudpaladin: mr wrote a book full of other peoples guides
sudoecks: You have no idea of the pussy I pull down
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: well
cloudpaladin: i know everytime you move you get a girlfriend
cloudpaladin: except that trip to russia
sudoecks: Lol I been with 267 girls
cloudpaladin: and i know you move like every half a year
cloudpaladin: so like
cloudpaladin: i'm sure theres a formula
sudoecks: I meet girls like you play hell ... Better then most
cloudpaladin: X=sexhaving years%2=x sudo*x=numberochicksfuxed
cloudpaladin: i'm not an amazing hellmux player
cloudpaladin: i'm just good compared to you
cloudpaladin: i'm p the best social engineer in hellmux
cloudpaladin: but nowhere near the best player
sudoecks: Lol god bless the womens I can get cause I'm just raw lol
cloudpaladin: what?
cloudpaladin: raw what?
cloudpaladin: i blame your badboy image
sudoecks: Lol I do kinda look like a nun but i'm the man womens love me
cloudpaladin: you're all liek 'hay ladies, chex out my koi fish tattooz, can haz titties??, kthxbai'
sudoecks: That's the basic idea
cloudpaladin: dating 4 anonymous
sudoecks: Accept I'm you know origional
cloudpaladin: original?
sudoecks: Yeah you gotta be origional with it and idk smooth
cloudpaladin: lol
sudoecks: Also 10 inch dick helps
cloudpaladin: longcat r longer than you
sudoecks: Lolling Idc cause I got the magic stick
cloudpaladin: i've got you beat
cloudpaladin: ░░░░▲ ░░░░░░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ░░░░░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ░░░░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ░░░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ░░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ░░░░░░▲░░░░░░░░░░░░▲ ░░░░░▲ ▲░░░░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ░░░░▲ ▲ ▲░░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲░░░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ░░░░░▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░▓▓ ░░░░░▓▓▓░████████░▓▓▓ ░░░░░▓▓░█▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█░▓▓ ░░░░░▓▓░░░██░░██░░░▓▓ ░░░░░▓▓░░░▓▓░░▓▓░░░▓▓ ░░░░░▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░▓▓▓ ░░░░░▓▓▓██░░▓▓░░██▓▓▓ ░░░░░░▓▓███░▓▓░███▓▓ ░░░░░░▓████████████▓ ░░░░░░░████████████ ░░░░░░░████████████ ░░░░░░░████▓▓▓▓████ ░░░░░░░▓▓▓▓▓██▓▓▓▓▓ ░░░░░░░████▓▓▓▓████ ░░░░░░░████████████ ░░░░░░░░▓▓▓░░░░▓▓▓ ░░░░░░░░▓▓▓░░░░▓▓▓
cloudpaladin: TRIFORCE NIGGA
cloudpaladin: oh
cloudpaladin: i don't think that really worked
cloudpaladin: if this was hellmoo you'd be pwnt rite now
sudoecks: Pp4l
sudoecks: Pp4l
cloudpaladin: oh yeah?
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BztYYyiQvs)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BztYYyiQvs
sudoecks: Lol no
cloudpaladin: is only nunwhore commando 666
cloudpaladin: best grindustrial band evars
sudoecks: Lolololololololooolollllp
sudoecks: Lolgasm
cloudpaladin: you know what else is a lolgasm?
cloudpaladin: a unicorn in hightop sneakers trying to play wheel of fortune
sudoecks: Woot
sudoecks: Hey that reminds me today's woot
cloudpaladin: are they selling a unicorn?
sudoecks: Idk
sudoecks: Colgate Wisp 48 Pack $4.99 + $5 shipping CONDITION: New PRODUCT: 1 Colgate Wisp Single Use Mini Toothbrush – 48 Pack FLAVOR: Colgate Wisp Coolmint 48 Pack, Colgate Wisp Spearmint 48 Pack, Colgate Wisp Peppermint 48 Pack, Colgate Wisp Cinnamint 48 Pack I Want One!
sudoecks: Not a good day for wooting lol
cloudpaladin: ooooh
cloudpaladin: a colgate wisp mini toothbrush
cloudpaladin: you can use those as shanks
sudoecks: Lol
sudoecks: I have a 45
sudoecks: You catch ADHD
sudoecks: I pulled a 45 revolver on cam in skype takeing about gun control
sudoecks: Smith and wesson 45acp
sudoecks: Airlight like800 for o
cloudpaladin: that might be band
sudoecks: One but yeah stopping power
sudoecks: Lol I own a wasr10 a 357/38sp a 45 a 12 ga and a 223
sudoecks: They will have to come take my ak from my cold dead hands
cloudpaladin: ok
cloudpaladin: shoots greg in hed
cloudpaladin: takes ak
sudoecks: I'm a good shot
sudoecks: I'm not going to give up my guns with out a fight
cloudpaladin: see this is why i like knives
cloudpaladin: no fighting
sudoecks: Lol wanna see what I carry at all times w/ ti
sudoecks: Time stA
sudoecks: Time stamp
cloudpaladin: i used to carry a sharpened railroad spike all the time
cloudpaladin: and nobody ever wanted to take it from my cold dead hands
cloudpaladin: win/win
sudoecks: Woot. Love my 357 mag
sudoecks: Ol
cloudpaladin: BEI
sudoecks: What
cloudpaladin: BITCH AS WHO
sudoecks: huh
sudoecks: You tool
cloudpaladin: what?
cloudpaladin: BEATLES!!!
sudoecks: Yeash
sudoecks: Net 2.0 just came on
sudoecks: It's odd
sudoecks: Did you see the social network
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: i liked it
cloudpaladin: actually
cloudpaladin: liked might be an understatement
sudoecks: Idk I thought this was supposed to be like that
cloudpaladin: i saw it in theaters
cloudpaladin: then watched it like ten times at home
cloudpaladin: then torrented the soundtrack
sudoecks: Me too total win
cloudpaladin: <3 trent reznor
sudoecks: Lol
sudoecks: Youlmow what I
sudoecks: Am gonna watch that now
sudoecks: Watch-movies.ro is so win
sudoecks: Fap fap fap fap fap
cloudpaladin: i'm a fan of tv blinkx myself
cloudpaladin: but hey
sudoecks: Just check is our
sudoecks: Just check it out
cloudpaladin: freddy mercury is the definition of what a man should be
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
cloudpaladin: welp
cloudpaladin: i'm almost in
cloudpaladin: just gotta retake the fucking AIMs test
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: Srsly I want in
sudoecks: Ok wait that's s lie lol
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: yo
sudoecks: you there?
cloudpaladin: nigga plo
cloudpaladin: x
cloudpaladin: never
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
cloudpaladin: i wanna pee on you
cloudpaladin: pee on you
sudoecks: Lol
sudoecks: Sudo-ecks.blogspot.com like new layout?
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: i hate
cloudpaladin: it
cloudpaladin: it's gay
cloudpaladin: ok, i didn't look
cloudpaladin: but i'm sure it's gay
sudoecks: I know you didn't cause it's kinda win
sudoecks: Made the gfx myself
sudoecks: With paint.net
cloudpaladin: ...
cloudpaladin: upro
cloudpaladin: someday
cloudpaladin: when you become an uber master
sudoecks: Only a litle
cloudpaladin: you can upgrade to kidpix
sudoecks: Lmao just look
sudoecks: I ghosted the skull in the moon and in the banner yes that's the cocaine molicule
cloudpaladin: meh
cloudpaladin: i could hate that more
cloudpaladin: lol, i still have admin
sudoecks: The banner took forever and no you don't
sudoecks: But you can post unless you piss me off
sudoecks: Then
sudoecks: Well you'll be banned
cloudpaladin: so yeah
cloudpaladin: like the new layout
cloudpaladin: posted about how much i love it
sudoecks: So yeah
sudoecks: That lasted along time
cloudpaladin: what did?
sudoecks: You got fiXed
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: could has just made ur website explode
sudoecks: Like I sa
cloudpaladin: just sayin
sudoecks: No you couldn't
sudoecks: I'm so much smarter then that
cloudpaladin: k
cloudpaladin: gives me posting again
cloudpaladin: and i'll see if it works
cloudpaladin: bet i can make your website spit out millions of shock pix
cloudpaladin: and give you a nasty virus
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnZ3hy7Pk4A)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnZ3hy7Pk4A
sudoecks: Lol it's hosted by google.
cloudpaladin: so?
cloudpaladin: what does that matter?
sudoecks: It's secured
cloudpaladin: my myspace still gives you viruses
sudoecks: Lol mine too
cloudpaladin: with my code
cloudpaladin: jus sayin
cloudpaladin: if you don't think i can make your html enabled blog spit out viruses you're fooling yourself
cloudpaladin: and i suck at html
cloudpaladin: anything with open html can bet set up to cross site script
cloudpaladin: just by tweaking inputs of something it accepts
cloudpaladin: like gay spiderman .gifs
cloudpaladin: which i would probably do if i cared/i wasn't watching bear force 1 videos
cloudpaladin: which franticly mastrubating
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGwludVZ4jo&NR=1)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGwludVZ4jo&NR=1
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbGkxcY7YFU&feature=related)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbGkxcY7YFU&feature=related
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmHp_D0wNGY)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmHp_D0wNGY
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
cloudpaladin: hey you
cloudpaladin: guess what
sudoecks: You joined the army
cloudpaladin: i did
cloudpaladin: you're good
sudoecks: Mos ??
cloudpaladin: 11x
cloudpaladin: afganistan foot tours
sudoecks: Your goig ibfentey
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: i'm retarded
sudoecks: Ranger??
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: just infantry
sudoecks: Or just cannon fodder
cloudpaladin: airborne if they offer
sudoecks: Why
cloudpaladin: i think they usually ask people if they want to jump out of planes after ait
cloudpaladin: why not?
sudoecks: When will you ever use that
sudoecks: You should try to atleast awuire a skill
cloudpaladin: in the post-apocalyptic wasteland
sudoecks: Also
sudoecks: Don't die
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: i won't
cloudpaladin: sucka
sudoecks: I love you like a little scary oedo brother
sudoecks: Congrats ship date?
cloudpaladin: april 5th
cloudpaladin: right after my birthday
cloudpaladin: i get to go jump off the confidence tower
sudoecks: I'm bouncing to my faris wheel on around 2/10/11
sudoecks: Nice
cloudpaladin: you found a carnival company?
sudoecks: Ya
sudoecks: I'm sparky I'm a 500 dollar a week ride formen
sudoecks: I m
cloudpaladin: 500 dollars a week isn't very much money
sudoecks: I really do move big fuck off huge rides
cloudpaladin: thats 100 a day
sudoecks: Yeah
sudoecks: And it's tax free and I get a truck and trailor to live in and no bills
cloudpaladin: thats about 14 an hour
cloudpaladin: it's not tax free
sudoecks: Just gas and food
cloudpaladin: i'm tax free
sudoecks: Mine is
cloudpaladin: i werx for the government
sudoecks: Gypsy law
cloudpaladin: if you're tax free and you don't work for the government or another country, nigga you illegal
sudoecks: Carnies only pay into ss
sudoecks: It's cause we are seasonal
sudoecks: Every
sudoecks: Dime you spend is a deduction
sudoecks: You travel
sudoecks: For alivinf
cloudpaladin: i'm tellein you man
cloudpaladin: when 2012 rolls around
sudoecks: Living*
cloudpaladin: and zombies take over
cloudpaladin: i'm gonna be owning them
sudoecks: I'll have my ak son
cloudpaladin: and you're gonna be getting your brains eaten
cloudpaladin: then we'll see who has a worthwhile skillset
sudoecks: Yeah rig
sudoecks: Colnel klink
cloudpaladin: nah, they didn't actually have room in the MOS i wanted
cloudpaladin: so i'm gonna try to get into it from the inside
cloudpaladin: that and
sudoecks: What's that
cloudpaladin: infantry is awesome
cloudpaladin: 68w
cloudpaladin: medic
sudoecks: Lol
cloudpaladin: basicly a medkit up from my profession now
sudoecks: Your gonna get ied boomed
cloudpaladin: you're just a fountain of support
sudoecks: Lol
cloudpaladin: you know thatL
sudoecks: Lol
sudoecks: I love you man congrats srsly good luck
cloudpaladin: awww
cloudpaladin: <3<3<3
sudoecks: Luck
cloudpaladin: *unicorn leaping over a rainbow*
sudoecks: Shoot a sand nigger and write sudo on it for me pix for proof
cloudpaladin: why would i want to do that?
cloudpaladin: i like my middle eastern friends
cloudpaladin: i want to fight for their freedom from that horrible saddam hussein
sudoecks: Cause I will marry your mom if you don't
cloudpaladin: not for anything to do with halliburton
cloudpaladin: or oil
cloudpaladin: fr srfsly
sudoecks: You're fucking strange
cloudpaladin: uh yeah
cloudpaladin: sometimes i wonder
cloudpaladin: am i insane
cloudpaladin: or am i the only motherfucker with a brane?
sudoecks: Lol no that's me
cloudpaladin: NO
cloudpaladin: also now i can wear retarded "PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN" shirts
sudoecks: Yea that's me
sudoecks: The only mother fuckered with a brain
cloudpaladin: you spelled it wrong
cloudpaladin: it's brane
cloudpaladin: i'm gonna get a shirt that says "GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS" in red white and blue and has a picture of uncle sam riding a black hawk helecopter falcon punching hitler with explosions in the backgorund
sudoecks: copy and email me this entire chat please
cloudpaladin: why?
cloudpaladin: just history yourself
sudoecks: Can't on iPod
cloudpaladin: didn't you tell me ipods were supposedly the ubermench?
