Fresh podcast
Irc chat loggs...
but something fucked up real good and it hasn't been saving them
correctly... but to say the least I'm working on getting them from the
sys op. it was a funny night though... at one point we were all
changing nicks and ended up with cloudplizzle Mrsubizzle and
Sudo`X`Rizzle... and later on it was MarthaStuart bi_pedo and
gay`jewish`blackdude... needless to say a good time was had all around
.... ill continue to work on those logs guys hold out for then they
are really funny shit.
Fun With GraphicsConvertorX5.9.2
The Path To Hell
Deamon Dawg
The Tree Of Might
Bed time
recumbent. and enjoy my time next to my fiance` .... good night
X The Misunderstood.
I am Sudo`X`Root. I have long hair, tatoos, and dress like a
O K... wait I just have to say that, well some celebrity named
his son pilot inspector... Ok now I can continue with what I was trying
to say.
As I was saying I am a misunderstood individual, you see I am
constantly judged by the way i look, followed by security when shopping
at stores they think I'm going to steel from, (when BTW I have a visa
with a limit of more then I make in 2 months no need to steel I have
the cash, trust in that) or talked to like I am stupid because I look
they way I do. Might I add I was approached 3 times by M.E.N.S.A. for
the other 99.995% of you out there thats the society club for people in
the top 2% of the worlds intelects... I'm in the top .005%.
People are too often suprised to find out the contrary of
what they assume, making them selfs look as stupid as they first
thought I was. The other day this guy at my work Jonny Ganboa thought,
it was a good idea to treat me like I was stupid, detailing, the job I
have done 5 or 6 days a week for the past year, to me. He finished and
I asked him if he was done making an asshole out of himself. There
following I proceeded to explain his job to him, inform him that I was
3 steps ahead of where he told me I'd "HAD BETTER" be, and told him to
Fuck off, think before he speaks, and if he insults me like that ever
again, him and I... well... we're gonna have to step out and go round
one time. He was "pissed off" as he informed me "don't talk to your
superrior in that tone"... I'm stopping the quote to let you know at no
point did he dare argue with anything I had said.
Now where was I ?.. Oh thats right... " he proceeded to tell
me he would write me up if I ever did that again..." I inturupted him
at that. "So if I correct you and tell you not to insult me i'll get a
write up¿" I walked off and went to visit the HR lady, HE got
"counciled" (Big retails version of a TALKING TO), oh and he hasn't
said word one to me sence.
I am misunderstood. I am not stupid. I am not a theif. I am
not white trash. I am smart. I am capable of using my intelect against
those that don't show the respect I desirve. I am really not as nice as
I come off. I will, for those that sniff around my door for it, give a
blast of friendly gun fire.
My book...
sorts. The research I am having to do for this book could cause the
proverbial "THEY" to react in a bad way so before they do i am offering
copies to anyone that wants them just email me. It is the correct
chemical formula's and recipe's of a The Cook Book by Jolly Rodger
ammended in 1996 by RFlag, and corrected and ammended by Sudo`X`Root.
So you see if "They" do decide I am a threat it will be out there. All
the information I have gathered is also somewhere else... Hidden...
Stored... And foremost ready to be gone public with if I don't check in
every day.
This post is a message to the proverbial "They", that if they want me
it will come at a grave price. The information I have gathered names
specifics and specific people in connection with certain public
murders... KC and JL as well as classified information on Cambodia
during Vietnam ... But Im getting off track "They " know what I know
and what could happen if I am trifled with, The point of this is to get
The Cook Book out there.
If you want a copy Email me well goto Hushmail.com and get a email
account. Email ghostllc@gmail.com from it and i will contact you over
this encrypted email service.....
7:03 p.m. CST. Oct 27, 2006
A new poll from Sudo
EGR Random broadcast
The Ego Driven goodnight BJ oh yeah and bush
Werk Sucks allot
I fucking hate this goddamn job someone out there Give me a good job
not in retail store and I'll owe you
A HUGE ¡¡¡!!!
