This Is The New Omega # logo Hot off the press>!>!>

Forklifts, Half-Deaf Boss Men, and ME...
Today was an interesting day, they finally finished my forklift test
(O.S.H.A. Required), And now I am aloud to drive the lift... This is
also how I got the name speed racer at work ...
You see I don't really slow down for much the lifts at my job have a
loud horn and generally people get the fuck out of the way when I'm
headed for them... Now my boss man and his boss man are about half deaf
and about stupid... I was headed around the, oh so affectionately
named, maze ( this thing is a splattering of pallets carts jacks and
other random shit that should be put else where) When there they are
around the next turn my boss and his boss standing talking and LOOKING
DOWN, ignoring my horn. So I holler "EXCUSE ME LOOK OUT!", but they
don't get it. So I slow down, but continue towards then at about half
Right about the time I slide right up to my boss's back he turns
around just in time to hear my horn right in his face... I must say
I've never seen a grown man startle quite like this. Any way he say "
Hey speed racer..." and makes some joke about how fast I was whipping
around the maze and finally after another minute gets the fuck out of
my way.
Fucking boss-men world wide LISTEN UP.... YOUR employees Know what the
fucks going on... Get the fuck out of their way...
~ ~ Your Editor
update on Thereal Deal
you know, it's been forever, but between court dates, stress, paranoia, job hunting and my new job, i've been rather busy. I'm now an MIS PC Technician at [deleted for secutity reasons]. not a bad first career job in my opinion. good pay, once they move me full time, great benefits, and since it's a reletively laid back environment, i get lots of time to read.
So i've been keeping up on more current news than consiracy theories as of late. in case no one heard, nasa, astronaut, 950miles in an explorer wearing diapers to abduct and potentially scare a co-worker in a love triangle thing. and who says you don't get stressed in a 0g environment?
second big story is that the newly elected mostly democratic congress is heavily opposing bush's plan to send 21,500 troops into iraq. they start talks next week to propose a different way to resolve the worst investment of our american taxes and human life since veitnam.
'bout fucking time there. even the soldiers stationed there say more manpower isn't the awnser. iraq needs to fix the situation themselves. and the anti-american forces, they can play the waiting game. we won't be there forever.
another side arcticle was dick chaney's oil company lost 10 billion dollars in micellanious expenses for developing iraq's oil fields. hmmm, wonder where that went?
for all you science fans, the longest serving martian satalite went MIA last month after uploading a faulty software update then again, a $300 million satalite expected to last maybe a year lasted 10. good show nasa! someone has some smarts, but it's not the new programmers.
in taiwan, a man stole a police car to ride home cause he was tired. the man and the car were found 2 miles from where the car was stolen.
wish i could get away with only a ticket for that.
apparently the man was tired of walking after getting off the train, the policemen who drove the car left it idling in the parking lot outside of a nearby post office.
in entertainment news, anna nicole smith died in the doorway to her hotel room. no foul play is really suspected, but consiracy theorists beleive that it was a professional hitman hired by the family she cheated out of inheritance by marrying her late billionaire husband. earlier this year, her son had died as well.
honestly, you couldn't get me to suck an old, sick and dying guys cock for several billion dollars. but hey, i'm insane anyway.
in LA news, 2 idiots drove a car through a mid class department store, meaning to hit the jewelry department, breaking the grate and getting away with tons of loot. in short, they fucked up and drove out the other side of the store, leaving onlookers baffeled. witnesses say they looked like 2 middle aged black men.
not, i'm not racist, but i think even others would say...
stupid fucking niggers.
in texas, the biggest meat packing plant, cactus something or other, was the target of a INS raid. a small, recently booming town was left devistated and looks like it will become a ghost town. several thousand illegal immagrants were deported in the raid.
a little further north, the mayor in nashville vetoed a bill to make all legislative documents required to be only in english. he said "this is a useless slap at illegal immagrants. they can't be in government anyway."
while i agree, the article itself was quite amusing.
well, that's all the good ones i can think of. maybe now i'll have more time to do some actual reporting now that i'm employed. if there's anything you wanna hear about, comment!
So i've been keeping up on more current news than consiracy theories as of late. in case no one heard, nasa, astronaut, 950miles in an explorer wearing diapers to abduct and potentially scare a co-worker in a love triangle thing. and who says you don't get stressed in a 0g environment?
second big story is that the newly elected mostly democratic congress is heavily opposing bush's plan to send 21,500 troops into iraq. they start talks next week to propose a different way to resolve the worst investment of our american taxes and human life since veitnam.