sudoecks: It's the aim app Its ails fault just do it
cloudpaladin: thats what your mom said, six months later you were born
sudoecks: Gil you
sudoecks: Kill you
cloudpaladin: kill me with kisses
cloudpaladin: and non homosexual oral sex
sudoecks: Just copy it and send it to me fuckered
sudoecks: blak
sudoecks: blah*
cloudpaladin: hell blsckhat
sudoecks: need a fucking hard drive bad I hate living on a live cd
sudoecks: cant modify anything
cloudpaladin: if you get a burner you can edit your live cd
sudoecks: yeah but its a pain in the ass to do a fresh livecd every timeI want to save a change
cloudpaladin: this is why you should upgrade to windowns
cloudpaladin: totally more pro
sudoecks: no I need a hard drive
sudoecks: cause Mine failed
sudoecks: I need a 2.5inch eide uata
cloudpaladin: did you try washing your hard drive with alchohol?
cloudpaladin: this saved my computer one time
cloudpaladin: also (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RjMSWhGWak)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RjMSWhGWak
cloudpaladin: when my ban expires on devmoo i want to make a horse that tastes like raisens and turns into a plane when you tug on it's winky
cloudpaladin: that and really long porno about dragons having sex with cars
sudoecks: nice lol
cloudpaladin: also, if you're wondering why i'm banned, devmoo seems to work a little like early macintosh in that steve jobs(robot) will randomly show up, yell at you, delete your code and ban you
cloudpaladin: but i did make a custom weapon that spawned like 1000 errors
cloudpaladin: so i really don't blame him too much
cloudpaladin: protip:it works better when you compile your code before you run it
cloudpaladin: i facepalmed so hard
sudoecks: umm Duh
cloudpaladin: well see, moocode is weird
sudoecks: lrn2#includeProperly
cloudpaladin: most things have like an active update feature
cloudpaladin: the only thing i've had to compile thus far was weapon messages
sudoecks: lol
cloudpaladin: from what i can tell most normal $objects, $mobs, and $areas don't have to be compiled
cloudpaladin: like, the first christmas present i worked on though not a total success did turn out ok with no compiling
cloudpaladin: the server compiles your code for you when you @spawn a child
cloudpaladin: dude
cloudpaladin: i just had an awesome idea
cloudpaladin: while listening to breakcore songs about dragons
cloudpaladin: i want to make a weapon class where you can tame animals and use them as familiars
cloudpaladin: probably the lowest level would be like a kitten or a stray dog
cloudpaladin: highest would be dual wielding dinosaurs
cloudpaladin: which i must say, totally awesome
sudoecks: rofl
sudoecks: lol some kid killed hom self...
sudoecks: by lighting himself on fire
sudoecks: get this
cloudpaladin: like irl?
sudoecks: yeah IRL
cloudpaladin: thats stupid
cloudpaladin: why did he go and do that?
sudoecks: IDK I'm lookinf for article
sudoecks: (Link: http://www.postandcourier.com/news/2010/dec/09/authorities-release-911-tape-school-fire-incident/)http://www.postandcourier.com/news/2010/dec/09/authorities-release-911-tape-school-fire-incident/
sudoecks: you jelly ?
cloudpaladin: uh
cloudpaladin: why would i be?
sudoecks: idk
cloudpaladin: i'm coding dinosaur famiars
cloudpaladin: familiars even
cloudpaladin: this is why i'm a terrible admin
cloudpaladin: can't splll
sudoecks: lmao
sudoecks: I want 4
cloudpaladin: grow four hands
sudoecks: 2 hor gaurding my house
sudoecks: and 2 for does my bidding
cloudpaladin: if you want minions i suggest going chud
sudoecks: also you cant code anything simple but you canmodify a massiv game
cloudpaladin: or just rolling high cool and getting gangland soldiers
sudoecks: wtf cloud
cloudpaladin: who are p pro
sudoecks: are they boss?
cloudpaladin: i can code a pet rock
cloudpaladin: the thing i got in trouble for coding was like a set of 60 custom weapon messages for a brand new weapon
sudoecks: I can code in 11 languages all of which im just okay at.... its moo code like java ?
cloudpaladin: which was not v simple
cloudpaladin: i don't know java to tell you
cloudpaladin: moocode is like shit
sudoecks: how you lrn 2 code moox
cloudpaladin: it's a dead language thats only function is to annoy you when you try to make cool things in hell
sudoecks: give me exampek code
sudoecks: how did you get dev access?
cloudpaladin: i bothered broseidon
sudoecks: any one can has?
cloudpaladin: and told him an old character of mine that was never banned for being me
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: anyone can has
cloudpaladin: if you can convince broseidon you're reletively trustworthly
cloudpaladin: or whatever
sudoecks: just asking ? and you recieve ?
sudoecks: okay will try to get
sudoecks: I has idea for infinate fun
cloudpaladin: your prize is dev on a server that nobody plays on
cloudpaladin: that only has like 8-10 people ever connected
cloudpaladin: and you get to help admins make christmas presents if you want
cloudpaladin: which is p fun
sudoecks: ah yes but I can creat my doomsday cannon
sudoecks: it devidesby zero and wipes out the server
cloudpaladin: this is a basic verb
cloudpaladin: @program toy:wind if (this.location == player) if (this.wound < this.maximum) this.wound = this.wound + 2; player:tell("You wind up the ", this.name,"."); player.location:announce(player.name, " winds up the ", this.name,"."); if (this.wound >= this.maximum) player:tell("The knob comes to a stop while winding."); endif else player:tell("The ",this.name," is already fully wound."); endif else player:tell("You have to be holding the ", this.name,"."); endif
cloudpaladin: thats off the moo wiki
cloudpaladin: in hell you'd use more properties
sudoecks: ahh
sudoecks: well
sudoecks: its like qbasic
cloudpaladin: it's simple enough to really be any programming language, it's kinda like C++ if you don't mind that you add values off window
sudoecks: with a twist or 2
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: i wish i had an example of hellcode
sudoecks: I hate that kinda code
cloudpaladin: you end up writing a lot of things like this
sudoecks: login and steel one
cloudpaladin: "%DN swings %p %t at %dd splattering it with bubbly semen."
cloudpaladin: i can't login
sudoecks: lol
cloudpaladin: because i'm banned
cloudpaladin: if i could login
cloudpaladin: i'd be making cool things
sudoecks: you would creat a devide by zero loop and break it ?
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: fuck no
cloudpaladin: i haven't wanted to crash the server forever
sudoecks: crashinghell used to be a passtimefor you WTF?
cloudpaladin: i stopped wanting to crash hell after i proved i could do it
cloudpaladin: then i started finding exploits
cloudpaladin: and have probably made the most items go away of any player in hellmoo from being too smart for their codes
cloudpaladin: now i'm bored with that and i want to make awesome things for other people to be too smart for
cloudpaladin: also, once i get better i might actually be able to atleast move along awesome things like landocean and player space travel
cloudpaladin: or atleast make more than one city that players can actually live in
cloudpaladin: maybe actually put mobs in the ocean
cloudpaladin: gasp!
sudoecks: I want to be on moon that was fun
cloudpaladin: you should ask broseidon for dev
cloudpaladin: you might want to play hell enough first that you actually know something about the game though
sudoecks: I thinking about it but I has the flu and dont feel like it now
cloudpaladin: thats usually what i do when i have a lot of free time on my hands
cloudpaladin: obsessively play hellmoo
sudoecks: I know but you has no life... you should get me a hard drive for xmass cause I'm too much ofa jewto ebay one
cloudpaladin: lol
sudoecks: I <3 .RPM
sudoecks: you should
cloudpaladin: you get memory stick in ur stoking
sudoecks: not memory stick I dont hassonycraps
cloudpaladin: technically you can actually run an OS on a big thumbdrive though
sudoecks: I need a 2.5" laptop ide
cloudpaladin: you can't run anything else
cloudpaladin: but you can run an OS
sudoecks: I has a 32gb thumbdrive
cloudpaladin: what u crying about thene?
sudoecks: I could run anything on that fucker...IF ....my laptop had usb bootinf
cloudpaladin: boot frm thumb
cloudpaladin: oh
cloudpaladin: lol
sudoecks: p ghey... thank you HP and your fail bios
cloudpaladin: boot from windows xp disc and write to thumbdrive
cloudpaladin: problem solved
sudoecks: fails
sudoecks: way slow
cloudpaladin: who carez
sudoecks: write speed while reading fromCD isnt there.... both on the north bridge
cloudpaladin: all you need it for is so you can play hellmuuu
cloudpaladin: lots and lots of hellmoooz
cloudpaladin: this is only purpose of compooter
cloudpaladin: hellmooz and pr0n
sudoecks: you are a chode.... lol I want Lenovo thinkpad that costs around 7k
sudoecks: until I get monies, well FAIL
cloudpaladin: wtf
sudoecks: well its got a 6core intel I7
cloudpaladin: the fucking panther 2.0 costs less than that shit
sudoecks: and 32gig of ram
cloudpaladin: which is basicly that
cloudpaladin: and like 4 tb or something
cloudpaladin: stupid power
cloudpaladin: more power than you could possibly need for anything
sudoecks: this is the most powerful laptop in the world
cloudpaladin: name one thing that YOU need a hexcore for?
sudoecks: its god
sudoecks: bow down beforeits godly power
cloudpaladin: i thought about getting one of those, but theres no point
sudoecks: partical quantium theory math calculations for compiling an encryption matrix I'm designing
cloudpaladin: it's more power than you can possibly use for anything
cloudpaladin: i bet you can program a dualcore to do your math for you
cloudpaladin: that would require tiny processing power
sudoecks: differential non lineror equations that would make you hard p explode
cloudpaladin: you can run any game in the world p good with between 4-6 ram and a quad
sudoecks: no actually everything I read tells me to rent a cloud for it, 26 cores or better
cloudpaladin: ok
cloudpaladin: i bet a cloud would be cheaper than a super laptop
sudoecks: believe me just the first hash algorythm I'm designing it fucking huge
cloudpaladin: also p sure hexcore towers are cheaper than laptops
sudoecks: not really 4k a month
sudoecks: they are but I cant take that with me
cloudpaladin: what are you going to do with that?
cloudpaladin: once it's done
sudoecks: sell it for millions
sudoecks: or probably just post itto /b//
sudoecks: and go all OSS fag about it
cloudpaladin: well when u a millionaire you can buy a new hardrive
sudoecks: I need one now fucker
sudoecks: and they are like 75 bucks and I'm cheap
sudoecks: I use the energy star lightbulbs
sudoecks: and bitch that people leave them on
cloudpaladin: how can u afford hexcore laptopz but not 75 bux?
sudoecks: well its for a5year old laptop I bought brand new
sudoecks: but now its old and beaten
sudoecks: so I dont want to put alot into it
sudoecks: just want it to last until I get a good bonus
sudoecks: and BAMN
sudoecks: angelica angelrightj ? \
cloudpaladin: yeh
cloudpaladin: m watching benny lava videoz
sudoecks: okay I'm gonan try to telnet in and hope it works okay
cloudpaladin: benny lava = god
sudoecks: lol look up the WTF collective andWTF collective part 2on you tube
sudoecks: fail
sudoecks: no wotking
cloudpaladin: idea
cloudpaladin: why you not just mudconnect?
sudoecks: switch to another computer
sudoecks: linux has mudconnect ?
cloudpaladin: nigga is webbased
sudoecks: really?
cloudpaladin: does your linux use java?
cloudpaladin: some run it some don't
sudoecks: lol sometime
sudoecks: s
sudoecks: link
sudoecks: ?