I really don`t understand why people do what they do just do YOUR
fucking job. You see I work with a bunch of clouns that don`t
understand that do your job means with out saying DO IT CORRECTLY and
don`t fuck it up!!! I just don`t FUCKING get it ·¿±¿⁄?±?·
Fast fucked up orders
change in plans comes with the final straw in fast food fuck ups.
You see the receipt i received reader as follows;
***TO GO***
The bold item is the sandwich I ordered a half pound jalapinio cheddar
melt... what they server me was a Double bacon cheese burger for the
third time this month!!!!! i did not take it back this time too much
effort FUCK`EM I will just experiment on them first instead of
McDonalds. At least McDonnalds doesn't fuck up every thing I order!
Playing hookie
when I woke up so I called in and didn't go. Knowing damn well I'm
going to get the third degree from the little spic tomorrow but it was
totally worth it I needed my sleep. Oh well I'll go to werk tomorrow
morning tell him how I feel like hell and will try my best to werk hard
and not fall over dead Bringing a bottle of DayQuil with me that I
won't actually take any of but its good for effect. He will then bitch
me out for it and say I had better get my ass in gear but I will go to
Chris (head honcho boss man) and get him yelled at for giving me shit
and it will all be good.... I will let you know if i kill any one
tomorrow over they're shit....
Nhbradio irc channel tonight about 1am or so
cloudpaladin: is it 1kgb?
Sudo`X`Root: 250gb * 4
Sudo`X`Root: +1024gb
Sudo`X`Root: its big
cloudpaladin: damn
cloudpaladin: now i know what i want from santa
SolaceMarine: i know someone who has terraporn.......
SolaceMarine: its quite disturbing
Sudo`X`Root: 1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024mb
SolaceMarine: *teraporn
cloudpaladin: whats terraporn?
Sudo`X`Root: 1tb of porn
cloudpaladin: jesus fucking shit
cloudpaladin: is your friend hugh hefner?
SolaceMarine: no
SolaceMarine: hes a hopeful jewish comedian
cloudpaladin: damn jews
SolaceMarine: haha
cloudpaladin: he probably hoards it like his gold
SolaceMarine: im pretty sure he would share if i asked
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: he must be only half hew
cloudpaladin: jew
Sudo`X`Root: dont ask just dont used porn is nastey
cloudpaladin: lol
cloudpaladin: just bring your own keyboard
cloudpaladin: so you don't get jewjuice on your fingers
Sudo`X`Root: lmao
Sudo`X`Root: just a mouse porn is point and click
cloudpaladin: depends on if he has a password to log onto his systems
Sudo`X`Root: make him log you in
SolaceMarine: HAHA
SolaceMarine: por argument
Sudo`X`Root: GOING in my blog all the way from
My mind...
but right now and lately it has been fucked up to a point of insanity.
I have been unable to organize my thoughts and get frustrated to the
point of loosing it at the drop of a pin!?!?!?! I think I need help or
a punching bag, or a shotgun, bottle of whiskey, and a starbucks full
of people to go into. WTF is going on here. I used to be able to enter
a room full of people and know I was absolutely 100X smarter then
everyone there now i question my own intellect. I am really loosing it.
The Social Experiment... Start one...
Hypothesis A: I will end up getting Physically accosted and end up
sewing so dumb redneck and get his trailer and truck as payment.
Hypothesis B: I will prove that people, that is the general population
of this country, are Dumber than sheep, and will have absolutely
99.999% predictable reactions to absolutely outrageous situations.
The design; To pick a predetermined "Lab rat" and expose them at a
predetermined time to a seemingly random but very not normal experience
having pre decided how they are going to react and see the results.
cataloging all data as i go on with it.
Situation 1; The Happy meal
I will be driving to the local McDonalds drive threw and order a
happy meal. I will proceed to take the toy out, remove its wrapper, and
place the toy into a condom and tie it shut. Once the condom is
prepared I will return it to the happy meal and go into the McDonalds
where I will ask for the manager and show the guy I ask what's in the
bag not touching it of course acting like it was there when I got.
Prediction 1, for situation 1; Money
The first thing the manager will do is offer me free food and or
money. I will refuse and ask for the District office's address to file
suit and for his full name. At this point i bet he will be begging me
to reconsider this action.