'bout fucking time there. even the soldiers stationed there say more manpower isn't the awnser. iraq needs to fix the situation themselves. and the anti-american forces, they can play the waiting game. we won't be there forever.
another side arcticle was dick chaney's oil company lost 10 billion dollars in micellanious expenses for developing iraq's oil fields. hmmm, wonder where that went?
for all you science fans, the longest serving martian satalite went MIA last month after uploading a faulty software update then again, a $300 million satalite expected to last maybe a year lasted 10. good show nasa! someone has some smarts, but it's not the new programmers.
in taiwan, a man stole a police car to ride home cause he was tired. the man and the car were found 2 miles from where the car was stolen.
wish i could get away with only a ticket for that.
apparently the man was tired of walking after getting off the train, the policemen who drove the car left it idling in the parking lot outside of a nearby post office.
in entertainment news, anna nicole smith died in the doorway to her hotel room. no foul play is really suspected, but consiracy theorists beleive that it was a professional hitman hired by the family she cheated out of inheritance by marrying her late billionaire husband. earlier this year, her son had died as well.
honestly, you couldn't get me to suck an old, sick and dying guys cock for several billion dollars. but hey, i'm insane anyway.
in LA news, 2 idiots drove a car through a mid class department store, meaning to hit the jewelry department, breaking the grate and getting away with tons of loot. in short, they fucked up and drove out the other side of the store, leaving onlookers baffeled. witnesses say they looked like 2 middle aged black men.
not, i'm not racist, but i think even others would say...
stupid fucking niggers.
in texas, the biggest meat packing plant, cactus something or other, was the target of a INS raid. a small, recently booming town was left devistated and looks like it will become a ghost town. several thousand illegal immagrants were deported in the raid.
a little further north, the mayor in nashville vetoed a bill to make all legislative documents required to be only in english. he said "this is a useless slap at illegal immagrants. they can't be in government anyway."
while i agree, the article itself was quite amusing.
well, that's all the good ones i can think of. maybe now i'll have more time to do some actual reporting now that i'm employed. if there's anything you wanna hear about, comment!
you special edd fuck
Pedge; your a fucking 2 bit duche bag tool, the best part of you dripped off your crack whore mothers tits, your a waste of life, no one fucking gives a damn what you think or want to say dont even try to post on hear again or so help me... blogger logged you ip and sent it to me .... oh and just so you knowtoday I signed a deal with 2 investors.... Omega 3 will be up and running by the end of april and I have also found 3 artists to start with... doubters, haters faggot lend me your ear... You listening yet?? FUCK OFF you special edd no good dirty pole smoking sorry excuse for a gimp wannna be jack ass
rsa 128 perl bitch
rsa 128 perl bitch
radio jackass
ok so a certain radio jackass think I.... ME OF ALL PEOPLE , mensa
member, IQ 165, ability to multi-task 8 or 10 things at once, am
stupid. Well you got me jack ass damon you stupid cock wrinkle faggot.
I'm stupid...... but at least i can fucking see you goddamn blink....
you are nothing more then a cripple and even this is wasting time on
you... you in closing fuck off... go die.... you are a waste of life
and no one wants you to continue to live
just go kill your self.
member, IQ 165, ability to multi-task 8 or 10 things at once, am
stupid. Well you got me jack ass damon you stupid cock wrinkle faggot.
I'm stupid...... but at least i can fucking see you goddamn blink....
you are nothing more then a cripple and even this is wasting time on
you... you in closing fuck off... go die.... you are a waste of life
and no one wants you to continue to live
just go kill your self.
ok ok ok
so this is being more difficult then i originally expected.... I need 2
investors who are willing to get in for around 30 K each i need 61500
to get the loan of 500K to start omega 3 in its pursuit of riches... So
email me if you think you are interested and ill give you the details
Sudo X
CEO Omega 3 Audio iNC.
investors who are willing to get in for around 30 K each i need 61500
to get the loan of 500K to start omega 3 in its pursuit of riches... So
email me if you think you are interested and ill give you the details
Sudo X
CEO Omega 3 Audio iNC.
well its 1 pm and im eating lunch about to head out for work... better
hours and better pay (mc donalds im steelin it) bah da da da daaaaaa im
lovin it
peace bitches
hours and better pay (mc donalds im steelin it) bah da da da daaaaaa im
lovin it
peace bitches
Wat up bitches? Tis be your boy EternalShocker(under a different name obviously). I needed a place to vent, and my boy Sudo hooked me up. Much love to him. So, basically, its a 2 man team now, and you now got 2 of the sickest motherfuckers on the planet posting, so enjoy *insert gay smiley here*
Time warner cable SUCKS.... they had me on hold for like well over 2 and a half hours yesterday.... MY INTERNET WAS DOWN FOR ALMOST 48 hours and now I ME I BOUGHT a peice of wire ( the thing they said wasnt wrong with it ) AND NOW ITS FUCKING FIXED BASTARDS I HATE CORperate america SO FUCKING MUCH I MUST KILL PEOPLE NOW Because of that fact..... I HAVE TO GO FUCK OFF ASSHOLES
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