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.mudconnect.com/fmud/?host=hellmoo.org&port=7777)http://www.mudconnect.com/fmud/?host=hellmoo.org&port=7777
sudoecks: works thnx
sudoecks: how to use bloodhound mut ?
cloudpaladin: it's passive
sudoecks: oh
cloudpaladin: it boosts other abilities
sudoecks: ok
sudoecks: what muts she has that arent
cloudpaladin: however if you want to know about any mutations she has type 'mutations'
sudoecks: can this character fight hepcats?
cloudpaladin: yes
sudoecks: I need a real whip IDKwhere to get one
sudoecks: antenna good enough
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: get a flame chain from the player mall
cloudpaladin: those rock hepcats
sudoecks: how much
cloudpaladin: between 10k and 20k
sudoecks: I has like 125 dollars lol
cloudpaladin: make some money
sudoecks: lol long time then
sudoecks: thats alot of money
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: it's not
sudoecks: where do I get that from
sudoecks: how ?
cloudpaladin: dude, i can make like 20k on an n flag character
sudoecks: doing wha t?
cloudpaladin: on that one i can make like 100k in no time
sudoecks: doing what ? all I know to do is contracts and Those pay dick
cloudpaladin: sucking cock, scaving items and selling them, trauma mining, killing mobs, killing rednecks and giving moonshine to caredog
cloudpaladin: selling katanas
cloudpaladin: ext
cloudpaladin: ext
cloudpaladin: scamming
sudoecks: where to get katanas?
cloudpaladin: shimoji kikoman drops them
cloudpaladin: he's on kakuri island
sudoecks: yeah I know kakuri
sudoecks: just kill people onkakuri for weapons and sell
sudoecks: sell where ?
cloudpaladin: ammunation
cloudpaladin: you should really start a new character
cloudpaladin: then you can join ENEMA and they can teach you how to playz
sudoecks: lol I should but I'm not cause I dontplaythat much
cloudpaladin: k
cloudpaladin: just you'd probably have an easier time on an unmaxed character
cloudpaladin: i wonder if theres some way i can play and you can watch over my shoulder
sudoecks: wow swiming I am not
cloudpaladin: maybe a screen cap system on ustream
cloudpaladin: you cans not swim to kakuri
sudoecks: screen share skype
cloudpaladin: you can does that?
sudoecks: used to
cloudpaladin: it would be much easier if i could just show you how to make moneys and stuff
cloudpaladin: not sure how you're gonna run skype on linux though
sudoecks: lol nah I get it off to gangland for mining
cloudpaladin: uh ok
cloudpaladin: i know what i'll do
cloudpaladin: i'll just actually follow you around
cloudpaladin: brb as my vpn turns on
sudoecks: lol
cloudpaladin: ok, where are you?
sudoecks: uhh let me see
sudoecks: in front of bradburry
sudoecks: 700 of fourth
sudoecks: turbo ?
cloudpaladin: yus
sudoecks: what no trauma kits?
cloudpaladin: can't find any
sudoecks: normally in Cm?
cloudpaladin: smart
sudoecks: why did I attack you ?
cloudpaladin: no idea
cloudpaladin: why DID you attack me?
sudoecks: I didnt
sudoecks: its just attacked you
cloudpaladin: did my headbutt do most of that damage or where you already down that low?
sudoecks: I was at like 6 hp
cloudpaladin: ah ok
cloudpaladin: that really makes more sense
cloudpaladin: because i shouldn't be able to kill you that easily
cloudpaladin: we're pretty far appart in skill levels
sudoecks: its jst attacked you said something about not taking it any more and BAM
cloudpaladin: oh
cloudpaladin: you got stressed out
sudoecks: why ?
cloudpaladin: you probably wheren't carrying enough
cloudpaladin: and mule stressed you out
cloudpaladin: with mule you get stressed when you aren't carrying enough stuff
sudoecks: so I need to carry stuff ?
cloudpaladin: yes
sudoecks: well I has nothing
cloudpaladin: i p much had to take mule to be able to do any sort of armor stacking
cloudpaladin: i got your things
cloudpaladin: after i headbutted you in the face
sudoecks: nice
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: Angelica attacks you! Angelica lashes a deadly strike at TurBo. You rush aggressively at Angelica. TurBo aims a careful swing at Angelica with its sagebrush stick. [party] Angelica joined the party. head [|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*] [ -1 29/30 ] ow. Your arm! [A'T][ 96%] Angelica catches TurBo's arm with her antenna whip. [ Stopped attack. ] TurBo grabs Angelica's shoulders and leans back, tensing its neck... TurBo SLAMs its forehead into Angelica's! Angelica looks stunned. power [ Stopped attack. ] TurBo rears back and winds up for a power sagebrush stick attack. tac [TurBo***************] player [ 96% ] horny cold (powerattacking) [Angelica************] player [ 18% ] stress horny thirst (stunned) [ UAC ]: dayna has connected. Angelica shakes her head, returning to her senses. Angelica lashes a deadly strike at TurBo. [T# A][ 0%] Angelica goes limp as droplets of acid splash onto her arm from TurBo's sagebrush stick, melting flesh. [ UAC ]: TurBo killed Angelica in Slagtown. [ You earned 1 XP! ] Angelica crumples to the ground, gasps out her last breath, and dies.
cloudpaladin: our fight is literally like 15 lines
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: nice
cloudpaladin: i just stunlocked you
sudoecks: where are you ?
cloudpaladin: infront of the orphanage=
sudoecks: yeah I suck
sudoecks: no more hell
sudoecks: too much thinking tonight
cloudpaladin: you wouldn't suck if you would just make a new character and play the tutorial
sudoecks: I suck at hell its too much thinking foragame
sudoecks: I like games where I just chill andplay
cloudpaladin: it really is mostly muscle memory and knowing what mutations actually do
cloudpaladin: but ok
cloudpaladin: under 24 hours till i get to write codez again
cloudpaladin: sweet sweet codez
cloudpaladin: thinking i want to build a gunsmithing engine that lets you put together the weapon you want from parts
cloudpaladin: like the one now except instead of assembling a schematic for one set model you can mix and match to make the gun of ur dreamz
cloudpaladin: vaugely stolen from Boarderlands
sudoecks: yeah I dont have the patience to leran to hell Session Close (sudoecks): Thu Dec 09 20:32:49 2010 -0800 Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Tue Dec 14 13:03:20 2010 -0800
cloudpaladin: with my freeze ray i will stop!!
cloudpaladin: the world
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfaXt1rC2G0)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfaXt1rC2G0
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCxuEq8KcJI)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCxuEq8KcJI
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Dec 14 13:08:53 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Dec 14 13:29:08 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Dec 14 17:25:01 2010.
cloudpaladin: jail nigga, you gay
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Dec 14 19:14:03 2010.
sudoecks: Rofl
sudoecks: I was looking at my phone bill
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Dec 14 19:30:32 2010.
cloudpaladin: what?
cloudpaladin: your phone bill?
cloudpaladin: phones are for lames
cloudpaladin: hack the internet to let you talk to people
sudoecks: My aim is being retarded
cloudpaladin: your aim isn't the problem
sudoecks: Did i really call you at like 3am??
cloudpaladin: i don't know
cloudpaladin: i wasn't awake at 3 am
cloudpaladin: but it sounds like the kind of thing you'd do
cloudpaladin: fag
sudoecks: Lol im not a fag i was drunk proly
cloudpaladin: drunken fagc
cloudpaladin: i'm just feeling randomly insulting today
cloudpaladin: can you tell?
sudoecks: Lmao
cloudpaladin: name one band kvitrafn was in?
sudoecks: Yes you hellfag
cloudpaladin: and don't google it
sudoecks: Idk i like evil cloun makeup
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: thought so
cloudpaladin: he's one of the many drummers of gorgoroth
sudoecks: I saw it on yes tube and googled it
cloudpaladin: i didn't figure you for liking black metal
cloudpaladin: which isn't a diss or anything, i just don't remember you ever mentioning liking anything super heavy
sudoecks: Not that i dont like it i just dont alot music any more i saw him on youtube and googled him found that
cloudpaladin: cool
cloudpaladin: yeah, thats a pretty well known pic
cloudpaladin: i love the lightningish corpse paint
sudoecks: I like different music mostly industrial
cloudpaladin: i'm <3ing trance metal at the moment
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgNhicM3MdA)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgNhicM3MdA
sudoecks: Lol on phone
cloudpaladin: oh ok
cloudpaladin: cool
cloudpaladin: i haven't really noticed a lot of good new death/black metal outfits lately. most of the cool newer stuff seems to be electronical
cloudpaladin: industrial is still a weird genre though
cloudpaladin: nobody really knows what makes a band industrail
cloudpaladin: i've heard KMFDM,Marilyn Manson,NIN, Ministry and Rammstein all called industrial
sudoecks: I know ebm d&b that type
cloudpaladin: i <3 dnb
cloudpaladin: but the only enb i know is Extreame Black Metal
cloudpaladin: which i don't think is what you mean
sudoecks: You have to be a kraut kmfdm ministry ramm and nin are manson is just a faggot
cloudpaladin: what makes ministry and rammstein both industrial?
cloudpaladin: they sound really nothing like eachother
cloudpaladin: same with kmfdm and nin
sudoecks: Krayts
sudoecks: Krauts *
sudoecks: And trent resner is just evil
cloudpaladin: the best i've heard so far is tthat theres a german hardness subgenre thats bands like rammstein, megaherz, deathstars, hanzel und gretyl ext
cloudpaladin: ext
cloudpaladin: theres a million of those bands
cloudpaladin: then theres all the rest of industrial
sudoecks: Lol its kraut techno
cloudpaladin: kraut techno is scooter
cloudpaladin: it's kraut metal
sudoecks: Itd kraut ebm
cloudpaladin: like how death metal in japan is really more like metalcore, and all american metal sucks except for a couple bands
cloudpaladin: and everything from finland is awesome
cloudpaladin: everything
cloudpaladin: ever
sudoecks: Lmao
sudoecks: Krautness makes industrial rock
cloudpaladin: whats kraut about ministry?
cloudpaladin: maybe it's just everything with electronic drums is industrial
cloudpaladin: which would include breakcore like drumcorps and prince ov darkness. and some grindcore bandz
cloudpaladin: the locust, berzerker
cloudpaladin: stuff liek that
cloudpaladin: is mindless self indulgence industrial?
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Dec 14 20:48:06 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Wed Dec 15 00:32:48 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Wed Dec 15 02:52:21 2010. Session Close (sudoecks): Wed Dec 15 03:12:07 2010 -0800 Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Fri Dec 17 18:06:28 2010 -0800
cloudpaladin: i'd just like to say
cloudpaladin: holy shit you have a father?
cloudpaladin: i guess i just always assumed satan took a shit into your mothers womb and you were the unholy shitbaby
sudoecks: Im going to rape you
cloudpaladin: oh baby
cloudpaladin: forcefully suck my cock
cloudpaladin: [tradenet] Sakuya_Izayoi asks, "Anyone install mods?" [tradenet] Dover says, "yes" [tradenet] Dover says, "i can" From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'AP?' You text 'omw' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'YOu're going to rip me off, are you?' From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'I've had people do it to me before, it sucks' You text 'i'm sorry' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. You text 'hellmoo is full of assholes' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, '4 mods, two fine katanas' You text 'you got it' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. Sakuya_Izayoi draws her fine katana from its sheath. You're not sure you feel qualified to be using this. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a fine katana. Latch starts massaging Sakuya_Izayoi. Mm. Latch strokes slowly down Sakuya_Izayoi's slit. From the east, you hear a distant door latch. Sakuya_Izayoi draws her fine katana from its sheath. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a fine katana. Latch cups Sakuya_Izayoi's face, massaging her cheeks and upper neck. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her sharpening kit. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a sharpening kit. Latch finishes massaging Sakuya_Izayoi. Latch pets Sakuya_Izayoi. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her sharpening kit. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a sharpening kit. Latch starts massaging Sakuya_Izayoi. Sakuya_Izayoi says, "yay~" Latch says, "To massages" Latch's hand vibrates quickly against Sakuya_Izayoi's clit. Mmm. Latch says, "Two**" Latch pinches slowly up Sakuya_Izayoi's arm, and past her shoulder. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her balanced grip. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a balanced grip. Latch finishes massaging Sakuya_Izayoi. Latch kisses Sakuya_Izayoi. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her balanced grip. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a balanced grip. Latch exits the bar east, out to the street. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her monowire serrator. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a monowire serrator mod kit. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her monowire serrator. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover a monowire serrator mod kit. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her EMP generator. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover an EMP generator. Sakuya_Izayoi gets out her EMP generator. Sakuya_Izayoi hands Dover an EMP generator. say oh shiz Dover says, "oh shiz" say gotta go get soda Dover says, "gotta go get soda" From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'thats it' Dover says, "brb" From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'uh, did you just walk away wih 40k worth of shit?' You text 'gotta get soda' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. You text 'didn't you see me say?' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'oh' From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'sorry' -pause for thought- From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'don't they sell soda right outside AP?' You text 'i had to get special soda' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'Are you coming back? You text 'of course, i just had to walk all the way to maas' to Sakuya_Izayoi You text 'i need Hepcat Thunderjunk they only sell it in the bar under maas' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'oh' From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'I am on edge, been griefed to fuck today' You text 'oh really? that sucks' to Sakuya_Izayoi on your wristpad. *note she's still waiting...*
sudoecks: Error while sending IM: Refused by client
sudoecks: Moar like rape you with a cactus
cloudpaladin: a milky cactus
cloudpaladin: From your wristpad: Sakuya_Izayoi pages, 'uh, did you just walk away wih 40k worth of shit?'
cloudpaladin: hellmoo players are retarded
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed off at Fri Dec 17 22:23:41 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Dec 18 11:13:16 2010.
sudoecks: ahoy fuckwad
cloudpaladin: ahoy shitfuck
sudoecks: whst that online based moo clien ? >
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.mudconnector.com)www.mudconnector.com
cloudpaladin: search for hell
sudoecks: ok
cloudpaladin: i still say you should make a new character
cloudpaladin: then you wouldn't be wandering around lost
sudoecks: lol I figured it out
sudoecks: I recomember now
cloudpaladin: ok
sudoecks: off to slagtown for parts mining... 1 Q where do I sell parts
cloudpaladin: SU
cloudpaladin: make sure you're always carrying something heavy
cloudpaladin: or you'll get stressed
sudoecks: I just has a ton of randopm shit now gonna steel a tv
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: beat you up
cloudpaladin: with my minutes old char
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: I know
sudoecks: I has no fists
cloudpaladin: protip
cloudpaladin: carry a whip
cloudpaladin: any whip
sudoecks: I need money to buy one
sudoecks: cender block enough weight
sudoecks: ???