Fresh from the chop shop on my hard drive....
Un-needed Dramma
See time certain members of my extanded family are focused on the drama... one is in jail (check fraud)... one is addicted to pills... and one is just plain fucked up in the head. The last time i can remember the three of them in the same house they managed to start a fight with me that almost ended up in me shooting someone and thats not cool see I am one of the pasifists that Trent posted about earlier. However I am not one of the ones that lacks the care to off some dumb prick.
You see I am a realist and if realistically speaking someone is gonna be offed, in my eyes, I should get the pleasure of doing it. The former doesnt get to happen realistically, but you know sometime I would just love to pull the trigger. People in general piss me off Dumb cattle all of them in large groups mooving to the beat of the same drum...
Exibit A:
While working at the carnival there were many fights that happened amoungst the crowd of people the same thing happened every time; the fight would start and instead of people moving away, note that we mostly played gang infested territory, they would run twards it someone ended up getting shot one time and they still were crowding around it like moths to a flame WTF?¿
Slipknot said it best People = SHIT!!!!
stupid people suck
I imed my friends girlfriend and told her to be careful with the path she was choosing to follow, cause there's a high possibility it won't end well. I also told her my reasons for beleiving this. She started going ape shit over me passing her a friendly warning. She started going on and on, telling me everything she knew about the whole situtation after I saw she was starting to tell me more than i wanted to know, I told her politely i was going to go and to shut up. She kept going on and on. She was typing more and more, incriminating herself more by sharing her knowledge. She knows I use programs that long my conversations, which I keep for my own protection if anything.
Well, as I said, she kept going on after I told her to politely shut up, that I didn't want to talk to her. I told her politly to shut up 5 times before I finally bitched her out, telling her to shut up, I didn't want to hear the shit she was telling me, and if trying to be a good friend means I have to be included in her drama, I'm gonna stop being a good friend. Now, if the police ever come to me and ask if I know anything, all I have to do is print out that log and give it to them, and tell them a stupid person confessed their crime to me. I don't want to be involved, but I'm not gonna lie when I'm asked a question by someone that can put quite a mark on my record by falsifying information... i'd never be able to get any sort of server admin type of job if I committed purgery. I'm still praying I don't get involved in this mess, but if worst comes to worst and I do have to testify, I've got my defense.
I'm no saint, but I try hard to be a good person. I don't rob people, I never was able to steel myself enough to actually do it. All I've ever done was be a pack mule for a few $. In all honesty, that was probably my biggest mistake.
I stand by my beleif that if it wasn't for her, her boyfriend would most likely not be in the situation he's in now, although it is my beleif that if he finishes this out, and he gets his name cleared, he'll be able to lead a better life.
Adding the untrained human error factor
to begin with is never a good idea. I had the displeasure of
encountering this directly today. You see, the local grocery store
Kroger, has switched over to mostly those check your self out machines
(most new Wal-marts and home Depot's have them).
Well the lady checking herself out in front of me, let me tell you she
was a real winner. She couldn't figure out how to use the already
crappy, hard to use machine. It started to freak out, I mean seriously
how hard is it to not break a machine designed to be idiot proof. Well
she did it freaked out and started beeping and flashing ERROR # (some
number) across the screen. The whole store customer team started
heading over to it( when I say whole I mean like 10 guys ). They
couldn't get it to stop finally calling a guy in a suit who pressed a
few buttons and about 3 seconds after he did it was fixed.
1) Why didn't they call the guy in the suit to begin with¿⁄?
2) How do you break a fucking idiot proof machine designed for the
general public to use on a daily basis¿⁄?
and finally 3) why wasn't this woman SHOT immediately after she broke
the supposedly idiot proof machine¿⁄?
Life... Work... Hate... Yeah...
prey its not too bad.
This edition of my insanity's is aimed directly at my job and
specifically the mexican Johnny Gamboa FUCKING SPIC. He think that
because I blew up in his face the other day and got him yelled at by
the executive in charge of our shift that it is a good idea to continue
to single me out for SHIT DETAIL.... he is obviously without the
knowledge of my past with this company for one and two the fact that i
can kill a man 11 different ways with my bare hands before he hits the
ground. Also that my best friend has worked for target for 20 years and
know directly the 3 CEO's over the whole company and can call then any
time she wishes to get rid of someone.
