me: Sudo does a back flipping hatchet attack and manages to remove Cloudpaladins balls in a single try. [###***###] -30 hp
you have just been kungfooied
cloudpala..din: good thing i have 54 hp
Cloudpaladin pulls the pin on his Clusternuke.
Cloudpaladin starts following you.
me: that was a back flipping hatchet attack though you are so awe struck from the awesomeness you are paralyzed
Sudo doubles back and pulls your tongue out the back of your cranium [######] you die
cloudpala..din: lawl, i'm walking around town fondling people and robbing them
claws rock
me: yeah they do
I got laid and it was amazing lulz... I love having a really really super hot for me girlfriend
ok creat me a character and give me his name and pass I dont want to play I jsuy want to fuck around for a little while
see if I can manage a ban in less then a single night
cloudpala..din: just a sec, i'll roll you a throwaway ripper so you can kill newbies
me: awesome I love you you are the fucking win
if I was gay I would butt fuck you with my gigantic italian cock lol
cloudpala..din: lol
thats nice to know
Three ciphers in a cascade [15, 16] operating in XTS mode (see the section Modes of Operation). Each 128-bit block is first encrypted with Serpent (256-bit key) in XTS mode, then with Twofish (256-bit key) in XTS mode, and finally with AES (256-bit key) in XTS mode. Each of the cascaded ciphers uses its own key. All encryption keys are mutually independent (note that header keys are independent as well, even though they are derived from a single password – see the section Header Key Derivation, Salt, and Iteration Count). See above for information on the individual cascaded ciphers.
RIPEMD-160, published in 1996, is a hash algorithm designed by Hans Dobbertin, Antoon Bosselaers, and Bart Preneel in an open academic community. The size of the output of RIPEMD-160 is 160 bits. RIPEMD-160 is a strengthened version of the RIPEMD hash algorithm that was developed in the framework of the European Union's project RIPE (RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation), 1988-1992. RIPEMD-160 was adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the IEC in the ISO/IEC 10118-3:2004 international standard [21].
Header Key Derivation, Salt, and Iteration Count
Header key is used to encrypt and decrypt the encrypted area of the TrueCrypt volume header, which contains the master key and other data (see the sections Encryption Scheme and TrueCrypt Volume Format Specification). The method that TrueCrypt uses to generate the header key and the secondary header key (XTS mode) is PBKDF2, specified in PKCS 5 v2.0; see [7] (the document specifying PBKDF2 is also available courtesy of RSA Laboratories at:
512-bit salt is used, which means there are 2512 keys for each password. This decreases vulnerability to 'off-line' dictionary attacks (pre-computing all the keys for a dictionary of passwords is very difficult when a salt is used) [7]. The salt consists of random values generated by the TrueCrypt random number generator during the volume creation process. The header key derivation function is based on HMAC-SHA-512, HMAC-RIPEMD-160, or HMAC-Whirlpool (see [8, 9, 20, 22]) – the user selects which. The length of the derived key does not depend on the size of the output of the underlying hash function. For example, a header key for the AES-256 cipher is always 256 bits long even if HMAC-RIPEMD-160 is used (in XTS mode, an additional 256-bit secondary header key is used; hence, two 256-bit keys are used for AES-256 in total). For more information, refer to [7]. 1000 iterations (or 2000 iterations when HMAC-RIPEMD-160 is used as the underlying hash function) of the key derivation function have to be performed to derive a header key, which increases the time necessary to perform an exhaustive search for passwords (i.e., brute force attack) [7].