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: or atleast it should
sudoecks: ok 9kg
cloudpaladin: i'm just gonna say one more time, if you make a new character you can join ENEMA which is a tutorial corp, they can teach you everything about how to play and be an ubersperglord
cloudpaladin: having a strong character doesn't help you if you don't know how to play
sudoecks: I know how I remembers now
cloudpaladin: ok
cloudpaladin: just letting you know slagtown is a horrible place to scav, where you won't get much of any real value
sudoecks: well I'm just getting enough for a whip then off to moonshinve
sudoecks: slap town has cops ?
cloudpaladin: they added some fcpd cams to the more griefhappy places
cloudpaladin: but mostly you'll just get killed on the crossstreet south of brad by whatever griefer is camping it this week
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed off at Sat Dec 18 12:14:22 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 19 13:09:19 2010.
cloudpaladin: yougay
sudoecks: smoke a cock fuck wad
cloudpaladin: nigga you gay
sudoecks: lol dusche bag
cloudpaladin: yag uoy
sudoecks: lollrn2troll
cloudpaladin: ulrnfrmmefaghat
cloudpaladin: i=kngtroll
sudoecks: lol usofaqingwetadded
cloudpaladin: nigupoptarded
sudoecks: poptarted lmao really ?>
sudoecks: I mean thats just fucked ./
cloudpaladin: yapoptardedFACE!!
cloudpaladin: trollsohardyoulookpoptarded
sudoecks: /.what a fucking moron/.
cloudpaladin: urfaecisamorn
sudoecks: brb need moar eggnog
cloudpaladin: christmas
cloudpaladin: lol,i just got to 20k xp just from doing jobs
cloudpaladin: XP // 20,345 total // 4,163 effective // 3,033 to spend
cloudpaladin: prosauce
sudoecks: lol prowould be if you actually ever become an admin
sudoecks: else fail
cloudpaladin: maybe, i'm not really in a coding mood
cloudpaladin: so i haven't fucked with it recently
cloudpaladin: i'm just making myself a new abom char
sudoecks: giefmicodeingaccount for great justing
cloudpaladin: so i can sip pinacolata on stormfront
sudoecks: 1. code something epic
sudoecks: 2. test it
sudoecks: 3 prey serverdoesnt crash
sudoecks: 4???????
sudoecks: 5. profit
cloudpaladin: i was doing that dude
cloudpaladin: i coded ponies
cloudpaladin: that you could ride
cloudpaladin: and jump over things
cloudpaladin: fun times
cloudpaladin: and i wrote that massive dragon car porn i sent to you
cloudpaladin: and assigned it a custom fetish
sudoecks: I was thinking more like the futurama santa
cloudpaladin: we already have a futurama santa
cloudpaladin: robot
sudoecks: maybe then we need2
sudoecks: on crack
sudoecks: with harrypotter sized mountain troll minions
sudoecks: that shoot aferican killer bees from their noses
cloudpaladin: nigudonevnplay
cloudpaladin: stfu
sudoecks: or better yet Tron motorcycles
sudoecks: that devide by zero
cloudpaladin: i did actually want to code tron bike races
sudoecks: and glow funky colors
cloudpaladin: the problem is getting them in a format you can see
cloudpaladin: that updates
cloudpaladin: otherwise it would be broken and gay
sudoecks: not races
sudoecks: just the bikes
cloudpaladin: nigulaem
sudoecks: and sell them at AMor something for like 100000
cloudpaladin: justriedwarthogufag
cloudpaladin: it'safukkenmotorcycle
cloudpaladin: whatmoaryouneed?
cloudpaladin: ibetyoucouldgetanadmintorenameitforyouifyouhadthemoneys
sudoecks: tron speed andlights
cloudpaladin: cantseelightsintextgame
cloudpaladin: upoptard
sudoecks: should still me in description
sudoecks: be* M
cloudpaladin: want to try a diff char?
cloudpaladin: while we're on the hellmoo thing
sudoecks: not really.not on the compthat can do hellmux
cloudpaladin: k
cloudpaladin: i'd give you that one i played with when i was showing you around
cloudpaladin: clubs/headbutt combo
cloudpaladin: not done, but good corp, midlev stats
sudoecks: I want a character
sudoecks: but IDK how I wantto build it yet
sudoecks: I thinking
sudoecks: fists, claws with amob and something elsse
cloudpaladin: i'm building like 3 aboms
cloudpaladin: 4 but i forgot ones name
sudoecks: dont you need a fresh email addy for every characrter?
cloudpaladin: after my job is done next week i'll probably start multitasking and really uberbuild
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: they changed taht
cloudpaladin: you can have as many as you want on one email
cloudpaladin: just it makes it easier for them to catch you for alt abuze
sudoecks: lol speakingof hell
sudoecks: lol I talked to cassandra on aim the other day
cloudpaladin: how'dthatworkout?
sudoecks: divorced a second time lol
cloudpaladin: manhelmoisfullofbrokenpeople
sudoecks: with some guy she met... get this, on runescape lol
cloudpaladin: ....
sudoecks: thats exactly what I said
cloudpaladin: notreallyanybetterthanhel
cloudpaladin: justfunnythatthisistheonlywayshecanmeetdudes
cloudpaladin: mmorpgs
cloudpaladin: you should join RIP
cloudpaladin: it's all SSU blidys
cloudpaladin: blindys
cloudpaladin: with different names
cloudpaladin: they jump dudes six deep
cloudpaladin: and still kinda suck
sudoecks: lol blinky coro :?
sudoecks: fun easier to rob
sudoecks: they never see it coming lol
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://j.imagehost.org/view/0156/Worldmap.png)http://j.imagehost.org/view/0156/Worldmap.png
cloudpaladin: i'm in the Helluminate again
sudoecks: Im in jail lol
sudoecks: like 50 stars
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: unoob
sudoecks: i didnt know there were cams in slag
cloudpaladin: Sister Temperance 38 stars Benaron 28 stars Oderus_Urungus 26 stars fuzzy orangutan 10 stars Heath 8 stars Mother Justice 7 stars omgdex 7 stars striker 4 stars rockerfella 4 stars slug 4 stars Jenny 3 stars Gass 1 stars
cloudpaladin: notseeingyou
sudoecks: well I logged out in jail
sudoecks: I'll get out after a bit
cloudpaladin: dude, you have like -8 to hit on that char
cloudpaladin: why didn't you just walk away from the cops?
sudoecks: i did
sudoecks: and they eventually sent robocop
sudoecks: or what ever a those are
cloudpaladin: c350?
sudoecks: yeah
cloudpaladin: you can walk away from those too
sudoecks: and I walked from those too
sudoecks: and they sent more and moreandmore and more and more until 6 were attacking me
cloudpaladin: why didn't you just stop breaking the low?
sudoecks: i only killed like 4 people but in slagtown
sudoecks: rm when I asked about cams... thats why
cloudpaladin: niggayoudum
cloudpaladin: maekabom
cloudpaladin: then you don't have to wryaboutcopz
cloudpaladin: just spawns back in necro
cloudpaladin: also, you can take the ENEMA tutorial
cloudpaladin: and not be such a horrible scrub
sudoecks: so I sell katanas from kakuri ?
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: 4 1k each
cloudpaladin: to walker
cloudpaladin: walter
sudoecks: how do you get to kakuri if you cant swim there
cloudpaladin: take the huey
sudoecks: you used to be able to
cloudpaladin: you can still swim
cloudpaladin: theres just an ocean in the way
cloudpaladin: i swam to kakuri the other day
cloudpaladin: then stormfront
cloudpaladin: i was chillin like a villin
sudoecks: lol what are the islands to thefar north
sudoecks: way way off cost
sudoecks: ne
cloudpaladin: the ones that say floor 1 and floor 2 are the refinery map
cloudpaladin: the ones way north are stormfront and to the northwest of that is tortuga
cloudpaladin: the little red thing north of mountain pass is the exxon valdez
cloudpaladin: it's where bucko and alexis land
sudoecks: oh lol
cloudpaladin: and the white thing all the way to the nw is blue sky tower
cloudpaladin: not v much there
cloudpaladin: but it's on the huey list
cloudpaladin: p much the only use i found for it is if you fly there you can p-chute out within a couple squares of stormfront when the hele flies past
sudoecks: oh lol
sudoecks: hate mule
cloudpaladin: yeah
cloudpaladin: i kinda fucked that char up
sudoecks: no sheey
cloudpaladin: not gonna lie
cloudpaladin: want a dif char?
cloudpaladin: you can be gay in UAC
sudoecks: no faggotry
cloudpaladin: just a figure of speech
sudoecks: lol k w//e
cloudpaladin: turbo robot
cloudpaladin: free clubs are easier to get than free whips
sudoecks: lol
cloudpaladin: also, UAC is a better corp than love
sudoecks: also turbo robot not working
sudoecks: connect turbo robot
sudoecks: **
cloudpaladin: oh
cloudpaladin: it's turbo bunny
sudoecks: lol okay
cloudpaladin: i forgot he was a robot rabbit
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: x
cloudpaladin: gotta keep my chars straight
sudoecks: LOL
cloudpaladin: it's tough with like 20 chars
cloudpaladin: thats why i have an easy pass convention
sudoecks: I believe it
cloudpaladin: charname whatcharis
sudoecks: when did bb get somany floors
cloudpaladin: when hell got somany players
cloudpaladin: we have over 100 connected most of the time
sudoecks: nice
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: off to womp zomboids
sudoecks: wow nice clubbing
cloudpaladin: type 'head' while fighting to headbutt mobs
cloudpaladin: it scales damage based on your brawn
sudoecks: nice
sudoecks: is sagebrush stick some special club?
cloudpaladin: sagebrush sticks are acid based club
cloudpaladin: also, they're free
sudoecks: from where?
cloudpaladin: furnace in orphanage
cloudpaladin: turn it off and scav
sudoecks: search
sudoecks: good armor pants?
cloudpaladin: i usually just layered crappy pants
cloudpaladin: or wore junk sets because they were free
cloudpaladin: or lotus full for the same reason
sudoecks: is gg galeria mall
cloudpaladin: galeria is right across street from brad
cloudpaladin: if thats gg than yes
sudoecks: oh lol
sudoecks: where are celebrity zombies?>
cloudpaladin: in the mall
cloudpaladin: and in new clearwater
sudoecks: south
sudoecks: like over thewall
cloudpaladin: what?
sudoecks: what is boomer
cloudpaladin: they blow up when you kil them
cloudpaladin: they also grab you
sudoecks: damn damn mdanm
sudoecks: LOL
sudoecks: forgot armor
cloudpaladin: i carry a towel from EO
cloudpaladin: and wipe myself down when i get bile on me
sudoecks: dumped everything in house now off to die
cloudpaladin: this doesn't save you all the time
cloudpaladin: but it helps
sudoecks: I thinkletting a zombie looseinorph will be funny
sudoecks: will be funny
cloudpaladin: think they made zombie rot an STD
cloudpaladin: fuck orphans
sudoecks: how to removetheir clother
sudoecks: ?
cloudpaladin: wrestle check
cloudpaladin: you should have decent wrestle
cloudpaladin: grab strip clothingname from mobname
sudoecks: what command
sudoecks: cherrypopper award lol
cloudpaladin: grab mob/player
cloudpaladin: strip clothingname from player/mobname
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: well I deff wanthyper immune
sudoecks: how yto get to nc
sudoecks: cant find it
sudoecks: oh I got it
cloudpaladin: nc?
sudoecks: /I like this char
sudoecks: newclearwater
cloudpaladin: cool
cloudpaladin: careful for rads
sudoecks: I figured it out
sudoecks: I got radq pills
sudoecks: I gotrot again... fyi its an STD now
cloudpaladin: uh
cloudpaladin: i told you that
cloudpaladin: dumdum
sudoecks: you said you thought it is...well it is deff std
sudoecks: is 11k xp still a white cocoon?
sudoecks: or I need other one
cloudpaladin: you can use em ok till 20k
cloudpaladin: ish
cloudpaladin: then you start dropping things
sudoecks: win
sudoecks: sell I got white for now then
sudoecks: thats okay
cloudpaladin: lol, i'm talking to 3 people, and updating the DRS wiki all while playing hellmoo
cloudpaladin: pro
sudoecks: rofl drs wiki?
sudoecks: link?
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.digital-signal.net/drs//index.php?title=Main_Page)http://www.digital-signal.net/drs//index.php?title=Main_Page
sudoecks: im surfing b for lolis
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj0YwaMmM7Y)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj0YwaMmM7Y
sudoecks: gthnx
cloudpaladin: can't match my macro sucka
sudoecks: lol
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY0xgRA_Sk0&NR=1&feature=fvwp)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY0xgRA_Sk0&NR=1&feature=fvwp
sudoecks: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm noggy goodness
sudoecks: also what is best club
cloudpaladin: combustor hammer
sudoecks: eng gme weapon?
cloudpaladin: yeah
cloudpaladin: basicly
sudoecks: what is good atainable club
cloudpaladin: crime stick
sudoecks: where from
sudoecks: do I need kill c350 for one ?
cloudpaladin: kill miner gaurds in the cave
cloudpaladin: they drop them
sudoecks: where iscave
cloudpaladin: north of mountain pass
sudoecks: oh where you get claws
sudoecks: yeah scary shit in there
cloudpaladin: yeah
cloudpaladin: shock batons are good too
cloudpaladin: especially if you shock mod them
sudoecks: srsly?