Keeping all the above in mind...
If you were him would you one decide to piss me off knowing damn well
that you've been told to STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME; and two would you
having been warned by those that know me continue to scratch at my door
looking for a "blast of friendly gun fire"?
Why do people do things intentionally to get them self's on the bad
side of those that just don't give a fuck¿⁄? Do they wanna see how
far they can push before someone pushes back¿⁄? or is it just shear
stupidity¿⁄? Either way more then that i wonder how some people
survived so long with out being killed off by some dumb drunken redneck
or nigger with a bad attitude¿⁄?
The government has tried numerous time to make having a kid with out a
license illegal like same as getting married or driving. I, being an
anarchist, have mixed feelings about this; On one hand this would be
more oppressive laws imposed by "the man", but on the other hand it
would mean special tests to decide who was fit to raise a kid and help
prevent the type of assholes and social retards that we all know and
In short basically I hate not only my coworkers but also just people
in general especially the ones that are so stupid they could fuck up a
wet dream.
Job offered to me is ahhh?!?
doubt ill be selling cars
From the Squawk box to the Hack box its EGR
promised it before but this time i might deliver so here i go off to
EGR pod cast about my iBook
Look What I Can Do
BTW if you click on the thumbnail you can see the full size image.
EGR radio random Pod Cast
Aim = EGRtalk
Email = Ghostllc@gmail.com if you email me make the subject EGR so i know not to JUNK it if i don't have your email address saved
Eclectic Gab Radio Aka EGR radio with Sudo as your host #5 - EGR talk Monday October 16 6:48Pm Random pod casting...
Working towards a server to GO LIVE!
EGR needs help to get running in full
I need to get 200 dollars donated to finish getting the equipment i
need to start a radio show online over shoutcast and icecast so please
donate to this good cause!!!
What the fuck...
loose him cause he is having some shit in his life thats not cool
happen. well i guess thats just how things go. But wtf my luck HUH?
Following this blog posting will be the first transcript for EGR radio
to cover anything of content and substance so read it and just imagine
what i would have said.... oh yeah and TheReal Deal you need to be less
paranoid man your gonna have a heart attack....
Btw this is about World Trade center Building # 7 google it
FEMA on building 7
structural steel had been recycled.by the time the report was
On the contrary, it appears the collapse was primarily due to a
controlled demolition.said it was firer??
Before September 11, no steel framed skyscraper had ever collapsed due
to fire.
On September 11, WTC 7 collapsed totally. It is suggested below that
this collapse was exclusively due to fire. No significant evidence is
offered to back up this suggestion (after all it is only a suggestion).
It should be emphasized that WTC 7 was neither hit by an aircraft nor
by significant quantities of debris from the collapse of the twin
towers. It is also widely claimed that WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed mainly
due to fire. I emphasize, that before September 11, no steel framed
skyscraper had ever collapsed due to fire. However, on September 11, it
is claimed that three steel framed skyscrapers collapsed mainly, or
totally, due to fire.
On the contrary, its destruction through an all too evident controlled
demolition would only prove to be an inexplicable embarrassment since a
plane didn't hit the building insurance payouts to owner Larry
Many think that the building was brought down to destroy the equipment
and the computers involved in the conspiracy. Others have noted that
Building 7 also contained offices of the Securities and Exchange
Commission including files for approximately three to four thousand
cases, including one that may have demonstrated the relationship
between Citigroup and the WorldCom bankruptcy.
In February of 2002 Silverstein Properties won $861 million from
Industrial Risk Insurers to rebuild on the site of WTC 7. Silverstein
Properties' estimated investment in WTC 7 was $386 million. So: This
building's collapse resulted in a profit of about $500 million.
To put these events in perspective, imagine that a person leases an
expensive house, and immediately takes out an insurance policy covering
the entire value of the house and specifically covering bomb attacks.
Six weeks later two bombs go off in the house, separated by an hour.