Header keys used by ciphers in a cascade are mutually independent, even though they are derived from a single password (to which keyfiles may have been applied). For example, for the AES-Twofish-Serpent cascade, the header key derivation function is instructed to derive a 768-bit encryption key from a given password (and, for XTS mode, in addition, a 768-bit secondary header key from the given password). The generated 768-bit header key is then split into three 256-bit keys (for XTS mode, the secondary header key is split into three 256-bit keys as well, so the cascade actually uses six 256-bit keys in total), out of which the first key is used by Serpent, the second key is used by Twofish, and the third by AES (in addition, for XTS mode, the first secondary key is used by Serpent, the second secondary key is used by Twofish, and the third secondary key by AES). Hence, even when an adversary has one of the keys, he cannot use it to derive the other keys, as there is no feasible method to determine the password from which the key was derived (except for brute force attack mounted on a weak password).
.. --> google_ad_section_end --> .. --> BEGIN docs_bottom_ad_unit --> WHAT does this all mean you ask....?
Well... Duh nuh na nuh Can't touch this...
Essentially its liek putting your shit in a safe and putting that safe in 2 more safes after that and welding those fuckers shut.
RIPEMD-160, published in 1996, is a hash algorithm designed by Hans Dobbertin, Antoon Bosselaers, and Bart Preneel in an open academic community. The size of the output of RIPEMD-160 is 160 bits. RIPEMD-160 is a strengthened version of the RIPEMD hash algorithm that was developed in the framework of the European Union's project RIPE (RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation), 1988-1992. RIPEMD-160 was adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the IEC in the ISO/IEC 10118-3:2004 international standard [21].
Header Key Derivation, Salt, and Iteration Count
Header key is used to encrypt and decrypt the encrypted area of the TrueCrypt volume header, which contains the master key and other data (see the sections Encryption Scheme and TrueCrypt Volume Format Specification). The method that TrueCrypt uses to generate the header key and the secondary header key (XTS mode) is PBKDF2, specified in PKCS 5 v2.0; see [7] (the document specifying PBKDF2 is also available courtesy of RSA Laboratories at:
512-bit salt is used, which means there are 2512 keys for each password. This decreases vulnerability to 'off-line' dictionary attacks (pre-computing all the keys for a dictionary of passwords is very difficult when a salt is used) [7]. The salt consists of random values generated by the TrueCrypt random number generator during the volume creation process. The header key derivation function is based on HMAC-SHA-512, HMAC-RIPEMD-160, or HMAC-Whirlpool (see [8, 9, 20, 22]) – the user selects which. The length of the derived key does not depend on the size of the output of the underlying hash function. For example, a header key for the AES-256 cipher is always 256 bits long even if HMAC-RIPEMD-160 is used (in XTS mode, an additional 256-bit secondary header key is used; hence, two 256-bit keys are used for AES-256 in total). For more information, refer to [7]. 1000 iterations (or 2000 iterations when HMAC-RIPEMD-160 is used as the underlying hash function) of the key derivation function have to be performed to derive a header key, which increases the time necessary to perform an exhaustive search for passwords (i.e., brute force attack) [7].
Header keys used by ciphers in a cascade are mutually independent, even though they are derived from a single password (to which keyfiles may have been applied). For example, for the AES-Twofish-Serpent cascade, the header key derivation function is instructed to derive a 768-bit encryption key from a given password (and, for XTS mode, in addition, a 768-bit secondary header key from the given password). The generated 768-bit header key is then split into three 256-bit keys (for XTS mode, the secondary header key is split into three 256-bit keys as well, so the cascade actually uses six 256-bit keys in total), out of which the first key is used by Serpent, the second key is used by Twofish, and the third by AES (in addition, for XTS mode, the first secondary key is used by Serpent, the second secondary key is used by Twofish, and the third secondary key by AES). Hence, even when an adversary has one of the keys, he cannot use it to derive the other keys, as there is no feasible method to determine the password from which the key was derived (except for brute force attack mounted on a weak password).
.. --> google_ad_section_end --> .. --> BEGIN docs_bottom_ad_unit --> WHAT does this all mean you ask....?
Well... Duh nuh na nuh Can't touch this...
Essentially its liek putting your shit in a safe and putting that safe in 2 more safes after that and welding those fuckers shut.
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