cloudpaladin: and sagebrush sticks are good for grind
sudoecks: 7.55 raw now
sudoecks: onehittingcelebrity zombies
cloudpaladin: you can't grind weapon skils past 6
cloudpaladin: but it's good for xp grind
sudoecks: ill look
cloudpaladin: because most mobs don't acid soak
sudoecks: exscuse me
sudoecks: raw 7 clubs
sudoecks: 21 total with +2 for acid
cloudpaladin: the +2 is from fighting aggressive
cloudpaladin: also you can buff by getting horny
cloudpaladin: How do I make money? The easiest way to make money if you are good at combat are through contracts. You will need to buy a contract from city hall, or various other vendors (i.e.: zombie hunters ZH in slagtown), and get a manager to sign it. The enforcer contract is a good way to make some cash as dogs will get stars as soon as they initiate combat and the payout is $410 for the easiest and most common mob in the game. Check who is online with corpwho Go to the Mall in Gangland and scavenge, set a trigger to junk books and toasters, everything else there sells for around $100-$200 Go to the crack mansion, kill propecia for nanites and open the cardboard box to the south to get free trauma kits. attack crackheads till they get down to 75% then grab them and push them(or run away from them), look their direction then come in when they don't show as aggroing you anymore. then use trauma and nanites on mob. Another way to do this is to follow around a buddy thats grinding and heal mobs while he's fighting them. pay chart Crackheads,Scumbags- up to 250 Spammers- up to 450(and they never seem to run out of money) Tankboys- up to 1000 Suck cock get on nice clothes,unwield your weapon, and wear some bling. use 'scam mobname'. you'll make decent bank. Avram in Salvage unlimited, (SU on the map, south of AP on the east side of the road) will buy most anything you can pick up from anywhere between a few bucks and more than a hundred. Use the butchering alias to clear out rooms full of dead bodies then pick up anything that looks like it might sell. Walk out to Crater rim and kill Rednecks for their Moonshine(give it to care dog for $200 each and quest xp) Bust ghosts, the payout is unreasonably high especially for old ones(which you can farm at birchwood heights). For more peaceful players, you can search passed out NPCs in NPC apartments at night and steal their junk to sell. You can also Fish for junkiefish or bulletfish, which sell very well for the effort involved in catching them.
cloudpaladin: from the DRS wiki
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Dec 20 12:59:14 2010.
cloudpaladin: working sucks
sudoecks: it does
sudoecks: inlike 600 xp will you take me to hyper imune
sudoecks: also if I'm robot how comes I get rott ?
cloudpaladin: because you're a human that has custom nudes
cloudpaladin: dummy
cloudpaladin: also, no probably not today
sudoecks: lol how to get custom nudes lol
sudoecks: thats funn
cloudpaladin: i got like 2 hours last night
cloudpaladin: so i'm all like sleepyed
cloudpaladin: @nude bodypart is
sudoecks: well I had a tooth pulled today and painppills rock
cloudpaladin: tech @nude bodypart is desc
sudoecks: look
sudoecks: when I get more xp will you take me to Hyper Immune
sudoecks: not necessarilly tonight butwill you ?
cloudpaladin: if i'm awake
cloudpaladin: ya
sudoecks: also turbo is becoming a bad ass
sudoecks: Kthnx brb
cloudpaladin: i bet if you ask real pretty on corpchat one of those awesome dudes will get you hyperimmune
cloudpaladin: just sayin
sudoecks: I might I didnt get the XP yet been scavanging
cloudpaladin: how much are you short?
cloudpaladin: you could p do jobs if it's not v much
cloudpaladin: i can run about a k or two jobbing
sudoecks: its like 575 or something
cloudpaladin: type 'jobs'
sudoecks: lol I'm grinding search
cloudpaladin: k
sudoecks: but I will do jobs tom
sudoecks: bed time working tom
sudoecks: cya
cloudpaladin: k
cloudpaladin: l9r
sudoecks: what the fuck is to the far far south east of the planet on hell?
cloudpaladin: glowstiller
sudoecks: is there hard shit there?
cloudpaladin: yes
sudoecks: like what ?
cloudpaladin: bootleggers
sudoecks: and the far far south west ?
cloudpaladin: necropolis
sudoecks: dinos?
cloudpaladin: freaks
sudoecks: is there stores there?
cloudpaladin: yes
sudoecks: what they sell?
cloudpaladin: new contracts mostly
cloudpaladin: food i think
sudoecks: also I trolled someone out of 100000 tonight
sudoecks: hes in my corp
sudoecks: and hes prolly going to IRL goto jail cause of me
cloudpaladin: who?
sudoecks: I'm not telling
cloudpaladin: long as it isn't stabs
cloudpaladin: stabs is a cool bro
sudoecks: nope not stabs
cloudpaladin: cool
cloudpaladin: don't care then
sudoecks: damn IDK to send images on kopete
sudoecks: I'llshow what I emailedhim though
cloudpaladin: dun much care
sudoecks: well this is epic
sudoecks: its something. well youll see lol
sudoecks: (Link: http://d.imagehost.org/view/0225/1291081961358)http://d.imagehost.org/view/0225/1291081961358
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: and it really scans
sudoecks: and it will do what itsays
sudoecks: accept EasyV didn't create
cloudpaladin: [S##s][ 0%] The surviving bureaucrat goes limp; Spawn hammers his fist into his arm with a crunch. You earned the 'executed a terrified bureaucrat' XP award! [ You earned 24 XP! ] [ Your clone has been updated! All skills and experience saved. ] [ You earned 5 XP! ] The surviving bureaucrat crumples to the ground, gasps out his last breath, and dies. Ugh! Some blood splashed on you. Jutturna comes down the street from the west. 11Steve heads east down the street. Jutturna says, "you" Jutturna says, "cunt"
cloudpaladin: fun fact, terrified bureaucrats aren't FCPD protected
cloudpaladin: i killed him two squares from city hall
sudoecks: lmao really?
cloudpaladin: ya
sudoecks: also how do you become mayor of FC
cloudpaladin: general election
sudoecks: srly? how do you apply
cloudpaladin: and you have to get most of teh playerbase to love you
cloudpaladin: you pretty much just have to get all your friends to spam the nets wit yourname for mayor long enough
cloudpaladin: and have your friends be most of the players in the game
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: ill just paypal everyone 500 helbux to say it in chatnet
sudoecks: and I'll donate monies to hell to get helbux
sudoecks: woot
sudoecks: ok peace
cloudpaladin: admins don't give you hellbux for IRL money
cloudpaladin: players might though
sudoecks: lol or IRL Coopans lmao
cloudpaladin: the only perk to giving money to hell is that admins like you a little more
cloudpaladin: fyndir donated 150 and all he ever got was a paper crown
cloudpaladin: because he's the king of hellmoo
sudoecks: rofl
cloudpaladin: i'd be willing to bet players would sell you hellmoo money for IRL money
cloudpaladin: but you'd have to make sure you didn't get trolled
cloudpaladin: it would suck to lose out real money for hellbux
cloudpaladin: that the dude doesn'thave
cloudpaladin: hell, i'll sell you hellmoo money for real money
cloudpaladin: add 000 to dollar value
cloudpaladin: one dollar = 100, one hundred for 100,000
cloudpaladin: one =1000
cloudpaladin: actually thats a little high
cloudpaladin: just make me an offer yo
cloudpaladin: i'm good at getting stupidly rich
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGwludVZ4jo)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGwludVZ4jo
sudoecks: sunset 415pm here
cloudpaladin: it's already dark out
cloudpaladin: ugay
cloudpaladin: winter=gets dark quick
sudoecks: wow that sucked
sudoecks: stoned dream killed me
sudoecks: cause a zombie at me
sudoecks: and knocked meout
sudoecks: while a boomer had me
sudoecks: it was pretty bad
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: pwnt
sudoecks: yeah well I just onehittedaboomer
sudoecks: spiked shock shock balanced baton
sudoecks: galleria mall 10K
cloudpaladin: you should buy it
sudoecks: I have it
cloudpaladin: cool
cloudpaladin: good stats on taht?
sudoecks: thus the one hittingboomers
sudoecks: also is 7 the best a waepon can be trained to ?
cloudpaladin: no
sudoecks: or can I grind it more
cloudpaladin: you can be trained to 15
cloudpaladin: you can grind to 6
sudoecks: how doI trainanother level
cloudpaladin: ask on tradenet
cloudpaladin: want to learn clubs to number
cloudpaladin: some nice player teacher will teach you the level if you have enough unspent xp
sudoecks: really
cloudpaladin: you'll know if you have enough because the xp next to the stat will be green
sudoecks: I need 19 lol
sudoecks: XP // 12,441 total // 3,761 effective // 4,329 to spend
sudoecks: lol
cloudpaladin: is it sad that i can just spam directions to get where i'm going by memory?
cloudpaladin: you get anyone to teach you clubs?
sudoecks: I need more xp
sudoecks: not alot
sudoecks: like 40
cloudpaladin: cool
cloudpaladin: smalltalk someone
sudoecks: is there nNPC teach for that
cloudpaladin: one of my aboms has like 16k more xp than his effective just from jobbing
sudoecks: lol jobs get you xp ?
cloudpaladin: yes
sudoecks: how to do jobs
cloudpaladin: the list on my current abom
cloudpaladin: Job XP Progress Earned Again in... corpse grinder 60 - 3/5 Now deliveryboy 100 0/3 2/10 1 day dexter 200 0/3 1/6 6 days mangler 75 4/10 0/10 Now medic 130 2/5 2/15 Now orphan exterminator 50 0/6 3/10 Now pusherman 250 1/10 0/10 Now socializer 50 - 3/30 Now You've completed 14/96 jobs, for 1140/9700 XP.
sudoecks: do job ""
sudoecks: how to do jobs?
cloudpaladin: corpsegrinder you process something with the rdcd unit, deliveryboy you deliver three packages for ratzo, dexter you kill three shadowy figures in gangland, mangler you get ten fatalities, medic you get a trauma kit and heal five patients at the hospital, orphan exterminateor is obvious, pusherman you get sell ten crack rocks to crackheads socializer you buy rounds or smalltalk
cloudpaladin: theres like 20 more jobs
cloudpaladin: but those are some of the easy ones
cloudpaladin: whats your gear?
sudoecks: good
sudoecks: orphan exterminator huh
cloudpaladin: Weapon Raw Hit Spd Par DType base effec crit% eDPS bone claw 3-6 23 4.9 slsh 3-7 3-14 30% + stab 0-6 0-6 30% 3.68
sudoecks: soundsfun
cloudpaladin: for a day or so old i'm hearting my claws
cloudpaladin: note am making like 4 aboms at once, and this is the scrubiest
cloudpaladin: but it's still nice to get characters to decent stats
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: spiked shock baton 4-6 22 6.1 * beat 3-8 3-12 10%
sudoecks: + elec 4-9 4-9 15%
cloudpaladin: lol, my hit is better than yours
sudoecks: + stab 1-2 1-2 10% 3.29
sudoecks: edps 3.29
cloudpaladin: there you go
cloudpaladin: cupid can teech you
sudoecks: where is JS
cloudpaladin: corpclave
sudoecks: ok thankss
sudoecks: JS doesnt show on gmapin CC
cloudpaladin: from the gate it's n n n e e e e n n n
sudoecks: ok
sudoecks: thanks you damn ninja
sudoecks: 8.00 +2 [22] brw,ref 5040xp Home-run skull cracker
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjemyqWPRbs)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjemyqWPRbs
sudoecks: clubs woot
cloudpaladin: you pro
sudoecks: damn big money to update cloan
cloudpaladin: teaching updates you
sudoecks: does it nice
cloudpaladin: if a player teaches you it autoupdates you
sudoecks: nice
sudoecks: off to do jobbing
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: you there
cloudpaladin: i am now
cloudpaladin: i do that sleeping off and on thing
cloudpaladin: after work
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: damn it man
sudoecks: CLOUD
sudoecks: dan
sudoecks: dan
cloudpaladin: what
cloudpaladin: gdit
cloudpaladin: i can totally see you
cloudpaladin: watcha want?
cloudpaladin: sudo
cloudpaladin: do you have iron liver?+
cloudpaladin: i=spawn
cloudpaladin: ya twat
sudoecks: I cant even get fucking hyper immune
sudoecks: fuck it
sudoecks: deleteing clone
cloudpaladin: oh you
cloudpaladin: just make a new character
cloudpaladin: you cutnt
cloudpaladin: i'm not giving you any more characters if you start deleting them
sudoecks: I'm not
sudoecks: I'm just pissed
cloudpaladin: nigga you think you're pissed
sudoecks: I typeated mut
cloudpaladin: i gave up a tripplestack of lotus armor
cloudpaladin: so you could NOT mutate hyperimmune
cloudpaladin: oh well
cloudpaladin: shits free
sudoecks: I typed what you said
sudoecks: and is didnt work
cloudpaladin: the mutation thing says, type 'mutate hyperimmune'
cloudpaladin: you didn't see the giant green letters?
sudoecks: it didnt pop up
cloudpaladin: oh well
cloudpaladin: just don't fight zombies
cloudpaladin: fight something that doesn't give you rot
cloudpaladin: theres plenty of mobs that are good xp that don't rot you
sudoecks: nothing gives me money and not rot
cloudpaladin: uh
cloudpaladin: you know angelica
cloudpaladin: my 15 raw char
cloudpaladin: with 80k
cloudpaladin: never fought zombies
cloudpaladin: ever
cloudpaladin: they're pointless
cloudpaladin: they give low money and low xp compared to other things their level
sudoecks: how to make money they dont buy good cons and scavanging in gang mallhas zombies too
cloudpaladin: uh
cloudpaladin: buy your own con
cloudpaladin: you can sign
cloudpaladin: sucka
cloudpaladin: anyone can
sudoecks: used to be only managers
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: now you can set it
cloudpaladin: and anyone can
cloudpaladin: in this corp atleast
sudoecks: where can I buy good cons and what are they
cloudpaladin: city hall
cloudpaladin: buy sewer
sudoecks: oaky
cloudpaladin: kill chobos
sudoecks: w.e
cloudpaladin: they are worth more and give better xp
sudoecks: where is city hall ?
cloudpaladin: next door to the fcpd office
cloudpaladin: i'll just buy you one
sudoecks: okay thanks
cloudpaladin: brb
cloudpaladin: oh nvm
cloudpaladin: i keep forgetting a have a laptop
cloudpaladin: i can poo and play moos
sudoecks: thank you
cloudpaladin: np
cloudpaladin: getting you more sagebrush stix
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: advise for me you has??
cloudpaladin: practice makes perfect
cloudpaladin: simple stuff, do jobs, do quests, make new character and play in ENEMA for a little while so you can learn the game
cloudpaladin: or did you want advise for you about nonhell?
cloudpaladin: also, bassnectar is the shit
sudoecks: Auto-response from
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGzUHTUn-5Y&NR=1)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGzUHTUn-5Y&NR=1 Session Close (sudoecks): Wed Dec 22 22:25:25 2010 -0800 Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Thu Dec 23 12:38:24 2010 -0800
cloudpaladin: FREEEEDUMB!!!
sudoecks: Auto-response from
cloudpaladin: is cassandra the same one?
cloudpaladin: whats your total xp?