The house burns down, and the lessor immediately sues the insurance
company to pay him twice the value of the house, and ultimately wins.
The lessor also gets the city to dispose of the wreckage, excavate the
site, and help him build a new house on the site.
Reply to the criticism
till i realized he was not trying to Criticize me only trying to advise
me and correct me on how he wants to be shouted out to. So further
notice is that The-real Deal will be referred to as such. Also i am
currently preparing for a pod-cast with good interesting material and
even a reading of the I M session that might send a congressman to
jail, as well a news story about Kurt Cobain and maybe even a visit
from The-real Deal coauthor of the blog.
I am going to attempt to bring in David the supposed co-host of EGR.
However he is hard to keep tabs on and even harder to get him when he's
Special guests,
Guests may include my friend JisvsaMisa, Grimdolly, and a very special
addition or two at random from VideoVamp
Other News,
I am still looking for a Shout cast / ice cast server that is a good
price per month or even free to use with popups or some shit like that.
I really wanna get this on air and have live feedback, if you listened
to my last cast I tried to use AIM to get live feedback by telling the
to go to the article and asking them what they thought but it didn't
work well.
Special thanks~~~~~~
~~~~Special thanks to Val for listening to me bitch about everything
today's egr broadcast (late due to technical issues) and rant
after reading the article and hearing what he ~IamTotalOverride~ spoke about today, i would formally request my name, Thereal Deal be used instead of my online name, falstagg.
a full opinion of the article in question:http://www.illuminati-news.com/marijuana-conspiracy.htm
all this and other information on the illuminati is readily available to the public, so they, the holders of power, can legally get around the fact they're withholding information to the public, they just don't publish ALL the information, meaning everything you hear about, all these government programs like D.A.R.E., is all propaganda set up by the freemasons to persuade you at an early age, when you're at your learning peak, to think what they want you to, so they can line their pockets with the money they themselves print.
Like i mentioned before, all this information is not illegal to look at or obtain if you were to go to the national archives. they have extended documented proof that all of what we see and hear from sites like this is the truth, but they thrive on the undereducated and profit from the lazy. who wants to go to the library of congress to look all this up, right?
I can also guarantee you that unless america stops being so god damn fat and lazy, nothing will change for the better... half the crime in america would not exist and people as a whole would be happier if most of these laws for prohibition of hemp and hemp products were lifted. the fact most media stations will not publish anything with hemp-related in the product in itself is proof that the rich are telling you what they want you to know so you stay undereducated, fat and lazy consumers.
tell me, the first time you made anything and shared it with someone and told you they enjoyed it, how did that make you feel? that's what it's supposed to be like to be a producer, instead of what everyone pretty much is now, a consumer. now, i'm not here saying communism is good, but how bad would it be to pretty much be able to do what you want as long as it didn't effect others, and as long as you were to produce enough to be able to pay for it, land or whatever was granted to you? these were the key points of feudalism, we wouldn't have half the problems about people wanting to find their proper places or lacking jobs if all the real options you had were to "do your job" and you'd achieve your happiness. granted, we still have to be taught what to do, but apprenticeships were key to this system. you learned and worked to pay for your apprenticeship, then at a certain age, you sent out into the working world. wasn't that a LOT more efficient that paying a mil and a half for schooling that may or may not be able to teach you everything you needed to know to live? with a group of people (where democracy would come in) as the ruling body to help take care of you, wouldn't this be a more ideal system than capitalism, where everything you can do is directly related to how much money you can afford to pay? just so other consumers can pay for their expensive cars/mansions? taxes would consist of however you could pay, be it goods or money paid for your goods? if you couldn't pay all your taxes on all of what you owned, wouldn't that force you to take on more hands so you could get more done?
sure there's flaws, but every system has flaws, and capitalism has more than every other system i've seen. it's time for a change, regardless of how we structure ourselves. if anyone else hears this plea for a change, send this blog to everyone you trust and have them read it and pass it on.