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Thu Dec 23 20:45:36 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Dec 24 08:15:09 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Dec 24 08:26:07 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Dec 24 13:33:51 2010.
cloudpaladin: merry christmas eve
sudoecks: Auto-response from
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed off at Fri Dec 24 20:00:41 2010.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Dec 24 20:15:56 2010.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed off at Fri Dec 24 20:17:39 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Dec 25 08:01:46 2010.
sudoecks: Happy holiday of heracy
cloudpaladin: merry mythosmas
sudoecks: Rofl get anything worth mention
cloudpaladin: family didn't even celebrate christmas
cloudpaladin: we wheren't feeling it this year
cloudpaladin: any of us
cloudpaladin: so we just sent out cards and took the day off
sudoecks: Srsly that's awesome I love it.
sudoecks: You have succeeded in properly celebrating this day. Good job
sudoecks: That's exactly what its all about
cloudpaladin: saying fuckit and not doing anything?
sudoecks: Yes you're doing it right
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Dec 25 11:33:14 2010.
cloudpaladin: just missed u
cloudpaladin: want ur shocky baton back?
sudoecks: Yeah later. I jumped in just to check
cloudpaladin: cool
sudoecks: Blah I hate holidays... You should papal me so I can buy you a gift.
cloudpaladin: i would send you money for the holiday and shit
cloudpaladin: but i lost my debit cand
cloudpaladin: and had to get the bank to do the old cancel/resend thing
cloudpaladin: i hate some holidays
cloudpaladin: halloween is awesome
cloudpaladin: and easter(aka cadbury egg day)
sudoecks: Me too... Lol well you should come here for 1111
cloudpaladin: 1111?
cloudpaladin: oh yeah, new year
cloudpaladin: actually this year we'll have 111111 as well
sudoecks: Yeah and 1112 too cause it will be awesome
sudoecks: Win
cloudpaladin: what happens on 1112?
sudoecks: The end of the myan calendar
cloudpaladin: oh really?
cloudpaladin: yeah
cloudpaladin: i guess that is the end of the world
cloudpaladin: and stuff
cloudpaladin: which isn't going to happen
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Dec 25 15:03:55 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Dec 25 17:34:06 2010.
sudoecks: No but if it ends that day I wasn't to party a lot
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 26 09:13:08 2010.
cloudpaladin: bitches ain't shit, but hoes and tricks
cloudpaladin: for shizzle in my nizzle
sudoecks: Ahhhhh bud up home beef skillett
cloudpaladin: doing some drunken adventuring
cloudpaladin: exploring the wasteland with only a crate of sham adams
sudoecks: Rofl
cloudpaladin: you gotta get iron liver bro
cloudpaladin: this is p awesome
cloudpaladin: midfight i'm grabbing beers from my massive crate o beer and chugging them to heal
cloudpaladin: /be invin
sudoecks: Rofl lol okay p pro
cloudpaladin: working on my brobom still
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 26 13:25:11 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 26 16:53:18 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 26 19:25:28 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 26 19:37:43 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 26 19:54:26 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Dec 26 20:30:19 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Dec 27 10:28:32 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Dec 27 11:30:17 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Dec 27 19:28:56 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Dec 27 20:58:53 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Dec 28 09:45:24 2010.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected. Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Fri Dec 31 12:19:33 2010 -0800
sudoecks: bored needhard drive damn shitcunt fuck grrr
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed off at Fri Dec 31 12:21:09 2010.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Dec 31 12:26:54 2010.
cloudpaladin: what?
cloudpaladin: l
cloudpaladin: mis
cloudpaladin: still plaing hell
cloudpaladin: this is why i don't do drugs
cloudpaladin: addictive personality
cloudpaladin: do you know if theres a cloner in luskentyre?
sudoecks: Auto-response from
cloudpaladin: oh mis
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Jan 01 09:43:23 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Jan 01 10:56:44 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Jan 01 13:12:02 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Jan 01 15:48:40 2011.
cloudpaladin: hola mein
sudoecks: Auto-response from
cloudpaladin: hola meing
cloudpaladin: como ustau usted? Session Close (sudoecks): Sat Jan 01 20:39:46 2011 -0800 Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Sun Jan 02 13:38:20 2011 -0800
sudoecks: What is awesome Linus distro for live cd use I love sax but its lacking features
cloudpaladin: sup homie
cloudpaladin: backtrack
cloudpaladin: backtrack is actually the best live cd i've used
cloudpaladin: you wouldn't think it would be, but since it's designed to be a live cd not a installed operating system it comes preinstalled with all the fun web media shit
cloudpaladin: also it's mp3 player isn't garbage
cloudpaladin: and you never have to worry about wifi hotspots
cloudpaladin: because you can just hack someones wifi
cloudpaladin: backtrack ftw
sudoecks: It is feature rich
sudoecks: And its got a shit ton of favoring shit
cloudpaladin: but?
cloudpaladin: You read through the newspaper titled "STABS ELECTED MAYOR- CITIZENS MOSTLY INDIFFERENT". In a landslide victory, local citizen and self-appointed FCPD detective Stabs has been elected to mayordom, causing absolutely no impact amongst the city's people. Local nobody Durendal was quoted as saying "Stabs was thoughtless enough to give it all up for this position, and I love him very much for it." Baldr, who considers himself to be the head of public relations, had only this to say: "I'm bald." Cheeba, who is also some person nobody knows, informed us that he enjoys feral dogs, and hopes that this recent happening will bring more into town looking for mayoral scraps and salvage. The mayor's first action was to blackmail the gods into raining hooded rain ponchos upon the city, as a gift for the less ponchoed. "He blackmailed us," said Dagon. "It was pretty terrible. I cried." From here on in, the city can only get better.
cloudpaladin: i lol'd
sudoecks: No but I think ill burn one... Lol I hacked wii to burn ads on external burner
cloudpaladin: we have a new player mayor of freedom city
cloudpaladin: he was elected during the christmas new years thing
cloudpaladin: and he hasn't really done anything
cloudpaladin: besides make it rain ponchos
cloudpaladin: but it makes hellmoo more interesting
cloudpaladin: somehowe
cloudpaladin: just letting you know
cloudpaladin: because you don't play and shit
sudoecks: I do I just been hella busy I <3 turbo he's a pimp
cloudpaladin: well, if you do end up playing again i'll recruit you into my current corp
cloudpaladin: which isn't gay like UAC
cloudpaladin: also, i ground fists all the way to 15 raw
cloudpaladin: then rerolled
cloudpaladin: and now i'm a crafter
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Jan 02 22:50:34 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Jan 03 01:52:46 2011. Session Close (sudoecks): Mon Jan 03 01:54:08 2011 -0800 Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Fri Jan 07 18:20:58 2011 -0800
sudoecks: you know
sudoecks: I hate the cold
sudoecks: I hate it all
cloudpaladin: i do to
cloudpaladin: cold sucks a fat cock
sudoecks: infactthe only reason I haven't gone and shot up a random public place is my son
sudoecks: also I'm drunkand have a loaded AK$&
cloudpaladin: doesn't your sun live in a place that isn't as cold?
cloudpaladin: just sayin
cloudpaladin: this is also the reason that the only gun i own fires bbs
cloudpaladin: because i can't help shooting it
cloudpaladin: all the time
cloudpaladin: and i'd rather not put holes in my wall
sudoecks: I dont even get to see him and Heswhy I wont just go kill a random people in public for the fuck of it
cloudpaladin: because then i'll be colder
cloudpaladin: why don't you get to see him?
sudoecks: but then again
sudoecks: Why shouldnt i? got email... I want to show you my new toy
cloudpaladin: not that i'm downing killing random people in public
cloudpaladin: but if you want to see your kid whats stopping you?
sudoecks: well? ???
cloudpaladin: my email is the same as it ever was
cloudpaladin: Drichwalski@gmail.com
sudoecks: reply I see you typing
cloudpaladin: i am not
cloudpaladin: i am typing other thangs
cloudpaladin: in other places
cloudpaladin: god damn, i'm retarded
cloudpaladin: the army doesn't want me if i don't have 15 college credits, so i'm actually thinking about going to college THEN going into the army
sudoecks: god damn it dan? reply
cloudpaladin: ain't i fucking dumb?
cloudpaladin: oh i got counterstrike working
cloudpaladin: so i can pwnt ur faec if you get on at some point
cloudpaladin: and get a hardrive
cloudpaladin: step up in the party like my name was mr.T
cloudpaladin: all these hatin naggers ain't got nothin on me
sudoecks: well?
cloudpaladin: well what?
sudoecks: well fucker??
cloudpaladin: well what mother fucker?
sudoecks: didnt you get mass of drucken txts
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: not one
sudoecks: earlier???
cloudpaladin: just you going 'well?' 'well??' 'well?"
cloudpaladin: thats it
sudoecks: on aim???
cloudpaladin: yes
sudoecks: ghey ill resend later
cloudpaladin: you gay
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Jan 07 23:16:11 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected. Session Close (sudoecks): Sat Jan 08 00:58:42 2011 -0800 Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Sun Jan 09 08:06:11 2011 -0800
cloudpaladin: nigga you gay
sudoecks: damn it gmailis slow for metoday
sudoecks: mexican must have dug up my internets again
sudoecks: lmao
cloudpaladin: dirty wetback
sudoecks: lol
sudoecks: (Link: https://www.fushigiball.com/default.aspx?mid=742426)https://www.fushigiball.com/default.aspx?mid=742426
sudoecks: holy shit thats cool
sudoecks: I gotta have it
sudoecks: lol
cloudpaladin: omg
cloudpaladin: that looks
cloudpaladin: RETARDED
cloudpaladin: i want to throw that ball at your face
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Jan 10 12:32:01 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Jan 10 16:27:02 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Jan 10 22:25:17 2011.
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AyVh1_vWYQ&feature=channel)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AyVh1_vWYQ&feature=channel
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Jan 11 12:31:47 2011.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed off at Tue Jan 11 13:27:53 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected. Session Close (sudoecks): Thu Jan 13 03:16:20 2011 -0800 Session Start (
cloudpaladin:sudoecks): Thu Jan 13 12:35:13 2011 -0800
sudoecks: Nigga
sudoecks: Yo
sudoecks: Dan you around you should find me a mud client for iPhone lol
cloudpaladin: uh
cloudpaladin: i can't really do that because i don't really use cellphones
cloudpaladin: so i have no idea what they require
cloudpaladin: you could probably make mudconnector work on cellphone interwebs
sudoecks: I love my iPod touch it's so p pro
cloudpaladin: how many gigs does that hold?
sudoecks: 16 is the one I bought
cloudpaladin: meh
cloudpaladin: i only want my mp3 player to play mp3s
cloudpaladin: my classic has 160 gig
cloudpaladin: on the other hand i buy electronics like an old person
sudoecks: But I wanted it for apps and Internet... My nano is 64
cloudpaladin: i accept that i just shouldn't be on the internet all the time
cloudpaladin: i spend entirely too much time online as it is
sudoecks: Lol I love 24/8 internets cause well woot!!!!!!!
cloudpaladin: 24/8?
cloudpaladin: where did that other day come from?
sudoecks: Yup24/8
cloudpaladin: or does that mean you internet on leap years?
sudoecks: My ass hole and l
cloudpaladin: ???
sudoecks: Internet is not bound by liniar time
cloudpaladin: fair enough
cloudpaladin: you're gonna be fucked when the internet explodes in 2012
sudoecks: Loll
sudoecks: Maybe
cloudpaladin: oh, i have CS:S working now
cloudpaladin: just in time for you to have a computer with no hard drives
sudoecks: Lol css is on the window 7 laptop
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: same for me
cloudpaladin: i play css in bed
cloudpaladin: my aim is still shitty though
cloudpaladin: this is what happens when you don't play for like a year
sudoecks: But do you play while taking a shit that's p pro
cloudpaladin: i play hellmoo in the bathroom
cloudpaladin: but not css
cloudpaladin: i can't steady my shooting hand
sudoecks: Lol shooting hand
cloudpaladin: a steady hand is important
cloudpaladin: it makes my aim less shitty
sudoecks: Lol or messy depending on the usage lmao
cloudpaladin: this reminds me
cloudpaladin: i forgot to turn mouse smoothing off
sudoecks: Lol how did you get smoothing?? V
cloudpaladin: it's called 'pointer accuracy' in windows 7
cloudpaladin: but it's the same thing
sudoecks: Oh lol I figured
cloudpaladin: however if you turn it off it makes your mouse work a little bit better in css
cloudpaladin: i still gotta set up my triggers
cloudpaladin: not that i'll really need them right now
cloudpaladin: because i'm just playing gungame
sudoecks: Lol
cloudpaladin: the only weapons i'm still decent with are the scout and the knife
cloudpaladin: and thats just because of practicing
cloudpaladin: and shiz
cloudpaladin: when i played all the time
sudoecks: Lmao I'm dual pistols world champion I dual fist an ass whooping
cloudpaladin: thats good
cloudpaladin: i still need to get the award for killing something with dualies while you also have dualies
cloudpaladin: css with awards is fun
sudoecks: Iol
sudoecks: I need to start playing again cause I'm lazy and don't
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: you're so lazy you don't play video games
cloudpaladin: ?
cloudpaladin: that doesn't really sound like a problem
sudoecks: Yup
sudoecks: I wonder if this will work hmmmm
cloudpaladin: wut?
sudoecks: Nope nixd
cloudpaladin: wut/
cloudpaladin: ?
sudoecks: I was trying to picture send but the option isn't there
cloudpaladin: pictures are for people that like pictures anyway
sudoecks: Woot
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Jan 14 00:54:16 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Jan 14 07:55:01 2011.
cloudpaladin: hey you
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Fri Jan 14 16:33:58 2011.
sudoecks: Fuckered
cloudpaladin: fuckered your mothered
sudoecks: Fucktard damn iPod auto correct
sudoecks: Also you're a cunt chunk
sudoecks: And IDE sell your ass for soup
sudoecks: But the niggera don't even want it
cloudpaladin: what?
cloudpaladin: ipod?
cloudpaladin: nigeria?
sudoecks: Idk niggers
cloudpaladin: not all niggers come from nigeria you know
sudoecks: And yes I'm talking to you on my iPod
cloudpaladin: technology is awesome
cloudpaladin: speaking of selling my ass, want to be a reference?
sudoecks: And I also know that... But they all belong in cotton fields
sudoecks: Ka
cloudpaladin: you've known me for like 6 years or some shit
sudoecks: Okay
sudoecks: 8126707438
cloudpaladin: whats your middle name?
sudoecks: I'll tell them your mom is hot
cloudpaladin: these faggots love middle names
cloudpaladin: you should
sudoecks: And I do t
cloudpaladin: tell the FBI that you love my mother
sudoecks: Don't have one
sudoecks: I will
sudoecks: And thAt your dad gives awesome head lol
cloudpaladin: my dad is dead
sudoecks: Reference for what???
cloudpaladin: i'm joining the army
cloudpaladin: like a fag
sudoecks: Lol no he isn't
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: he is
cloudpaladin: he died last month
sudoecks: Ummm what?
sudoecks: No way
cloudpaladin: ya way
cloudpaladin: my dad had cancer
cloudpaladin: thats why i went back to wisconsin in the first place
sudoecks: I did not know that
cloudpaladin: it's cool
sudoecks: Well ummm yeah. In' nomede patri et felli spiritus sancti
cloudpaladin: lol
sudoecks: Lol@ what
cloudpaladin: your priesthood
sudoecks: How the fuck did you not tell me that
sudoecks: This makes the holidays not hapoenlll
cloudpaladin: hapoenlll?
sudoecks: happening makes sence
cloudpaladin: i don't really like to share actual personal details with other people if they're depressing
cloudpaladin: i didn't tell you because i didn't want to bum you out just in time for christmas
sudoecks: Or rather that they didn't ... Damn it man you're like a little brother to me
cloudpaladin: brother from another mother
sudoecks: I'm not bummed but I do offer my condolinces... Hell yes you are
cloudpaladin: i appreciate it
cloudpaladin: also
cloudpaladin: whats your address?
cloudpaladin: the fbi wants to know
sudoecks: Okay well no one knows this, but I was diagnosed with parkinsons
sudoecks: 111duerstein st buffleheads
cloudpaladin: buffleheads?
sudoecks: Buffalo * ny 14210
sudoecks: iPod spell corrector
sudoecks: And you can't turn it off
sudoecks: I know they
sudoecks: Th
sudoecks: Ghey
cloudpaladin: it can't be that good a spellchecker
sudoecks: ***sometimes it werx great
cloudpaladin: it let ghey through
cloudpaladin: sometimes isn't very good
sudoecks: I had to add it
cloudpaladin: it should work or not work
cloudpaladin: working sometimes is just annoying
sudoecks: I know other times you get bufflhead from buffalo
cloudpaladin: why do you get bufflhead?
cloudpaladin: buffalo is a real word
cloudpaladin: bufflhead is uh, i don't think it's a real word
sudoecks: Cause it auto changed buffalo to buffleheads
cloudpaladin: what?
sudoecks: It's made by apple remember this
cloudpaladin: lawl
cloudpaladin: thats the most hilarious shit
cloudpaladin: nobody ever uses buffleheads in a sentence
sudoecks: It learns though the more I use it the better it works
cloudpaladin: apple should know that nobody uses bufflehead in senences
sudoecks: It is pretty fucking hilarious
cloudpaladin: i lol'd
sudoecks: Lol I think it's done with Funky mayhr
sudoecks: Math*
cloudpaladin: google is smarter
cloudpaladin: it thinks i want buffalo wild wings
cloudpaladin: which is closer
sudoecks: He'
cloudpaladin: i don't think telling people you live at buffalo wild wings would be that much better though
sudoecks: Hell yeah I love wings woot
sudoecks: I want a steak subwirxhll
sudoecks: Subwitxh
cloudpaladin: what?
sudoecks: Subwitch
cloudpaladin: lol
sudoecks: god damns you apple
cloudpaladin: subwirxhll
sudoecks: But it knows apple
cloudpaladin: it should be aplxl
sudoecks: It can spell apple
sudoecks: Aplxl
sudoecks: YeH it knows that too
cloudpaladin: it adds x's to everything
cloudpaladin: putting the x in 'sudo x'
sudoecks: I think so
sudoecks: Audi
sudoecks: Lol
sudoecks: Aud
sudoecks: Sudox goes to Audi
cloudpaladin: Australlxlia
sudoecks: Ghey I had to add sudo
sudoecks: It's fucking Linux based and I had to add sudo
sudoecks: How fail is Steve nao
sudoecks: Glad I didn't pay retail
cloudpaladin: steve joblxls?
sudoecks: Lxls
sudoecks: Lmao
cloudpaladin: for spelling like that i hope you stole it at gunpoilxnt
sudoecks: Lmao I should have
sudoecks: I want a different. Model any way.... This is 3rs gen I want 4th with 2. Cameras
cloudpaladin: two cameras?
cloudpaladin: what do you do with more than one camera?
sudoecks: HD iSights both of them. Front and back for pictures and video chat
cloudpaladin: oh
sudoecks: So you can see the screen and video
sudoecks: Or see self and photo or see shot and photo like a regular camera
sudoecks: Good features
sudoecks: Also a 3 ghz intel atom
cloudpaladin: so you can take a real picture and a myspace angle shot at the same timxlise
sudoecks: YeS
sudoecks: Also you can. Camwhore with better idea of lighting between your ass cheeks
sudoecks: Lmao
sudoecks: Okay brb
sudoecks: Ho
sudoecks: Army whore
sudoecks: Lol
cloudpaladin: eventually
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sat Jan 15 02:45:35 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Sun Jan 16 02:38:18 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Jan 17 02:58:32 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Mon Jan 17 08:55:38 2011.
sudoecks: Ahoy
sudoecks: Nigga
cloudpaladin: nigga plox
cloudpaladin: i'll slap the black off yo ass
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Jan 18 03:39:55 2011.
sudoecks: get on skype skype me
sudoecks: I need to explain a nifty attack idea
sudoecks: or vent nhb
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Jan 18 09:21:04 2011.
cloudpaladin: two things
cloudpaladin: no mic
cloudpaladin: and that requires a whole lot more caring than i have for NHB
cloudpaladin: they don't like even do shows anymore
sudoecks: Fuck u skype me and have a mic damn it
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: i'll get a mic
cloudpaladin: eventually
cloudpaladin: but why you want to attack NHB i have no idea
cloudpaladin: damon isn't even on the station anymore
sudoecks: Who said attack nhb,?
cloudpaladin: uh you
cloudpaladin: didn't you?
cloudpaladin: or did you
cloudpaladin: i scrolled up
cloudpaladin: i thought you said get in skype so i can tell you how to attack nhb vent
cloudpaladin: but you actually just said get in skype or nhb vent
cloudpaladin: i'm dum
cloudpaladin: i think my laptop has an internal mic
sudoecks: Just a little
sudoecks: Wedcam
sudoecks: ?
cloudpaladin: oh, i think i do have a webcam
cloudpaladin: but i don't want you to watch me jacking off to your voi..... i don't want you to see me
sudoecks: Cause if there's a cam there is aix
sudoecks: Mic
cloudpaladin: my last laptop had an internal mic but no webcam
sudoecks: Uck shir apple
cloudpaladin: i think tehy come standard
sudoecks: God damn b
sudoecks: B
sudoecks: Kb
sudoecks: Fuck shit cunt cock damn hell fixed y
sudoecks: Gay
sudoecks: Ghey
sudoecks: Fuxk damn better
cloudpaladin: ok, im in nhb vent
cloudpaladin: which is ded
cloudpaladin: so ded
sudoecks: Okay I think I got it
sudoecks: As soon as it installs
cloudpaladin: i'm so gangsta you can find me baking cookies at night!!
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEC7kz4hu6c)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEC7kz4hu6c
sudoecks: Server and port
cloudpaladin: just go to the website
cloudpaladin: like i did
sudoecks: Lol idk I'll look
cloudpaladin: chat.nhbradio.com port 4440
sudoecks: Thabkyoy
sudoecks: Gah I got the munchies
cloudpaladin: munchie this limp meatflute
sudoecks: Cunt
cloudpaladin: ok, i'm back
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Jan 18 04:56:52 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Jan 18 18:00:53 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Jan 18 10:34:09 2011.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: "sudoecks (sudoecks)" signed on at Tue Jan 18 12:17:29 2011.
sudoecks: I want to join acarnival
sudoecks: I hate the real world
cloudpaladin: you should
cloudpaladin: join a carnival
cloudpaladin: see the world
sudoecks: Iam thinking so
cloudpaladin: meet new people
cloudpaladin: yell at them to buy your shitty popcorn
sudoecks: Nigga Im a ride jock
cloudpaladin: whateva nig
cloudpaladin: times are tough
cloudpaladin: you'll be in charge of the lucky ducks
sudoecks: Do you have the feintest concept of what I do ?
cloudpaladin: you give people those chinese fingercuffs after they get the duck with the star on the bottom
sudoecks: I move faris wheels ....big ones like fucking huge
cloudpaladin: thats silly
cloudpaladin: ferris wheels already move
sudoecks: I know how to take several models completely apart and put them back together
cloudpaladin: like legos?
cloudpaladin: can you make a giant robot out of ferris wheel parts?+
sudoecks: I move BIG equiptment lol google image search reithoffer Dutch wheel
sudoecks: Probaby
cloudpaladin: you must be really strong mithter
cloudpaladin: if you can pick up a ferris wheel
sudoecks: lol faggot
sudoecks: Top being an sashay
sudoecks: Asshat
sudoecks: Damn auto correctionc
cloudpaladin: but for serial, if i can join the army you can join the carnival
cloudpaladin: well
cloudpaladin: maybe i can join the army
cloudpaladin: they might not let me in with my AIDS
sudoecks: I can get you a carnival job if you can't
sudoecks: Lolaida
cloudpaladin: lol <3
sudoecks: Aids**
cloudpaladin: i'd kiss you but i don't want to share my AIDS
sudoecks: You aids fag
sudoecks: You are cancer
cloudpaladin: thats not funny
cloudpaladin: cancer kills people
cloudpaladin: AIDS help them work out
sudoecks: Uh huh
sudoecks: Come be a ride jock it rocks
sudoecks: Also no hell moo
cloudpaladin: i'm pretty bored of hellmoo
cloudpaladin: at this point
cloudpaladin: yo
cloudpaladin: i've like made every character
sudoecks: I know that's why I think you should join the carnival
cloudpaladin: i will if i fail the eye exam for the army too horribly tomorrow
sudoecks: Lol
cloudpaladin: it shouldn't matter
cloudpaladin: it's not like it's my shooting eye
sudoecks: Mmmmnmmmmmmmm crab Rangoon
sudoecks: Well it matters
cloudpaladin: might
cloudpaladin: the army will like give dudes glasses
sudoecks: They care
cloudpaladin: meh
cloudpaladin: i doubt it will matter much
cloudpaladin: i'll either be able to cheat through it
cloudpaladin: or they won't care
cloudpaladin: between the two it should turn out ok
sudoecks: Join the carnival to get mad pussy
cloudpaladin: my polarity is the opposite of pussy
cloudpaladin: i'm the opposite of a pussy magnet
cloudpaladin: girls run away from me
cloudpaladin: nerdjohk
sudoecks: Lol not gay though
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: not gay
cloudpaladin: just secure enough in my sexuality to joke about being gay
cloudpaladin: sucking cock
cloudpaladin: having aids
cloudpaladin: ext
cloudpaladin: am really a furry though
sudoecks: Well I'm the king of getting laid
cloudpaladin: touch my fuzzy beaver nipples
sudoecks: I can get any one laid
cloudpaladin: is this like how you're the king of haxing?
cloudpaladin: mr wrote a book full of other peoples guides
sudoecks: You have no idea of the pussy I pull down
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: well
cloudpaladin: i know everytime you move you get a girlfriend
cloudpaladin: except that trip to russia
sudoecks: Lol I been with 267 girls
cloudpaladin: and i know you move like every half a year
cloudpaladin: so like
cloudpaladin: i'm sure theres a formula
sudoecks: I meet girls like you play hell ... Better then most
cloudpaladin: X=sexhaving years%2=x sudo*x=numberochicksfuxed
cloudpaladin: i'm not an amazing hellmux player
cloudpaladin: i'm just good compared to you
cloudpaladin: i'm p the best social engineer in hellmux
cloudpaladin: but nowhere near the best player
sudoecks: Lol god bless the womens I can get cause I'm just raw lol
cloudpaladin: what?