Thereal Deal,Advocate for Social Change
EGR ON: the truth about hemp
I was cut off play this one second
Gabcast! Eclectic Gab Radio Aka EGR radio with Sudo as host #3 - continuing egr on pot
Finaly a name for a show no one hears
Gabcast! Eclectic Gab Radio Aka EGR radio with Sudo as host #1
Another day another nickel
hours at work i deserve nor are they going to treat me like i deserve
to be treated. see i work for "Big retail" which means I am worth
nothing to then even though i have been there for a year now and i am
probably the best at my job out of any one on the team. but thats just
how it is i guess oh well these things happen, so here's to looking for
better work (I'm still doing that ).
hope your day goes as fun and none productive as mine,
Finaly i fucking got the damn thing
left out of it this time i drove the 5 miles to Ft Worth and got the
damn thing FUUUUUUUUUUUCK i really hope i never have to go through that
sheit again for any itwm no matter what it is FUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!
now it is being returned and i will go get it from literally 8 miles
away and NOT skrew up delivery to my house like they did Two Times
already FUCK stupid fucking FedEx corporate america Blows the big one
once again Fuck capitalism it all its greed and pestilence! fuckem`
audio equipment? help
them email me GhostLLC@GMAIL.COM<br/>
Thank you
sitting on your ass i wish i could
Bed time now
for w∑rk and well yeah i needs those zzzzzzzzzzzz's. see in my world i
w∑rk too hard for too little but its all i can do to survive. hopefully
tomorrow brings better times and cash cant for get teh cash. also i
read online that millions of american children say a preyer before bed
that disturbs be.... it is as follows... Now i lay me down to sleep....
ect. ect. ect. Wtf i don't get why you makes your little brats prey
that they die in their sleep and "god" saves them... Bullshit there is
no god heaven or hell there is only this time place and life so in
short and summation Life's too short for all the troubles of the world,
live fast and die young..... and maybe by some chance of luck you will
survive to see tomorrow.
Found It!
apartment 13 not 31 and i corrected it with FedEx (gotta love
technology) and they are gonna deliver it tomorrow maybe ill actually
get it this time wish me Luck !!
¿⁄?Sudo`X`Root €»»»
Ebay grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
apartment building but not the apt# and was returned the first time. i
emailed the seller and was like wtf? it was supposedly shipped again a
second time on this past thursday (from ft worth tx about 25mi.) with a
corrected address it is now monday and i still have not gotten it
nhbradio started this on ryeseroniU and im continueing it
this some stuff I wrote in to a radio show I listen to and well yeah its
true as fuck!!
Sudo`X`Root says: (11:56:36 PM)
i really hate people that show up at my door at 8 am on saturday so
much. they are wastes of life and need to be youthenized (did i spell
that right) by means of ass raping with a barrel cactus.
Sudo`X`Rootsays: (11:57:14 PM)
JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES believe in Almighty God, Jehovah, Creator of the heavens and
the earth. The very existence of the intricately designed wonders in
the universe surrounding us reasonably argues that a supremely
intelligent and powerful Creator produced it all. Just as the works of
men and women reflect their qualities, so do those of Jehovah God. The
Bible tells us that "his invisible qualities
Sudo`X`Rootsays: (11:58:27 PM)
this means that they are just jews with S.P.E.D. views of how religion
should be spread!!!!!
why this isnt myspace ?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
DalNet Irc's Rock
^^shelly^: ritalin: is it hot in dallas today?
^^shelly^: pretty warm here, maybe 85
A_Rough_T: R there any Real Pretty and Sexy Arabic Ladies?????
^^shelly^: i am west of philadelphia
Ritalin-m: no about 83
^^shelly^: lol that's hot for us in oct
^^shelly^: normally 60-65
Ritalin-m: well thats cold to me so i guess its all relative
^^shelly^: yes
Ritalin-m is listening to listening to Fort Minor - Fort Minor - High Road from The Rising Tied :. .: 3:15@128kbps 2.9MB :. /ctcp Ritalin-m mp3 get
^^shelly^: actually, my relatives kinds suck
Ritalin-m: my inlaws...well..... need to... i wish it wasnt ilegal in tx to shoot them
Ritalin-m: i really do
*** Signoff: verycool21 (Ping timeout)
^^shelly^: hehe
Igoroo: Ritalin-m - you ever find a state where it's OK to shoot relatives, let me know. I'm moving there last week :)
Ritalin-m: me too
blaccooc: any girls intersted in a hot black guy
Ritalin-m: russia i think
Ritalin-m: bad nigger no biscut
Ritalin-m: lmao
^^shelly^: sure blaccooc: do you know one?