cloudpaladin: raw what?
cloudpaladin: i blame your badboy image
sudoecks: Lol I do kinda look like a nun but i'm the man womens love me
cloudpaladin: you're all liek 'hay ladies, chex out my koi fish tattooz, can haz titties??, kthxbai'
sudoecks: That's the basic idea
cloudpaladin: dating 4 anonymous
sudoecks: Accept I'm you know origional
cloudpaladin: original?
sudoecks: Yeah you gotta be origional with it and idk smooth
cloudpaladin: lol
sudoecks: Also 10 inch dick helps
cloudpaladin: longcat r longer than you
sudoecks: Lolling Idc cause I got the magic stick
cloudpaladin: i've got you beat
cloudpaladin: ░░░░▲ ░░░░░░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ░░░░░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ░░░░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ░░░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ░░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ░░░░░░▲░░░░░░░░░░░░▲ ░░░░░▲ ▲░░░░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ░░░░▲ ▲ ▲░░░░░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲░░░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲░░░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲░░▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ░░░░░▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░▓▓ ░░░░░▓▓▓░████████░▓▓▓ ░░░░░▓▓░█▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█░▓▓ ░░░░░▓▓░░░██░░██░░░▓▓ ░░░░░▓▓░░░▓▓░░▓▓░░░▓▓ ░░░░░▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░▓▓▓ ░░░░░▓▓▓██░░▓▓░░██▓▓▓ ░░░░░░▓▓███░▓▓░███▓▓ ░░░░░░▓████████████▓ ░░░░░░░████████████ ░░░░░░░████████████ ░░░░░░░████▓▓▓▓████ ░░░░░░░▓▓▓▓▓██▓▓▓▓▓ ░░░░░░░████▓▓▓▓████ ░░░░░░░████████████ ░░░░░░░░▓▓▓░░░░▓▓▓ ░░░░░░░░▓▓▓░░░░▓▓▓
cloudpaladin: TRIFORCE NIGGA
cloudpaladin: oh
cloudpaladin: i don't think that really worked
cloudpaladin: if this was hellmoo you'd be pwnt rite now
sudoecks: Pp4l
sudoecks: Pp4l
cloudpaladin: oh yeah?
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BztYYyiQvs)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BztYYyiQvs
sudoecks: Lol no
cloudpaladin: is only nunwhore commando 666
cloudpaladin: best grindustrial band evars
sudoecks: Lolololololololooolollllp
sudoecks: Lolgasm
cloudpaladin: you know what else is a lolgasm?
cloudpaladin: a unicorn in hightop sneakers trying to play wheel of fortune
sudoecks: Woot
sudoecks: Hey that reminds me today's woot
cloudpaladin: are they selling a unicorn?
sudoecks: Idk
sudoecks: Colgate Wisp 48 Pack $4.99 + $5 shipping CONDITION: New PRODUCT: 1 Colgate Wisp Single Use Mini Toothbrush – 48 Pack FLAVOR: Colgate Wisp Coolmint 48 Pack, Colgate Wisp Spearmint 48 Pack, Colgate Wisp Peppermint 48 Pack, Colgate Wisp Cinnamint 48 Pack I Want One!
sudoecks: Not a good day for wooting lol
cloudpaladin: ooooh
cloudpaladin: a colgate wisp mini toothbrush
cloudpaladin: you can use those as shanks
sudoecks: Lol
sudoecks: I have a 45
sudoecks: You catch ADHD
sudoecks: I pulled a 45 revolver on cam in skype takeing about gun control
sudoecks: Smith and wesson 45acp
sudoecks: Airlight like800 for o
cloudpaladin: that might be band
sudoecks: One but yeah stopping power
sudoecks: Lol I own a wasr10 a 357/38sp a 45 a 12 ga and a 223
sudoecks: They will have to come take my ak from my cold dead hands
cloudpaladin: ok
cloudpaladin: shoots greg in hed
cloudpaladin: takes ak
sudoecks: I'm a good shot
sudoecks: I'm not going to give up my guns with out a fight
cloudpaladin: see this is why i like knives
cloudpaladin: no fighting
sudoecks: Lol wanna see what I carry at all times w/ ti
sudoecks: Time stA
sudoecks: Time stamp
cloudpaladin: i used to carry a sharpened railroad spike all the time
cloudpaladin: and nobody ever wanted to take it from my cold dead hands
cloudpaladin: win/win
sudoecks: Woot. Love my 357 mag
sudoecks: Ol
cloudpaladin: BEI
sudoecks: What
cloudpaladin: BITCH AS WHO
sudoecks: huh
sudoecks: You tool
cloudpaladin: what?
cloudpaladin: BEATLES!!!
sudoecks: Yeash
sudoecks: Net 2.0 just came on
sudoecks: It's odd
sudoecks: Did you see the social network
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: i liked it
cloudpaladin: actually
cloudpaladin: liked might be an understatement
sudoecks: Idk I thought this was supposed to be like that
cloudpaladin: i saw it in theaters
cloudpaladin: then watched it like ten times at home
cloudpaladin: then torrented the soundtrack
sudoecks: Me too total win
cloudpaladin: <3 trent reznor
sudoecks: Lol
sudoecks: Youlmow what I
sudoecks: Am gonna watch that now
sudoecks: Watch-movies.ro is so win
sudoecks: Fap fap fap fap fap
cloudpaladin: i'm a fan of tv blinkx myself
cloudpaladin: but hey
sudoecks: Just check is our
sudoecks: Just check it out
cloudpaladin: freddy mercury is the definition of what a man should be
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
cloudpaladin: welp
cloudpaladin: i'm almost in
cloudpaladin: just gotta retake the fucking AIMs test
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: Srsly I want in
sudoecks: Ok wait that's s lie lol
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: yo
sudoecks: you there?
cloudpaladin: nigga plo
cloudpaladin: x
cloudpaladin: never
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
cloudpaladin: i wanna pee on you
cloudpaladin: pee on you
sudoecks: Lol
sudoecks: Sudo-ecks.blogspot.com like new layout?
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: i hate
cloudpaladin: it
cloudpaladin: it's gay
cloudpaladin: ok, i didn't look
cloudpaladin: but i'm sure it's gay
sudoecks: I know you didn't cause it's kinda win
sudoecks: Made the gfx myself
sudoecks: With paint.net
cloudpaladin: ...
cloudpaladin: upro
cloudpaladin: someday
cloudpaladin: when you become an uber master
sudoecks: Only a litle
cloudpaladin: you can upgrade to kidpix
sudoecks: Lmao just look
sudoecks: I ghosted the skull in the moon and in the banner yes that's the cocaine molicule
cloudpaladin: meh
cloudpaladin: i could hate that more
cloudpaladin: lol, i still have admin
sudoecks: The banner took forever and no you don't
sudoecks: But you can post unless you piss me off
sudoecks: Then
sudoecks: Well you'll be banned
cloudpaladin: so yeah
cloudpaladin: like the new layout
cloudpaladin: posted about how much i love it
sudoecks: So yeah
sudoecks: That lasted along time
cloudpaladin: what did?
sudoecks: You got fiXed
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: could has just made ur website explode
sudoecks: Like I sa
cloudpaladin: just sayin
sudoecks: No you couldn't
sudoecks: I'm so much smarter then that
cloudpaladin: k
cloudpaladin: gives me posting again
cloudpaladin: and i'll see if it works
cloudpaladin: bet i can make your website spit out millions of shock pix
cloudpaladin: and give you a nasty virus
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnZ3hy7Pk4A)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnZ3hy7Pk4A
sudoecks: Lol it's hosted by google.
cloudpaladin: so?
cloudpaladin: what does that matter?
sudoecks: It's secured
cloudpaladin: my myspace still gives you viruses
sudoecks: Lol mine too
cloudpaladin: with my code
cloudpaladin: jus sayin
cloudpaladin: if you don't think i can make your html enabled blog spit out viruses you're fooling yourself
cloudpaladin: and i suck at html
cloudpaladin: anything with open html can bet set up to cross site script
cloudpaladin: just by tweaking inputs of something it accepts
cloudpaladin: like gay spiderman .gifs
cloudpaladin: which i would probably do if i cared/i wasn't watching bear force 1 videos
cloudpaladin: which franticly mastrubating
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGwludVZ4jo&NR=1)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGwludVZ4jo&NR=1
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbGkxcY7YFU&feature=related)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbGkxcY7YFU&feature=related
cloudpaladin: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmHp_D0wNGY)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmHp_D0wNGY
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
sudoecks: You have been disconnected.
cloudpaladin: hey you
cloudpaladin: guess what
sudoecks: You joined the army
cloudpaladin: i did
cloudpaladin: you're good
sudoecks: Mos ??
cloudpaladin: 11x
cloudpaladin: afganistan foot tours
sudoecks: Your goig ibfentey
cloudpaladin: yes
cloudpaladin: i'm retarded
sudoecks: Ranger??
cloudpaladin: no
cloudpaladin: just infantry
sudoecks: Or just cannon fodder
cloudpaladin: airborne if they offer
sudoecks: Why
cloudpaladin: i think they usually ask people if they want to jump out of planes after ait
cloudpaladin: why not?
sudoecks: When will you ever use that
sudoecks: You should try to atleast awuire a skill
cloudpaladin: in the post-apocalyptic wasteland
sudoecks: Also
sudoecks: Don't die
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: i won't
cloudpaladin: sucka
sudoecks: I love you like a little scary oedo brother
sudoecks: Congrats ship date?
cloudpaladin: april 5th
cloudpaladin: right after my birthday
cloudpaladin: i get to go jump off the confidence tower
sudoecks: I'm bouncing to my faris wheel on around 2/10/11
sudoecks: Nice
cloudpaladin: you found a carnival company?
sudoecks: Ya
sudoecks: I'm sparky I'm a 500 dollar a week ride formen
sudoecks: I m
cloudpaladin: 500 dollars a week isn't very much money
sudoecks: I really do move big fuck off huge rides
cloudpaladin: thats 100 a day
sudoecks: Yeah
sudoecks: And it's tax free and I get a truck and trailor to live in and no bills
cloudpaladin: thats about 14 an hour
cloudpaladin: it's not tax free
sudoecks: Just gas and food
cloudpaladin: i'm tax free
sudoecks: Mine is
cloudpaladin: i werx for the government
sudoecks: Gypsy law
cloudpaladin: if you're tax free and you don't work for the government or another country, nigga you illegal
sudoecks: Carnies only pay into ss
sudoecks: It's cause we are seasonal
sudoecks: Every
sudoecks: Dime you spend is a deduction
sudoecks: You travel
sudoecks: For alivinf
cloudpaladin: i'm tellein you man
cloudpaladin: when 2012 rolls around
sudoecks: Living*
cloudpaladin: and zombies take over
cloudpaladin: i'm gonna be owning them
sudoecks: I'll have my ak son
cloudpaladin: and you're gonna be getting your brains eaten
cloudpaladin: then we'll see who has a worthwhile skillset
sudoecks: Yeah rig
sudoecks: Colnel klink
cloudpaladin: nah, they didn't actually have room in the MOS i wanted
cloudpaladin: so i'm gonna try to get into it from the inside
cloudpaladin: that and
sudoecks: What's that
cloudpaladin: infantry is awesome
cloudpaladin: 68w
cloudpaladin: medic
sudoecks: Lol
cloudpaladin: basicly a medkit up from my profession now
sudoecks: Your gonna get ied boomed
cloudpaladin: you're just a fountain of support
sudoecks: Lol
cloudpaladin: you know thatL
sudoecks: Lol
sudoecks: I love you man congrats srsly good luck
cloudpaladin: awww
cloudpaladin: <3<3<3
sudoecks: Luck
cloudpaladin: *unicorn leaping over a rainbow*
sudoecks: Shoot a sand nigger and write sudo on it for me pix for proof
cloudpaladin: why would i want to do that?
cloudpaladin: i like my middle eastern friends
cloudpaladin: i want to fight for their freedom from that horrible saddam hussein
sudoecks: Cause I will marry your mom if you don't
cloudpaladin: not for anything to do with halliburton
cloudpaladin: or oil
cloudpaladin: fr srfsly
sudoecks: You're fucking strange
cloudpaladin: uh yeah
cloudpaladin: sometimes i wonder
cloudpaladin: am i insane
cloudpaladin: or am i the only motherfucker with a brane?
sudoecks: Lol no that's me
cloudpaladin: NO
cloudpaladin: also now i can wear retarded "PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN" shirts
sudoecks: Yea that's me
sudoecks: The only mother fuckered with a brain
cloudpaladin: you spelled it wrong
cloudpaladin: it's brane
cloudpaladin: i'm gonna get a shirt that says "GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS" in red white and blue and has a picture of uncle sam riding a black hawk helecopter falcon punching hitler with explosions in the backgorund
sudoecks: copy and email me this entire chat please
cloudpaladin: why?
cloudpaladin: just history yourself
sudoecks: Can't on iPod
cloudpaladin: didn't you tell me ipods were supposedly the ubermench?
sudoecks: It's the aim app Its ails fault just do it
cloudpaladin: thats what your mom said, six months later you were born
sudoecks: Gil you
sudoecks: Kill you
cloudpaladin: kill me with kisses
cloudpaladin: and non homosexual oral sex
sudoecks: Just copy it and send it to me fuckered
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