hot_me: hello
Ritalin-m: thats wrong
Ritalin-m: i likeit
*** Signoff: darthvad3r (Quit: )
effie_28: back
Ritalin-m is away [AcidJazz - Log ON]
effie_28: :)
*** You have been marked as being away
*** Signoff: LandZart (Read error: Operation timed out)
A_Rough_T: WB Effie_28
Tomas-19: any bisex or gays here? Im horny
effie_28: cheers
[tRinitY]: Oxx : hellow..
OxxBow: hello triune chick
Ritalin-m has returned [AcidJazz - Log OFF]
*** You are no longer marked as being away
cyen24mkc: how to know if a girl is virgin or not ? || just curious ..
OxxBow: cyen24mkch you can always ask her
Ritalin-m: hey oxxbow how goes it ?
*** Signoff: hot_me (Quit: )
OxxBow: just peachy, drugged out dude
OxxBow: PuppyGurl22, do you like *doin it* doggy style?
[tRinitY]: cyen24mkch : Fuck her and you'll see.
effie_28: lol trin
cyen24mkc: is there any way to see it ?
Ritalin-m: no
cyen24mkc: ;p
Ritalin-m: ask her or fuck her
OxxBow: buffalogal, do you like doin it buffalo style?
Ritalin-m: tha..s bout it
Hedon_Guy: And even then, there's no guarantee.
effie_28: if her eyes are bigger than normal then she must be a virgin
cyen24mkc: k .. cheersw
[tRinitY]: lmao,effie !
Hedon_Guy: heh
cyen24mkc: haha .. really ?
effie_28: :)
effie_28: yessssssssssssssss
effie_28: look closely
*** Hedon_Guy-away is now known as Hedon_Guy
Ritalin-m: lmao @ effie
effie_28: u can tell straight away
effie_28: one sec
cyen24mkc: ish ..
Ritalin-m wonders it cyen is buying this crap!
[tRinitY]: cyen24mkch : Ask Hedon_Guy. He knows all the answers.
^^shelly^: he does?
[tRinitY]: lol
effie_28: he must be ritalin otherwise he wouldnt ask stupid questions
[tRinitY] whispers to shelly, I'm just messing with him .
Hedon_Guy: I may not know all, but I'm trying to learn as much as I can anyways.
Ritalin-m is trying not to fall over from laughter
cyen24mkc: any clues or tips then ..
OxxBow: So, while a man might assume that a woman who bleeds after sex is a virgin, the only way for him to know for sure is if she tells him.
cyen24mkc: just with bare eyes ..
Ritalin-m: no
Hedon_Guy: No cyen, there is not.
Ritalin-m: just stick it in if it bleeds(her pussy) then she is if not shes not
OxxBow: dude...check out the following link: http://magazines.ivillage.com/cosmopolitan/experts/carnal/qas/0,,638358_657272,00.html
effie_28: hehe
Hedon_Guy: Not always rit.
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Ritalin-m: no but mostly
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effie_28: if she gives u a blowjob straight away then she is definetely a virgin
Ritalin-m: and any ways hes gotta be a virgin if hes asking this of us so y not fuck with him alittle
Ritalin-m: lmoa
*** OxxBow has set the topic on channel to (effie_28): if she gives u a blowjob straight away then she is definetely a virgin
Hedon_Guy: Heh heh.
effie_28: hehehehheheeh
[tRinitY]: Wohoo !!.
[tRinitY]: Effie made it to topic !
effie_28: :)
effie_28: its right
Ritalin-m: yeah git-r-dun
OxxBow: damn...i've been with alotta virgins
[tRinitY]: lmao,Oxx.
Ritalin-m: right
effie_28: haha
effie_28: wow
effie_28: good for u oxxbow
Ritalin-m: this is great i think the last 20 minutes are going up on my blog